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Everything posted by bigced

  1. old : spectrum 48k : chuckie egg,manic minor and jet pac
  2. The who - you better,you better you bet !
  3. the blob - the original black and white version.
  4. the smiths - the queen is dead
  5. less fat more hair own teeth !
  6. i got bit by a tortoise when i was a child and i kicked it over the fence in a rage
  7. never work as a waitress in a cocktail bar......some one will always throw it back in your face
  8. cant wait for this....massive borat fan
  9. cape fear - perfect 10.........has everything. Deniro is god
  10. you cant beat their old stuff though
  11. i find dribbling works........no need for words
  12. Rocky three was the best film out of the whole series....awsome
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