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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Ah god flinky dont do it thats well bad If she breaks up with him thats different but if she still likes him then ah god.
  2. lol lol sorry that made me think of like dawn of the dead. The outsiders! Anyway yes im pretty much not gonna find anyone at the moment I would guess. But im not crying about it because heres the way I see single life and couple life. Whenever ive not been with someone and then I meet somoene im like omg im so happy im single! On the other hand when im with somoene I think oh wow what good timing I could have got with someone else before that wasnt as nice as this person. I guess its like kinda I feel something might be round the corner and I shouldnt rush into anything. Anyway thats my view but its a bit odd it kinda matches up with why I quoted j7 I feel theres more than one person out there for everyone.
  3. Good luck in that! High Five anyone????? Im sorry I thought the thread needed humour im gonna go to my corner before bluey sends me there.
  4. This is what I think is true and why I dont think anyone should ever dispear about not finding anyone again.
  5. lol ok no problem hope you sleep well tonight. I think views dont really deserve respect but because people are behind them unless they are abhorrent the people deserve ploitness when being dealt with. Your more likely to change someones mind if you talk to them nicely than if you shout at them no matter how stupid their views are.
  6. Um ok... lol. If we just reign in the aggression for a moment you have picked up the wrong end of the stick. I was saying that in most of these threads people just say stuff like religion sucks etc and thats it. There is no point there to refute. I was complimenting the fish as he usually makes good arguments to support his case ive no idea why he threw his toys out the pram the post after with the word pwned in is just wow lol unless you were being ironic?
  7. Hey guys after last nights fun I was thinking of organising a little tournament if anyone was up for it? Lots of people seem to have this game so I thought it would be good fun. I was thinking something along the lines of seeing how much interest there was and putting people into random doubles. But maybe having like something fun like a rocket race wooden spoon thing for doubles who get knocked out early. Im thinking random doubles so it will be more interesting but it may result in really unfair teams anyway give me your feedback and sign up for interest and I will try and see how viable something like this will be.
  8. Thanks for games guys I have to study may be on later. Good rocket race haha sorry whoever was on my team when we scored 1 lol at least I killed dyson that round.
  9. I will be about for the late bit might go on sooner though.
  10. Oh man thats very good I take it all back genunie lol
  11. haha well played hope theres no hard feelings
  12. Yep I agree with everything you said. Expect this thread to derail extremly quickly for every nice non religious person on N europe like you and fish theres a million others who will just say religions shit lolz over and over.
  13. Ermm that has nothing to do with this thread does it. God at least try to fill one of the things in your sig in one of your posts just post some pic of hillary clinton for epic lulz in the next one you do. Well the two main teachings are love god and love your neighbour. I agree with what your saying though but its kinda funny how people crucify (bad pun) christians when they do anything outside of general moral code but let everyone else go. I do see your point though.
  14. What the another christian on NE? Wow oh as a christian could you phrehaps put a forward in your goalie position in xpert? You know you want to!!! Oh back to sex talk er yeh I wonder how many of us wouldnt be here if having sex wasnt pleasurable. I know I for one wouldnt my parents already told me I was a pleasant mistake lol. Thankyou crappy condoms! Oh gaggle do you have halo? PM me if you want a coop game.
  15. lulz no hax no insight dear god no. Epic fail Im in no position to speak really im a christian and have done all sorts of naughty stuff theres a really good film that just came out about a christian community in mexico that deals with sex and christianity in an intersting way http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silent_light Anyway Ive been destroyed in this thread before and I think after this thread im gonna get ran out of town I better retreat back to the xpert thread!
  16. When are you upgrading? Although the match we played last night was fun the bit where me and you were in the warthog and some random guy got the flag then just as we were about to make our epic escape we got blown to pieces was classic lol.
  17. Please god win or get a draw in your next game!
  18. You son of a bitch!!!! Damn youuu! What the hell happened you beat me a while back now I cant even score against you this is awful. Relgation time for me I predict unless I get a drastic change in form if I dont beat Cube at home im done for.
  19. Oh jesus christ its relegation time for me. What a complete rout that was. And Moria let me down to disasterrrr!
  20. Thanks for halo 3 game cube and moria! Sorry I left my controller is sierously fucked up about every 5 seconds I had to reconnect it does anyone have any idea what the hell thats about? The battery level is only 1 from max. Anyway my mum came back as well so had to go anyway sorry I sucked in game moria haha my controller was playing up but thats no excuse lol.
  21. Well Im glad you had fun! I invited you to play halo 3 coop with me and discuss xpert machivellian tatics but noooooooooooo!
  22. Not me I always take credit for my misdeeds as Moria well knows. I do know three people that are playing pranks in our league apart from the war me and Happenstance are in but im pretty sure they would kill me if I said.
  23. And my current enemy. Jesus christ did you put bleach in those beverages my teams form just got raped! And all I did was get you some more media exposure.
  24. hugs I couldnt ask for a better sister sniff Even if you bully me!
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