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Everything posted by DiemetriX

  1. I don't do drugs.... seriously.. i don't.. I'm not a loser kid
  2. Ever wonder how your favourite comapney was doing? Just check their status page :P http://www.nintendo.com/status
  3. i'm sattisfied aslong as all games look as good as RE4 (and we all know they will look better than that)
  4. KOTOR on Xbox was amazing. Jade... was not as good IMO.
  5. Dissapointing PD on 64 was better than goldeneye. I realy hope this game shapes up to be as good as we all want.
  6. Sony files a patent According to the document, this device is shockingly similar to the Nintendo Revolution controller. It appears to have been initially developed for the PS2, but has either been shelved or is pending release on the PlayStation 3. The gaming wand interacts with a web cam, which feeds into the console and is designed to read only certain light effects (given off by the wand) and will ignore ordinary room lights. The web cam will then map the movements of the light (i.e. the wand) and incorporate them into the application that is running on the console. Looks like both Sony and Microsoft have been toying with their own magic wands for a while now, but unlike Nintendo, neither has been bold enough to whip it out.
  7. So my main Question (altough probably answer before on another forum) Will the 360 connect to my wifi router without any additional hardware? And i realy hope PDz is a launch title...
  8. Just done playing trough the story mode awsome game. Mp is also good
  9. http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/228112 <- this one is also good
  10. You have proven once again that you are a total idiot. TNX
  11. If i remember right the bigest N64 game is 64MB (conker) while other 64 games are from 4MB to 32MB. A snes game is about 1-2MB and a nes game is under 1MB.
  12. I dont like you Offcourse you can have your own opinions.. just dont be a baby about it.
  13. Today at work we got Gamertrak's Real world golf for ps2. The beauty of it is that you use Gloves and a small golf club. Altough not as good as the Revolution, it was realy fun. And an awsome experience. The real revolution is looking better every day Gloves and club: Flor unit: http://www.in2games.uk.com/testsite/albums/album04/GT208.sized.jpg
  14. Xbox360 demo units will have a 26" HDTV flatscreen http://darkzero.co.uk/index2.php?newsid=1155
  15. The animal instinct skills is awsome can't wait to try this baby online
  16. Damn sony :/ [They where talking about why there where no ps3 demos at TGS] "When asked if there would be any changes to the February PS3 event where playable demos will be on hand, Saeki did not respond directly. However, he did say that SCE is planning something for the event that is sure to be a "major" surprise." Source: Gamespot
  17. It's good but not awsome. I enjoyd every bit of what i played even tough it felt abit lacking.
  18. I agree. I think sony are making a mistake with PS3. I will be happy with 360 and Revo. And then buy Ps3 when it's at resonable price (for those few good games, Tekken, FF, MGS)
  19. Well sliding my phone across the tabel goes ok, but the wheel idea is good. Maybe a slide pad that is made of small balls hmm. The normal way will be the best way anyway. But still cool to have options.
  20. Why nintendo dosen't link to the controller video on its homepage is just stupid. Sombody should be fired :/
  21. Well.. Not every one is as excited as me about Controling the pointer in 3D space. I guess it will me light years better when compared to the normal Dual anlog, specialy in FPS an RTS. My idea is simpel. If you put the Pointer on its side on the table and and press selct. the sensors will use it as a normal mouse Now you have 2choises of playing games. And both are better than Dual analog. Just an idea. I'l post a picture later when i come home.
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