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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. The Ps3 I was supposed to "get" was preordered by a guy that didn't show up on the preorder list. But he came and showed us a receipt. So we had to sell it to him.
  2. Frak. error here in the store. so no ps3 for me today.. np np ^_^
  3. "stop doing that or you will go blind" ...
  4. wow.. Played it for 30mins. A LOT more fun than the 360 version which I had and sold. I give it my seal of approval. Think I'm gonna buy it ^^. First game I want more on Wii than 360. Great animations and character models, but otherwise a ps2 looking game.
  5. Nintendo rep confirms game-specific Friend Codes for Wii I can confirm that the Friend Code system in the Wi-Fi Connection (WFC) service for Wii will be the same as it was for the Nintendo DS, meaning game-specific Friend Codes and a separate Friend Roster are used in each game where players can play with identified friends. As with Nintendo DS, the system was created to ensure the gaming environment is kept fun for everyone. We have heard from various others like you letting us know how they felt regarding Nintendo’s implementation of Friend Codes in the Wi-Fi Connection service for Wii. I want you to know that we appreciate your passion and concern. Let me assure you that your concerns have been heard* and will be forwarded along. As always, keep an eye on our website (http://www.nintendo.com) for the latest developments in Wi-Fi gaming as they are made available. Nintendo of America Inc. R.M. Rickets -- * Yeah right....
  6. The predictive text sux IMO. I wish I could turn it off. I like that they have a suggestion bar, but the forced suggestion is really bad.
  7. I would agree with COX. Those screens doesn't look any better than the PS2 version, although the boss is pretty awesome.
  8. New videos on http://wii.com/jp/articles/internet-channel/story.html just press the Japanese hyper links. Confirmed new features - Final Channel screen - New menu bar, with hide feature. - Better zoom - Better scroll function
  9. New images. All though it has been delayed to april.
  10. The game is out! Thinking about giving it a test run today.
  11. They are discussing whether to keep it exclusive to ps3 or letting it go multi platform (360).
  12. I made a videoblog on the 360 Video Marketplace and how to access it if you live outside US. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ml4OaSlGXvo
  13. In an interview with a French paper, SCEE VP Georges Fornay stated that exclusivity for Final Fantasy XIII is under discussion! source: http://www.jeux-france.com/news19680_final-fantasy-xiii-une-exclu-en-discussion.html
  14. I may get a PS3 this friday "crosses fingers".
  15. You won't get any joy out of playing teenage mutant ninja turtles on Xbox 360 over any other console aside from the fact that you'll have 1000 Achievement Points in roughly 4 hours. I know what I'm doing today...
  16. Not sure. Shame you have to spend so much money and then buy extra cables.
  17. :| did you guys know the PS3 sold here doesn't come with component or HDMI cables?
  18. So here are some possible classes: Saiyans, humans, nameks and androids
  19. I'm really impressed with the PS3's Backwards compatibility.
  20. In an interview with Gamestop, the creator of the Final Fantasy series has revealed that he believes Final Fantasy should come to the Xbox 360 as it has a lot of potential in North America and Europe. source: http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=15255
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