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Everything posted by Haden

  1. Fun times on the underground after epic camden night out. Im the one being man hugged
  2. Agreed why didnt you just make the point instead of digging up the past. Of course im sorry you feel that way but what a odd way to make your point.
  3. This is really true. I think loads more people died from fire bombing than the nukes. And that was horrible and disgusting but the leaders of Japan ignored it. I see what your saying though charlie. But I reckon the horror that would have occurred if a land invasion would have happened would rival vietnam for awfulness.
  4. Like some tesco value cheese it looks like I dont travel well. Im second in the league on home form but in the relegation zone when it comes to away matches! Also wow the lower league is a joke at the moment. No offense to the teams doing well as they are well talented but like theres three teams active isnt there? Two now because threezok has left out of eleven rofl. With all the absentees from the top league and the lower one looking like a graveyard or maybe that should be slaughterhouse with some of the 7-0 results every week guess we are gonna be looking at one league next season unless we get more newbs.
  5. Me on the left Dyson on the right. I think Oddy is just outside the frame crying On a serious note wow cant believe I took out Oddy shame you crippled my best player though so its not all a bed of roses for Haden! This league is the closet ever oh god now ive got dyson probably 64s away after him or something sick!
  6. "Hey gaggle what do you want for dinner?" "I dont know Haden what do we have?" (Opens Freezer) "Hmm well we have 4 hamsters so I could make a stir fry or a fresh parrot that ive just bunged in the freezer so we could have rodent bird pie again?" Your missing out on those conversations and xpert 11 alliances!! In all seriousness though. My cousin doesnt come back for two weeks it will have rotted by then so its in a sealed plastic bag in the top shelf of the freezer. The thing is its eyes are still open so thats kinda traumatic if anyone who didnt know opened that draw up. A kinda Eternal Darkness moment!
  7. Dam Guinea Pig just died in my arms! It was well dramatic it kinda fell on its side and did the death pose. Its now in a plastic bag and in the freezer waiting for my cousin to pick it up when she gets back from holiday. Thank god the 2 other ones are alive. Ah well its life experience im sure!
  8. haha thanks j7 I felt a bit sorry for you especially after you had to explain everything a million times in that meetup thread. Do I get 10 pts! Oh wow thats ace im ahead of that loser Bluey already!
  9. Rules You must be in the pictures yourself preferably FACE. If for sake of the picture you can only manage to put your hand in frame, please write your name on the limb in question. You are aiming to collect the BISHes everyone else has listed, not your own lists. I have a sneaky suspicion some individuals did not notice this rule in the preliminary thread. When posting your images, post the pictures themselves, not a link to them. Please also put in bold which person's bish you are attempting for clarity's sake. If you are doing a twofer, or a triple-BISHing picture then remember to label it with all the desired BISHes OK! So once again, I think it should be BISHing time. It's summer, we're free birds, so why the heck not? here's the last game, with various rules included. i think this time, however, points shall be modelled around the xb360's gamerscore - you each have 1000pts to divide and give to between five and ten items on your list, which you PM to me ASAP. Please weight them appropriately, gauging difficulty as best you can. As the GM, I may indeed alter your distribution if I think they are anomalous. As for prizes... well I still owe Rummy (even though he said it was cool...), so I'll have to say A LARGER E-PENIS, for now. (I intended to make this gamerscore-esque BISH into a league, where people could enter at any point and as a GM I would add new 'achievements' each week, but I felt it was worth a trial-run). Bolded the real important stuff for people but all of the above is a must read of j7s previous two opening posts.
  10. Shouldnt this have started or did not enough people join yet?
  11. I always try to get the train stations and break other peoples monopolys of streets but I always lose so dont listen to me!
  12. lol my thread lasted 30 mins longer than I thought it would before good old ashley locked it. Kudos on no hangover Dyson water before bed always helps.
  13. Covered the title up a bit just so Dyson doesnt see this and not post because of it. Thought it might be some fun to predict after last nights drunken heroics when he posts next. Whoever wins gets glory from the forum and the reputation of a AA worker! Eg im to skint to offer a prize. Better do this quick as he may wake at any time. Anyway his next post is going to be at 3.33pm I reckon
  14. lol that is what I say in regards to 64s!
  15. Oh god haha thanks for the heads up this is epic
  16. If I read right Dyson invited the whole of NE to his next party! I love drunken promisies
  17. Fuck yes Dyson drunk and alien rat monster this night cant get any better! Oh man you are really going to be dissapointed when you wake up! Sierously though drink some water before you go to sleep to lessen tommorows pain.
  18. Oh godtoday is turning out to be some sort of rodent disaster day. Im just sat at my comptuer and I hear some godawful noise of death/sex or combo of both from the garden! I go outside to investigate as two other guinea pigs we are looking after are out there and im like shit what if a cat is eating one! Anyway I see what I think is a guinea pig on the lawn making some god awful screaming noise. I start to approach it with my torch on it and realise its some evil mutant fucking huge rat! It started screaming at me charging towards me I also had no shoes on and it sounds like it has aids or something because of the noise. So I run inside and as I run I pass another bush in my garden and theres some creature rustling in there! So I get to the door slam it shut and lock it then all of a sudden I have a massive pain in my right arm and realise something is biting me! A godamn monster mosqitio is taking chunks out my flesh as im still looking at this rat from the window! Needless to say im now inside a nuclear bunker where no animals of any kind are allowed...
  19. Oh no well ive had a boring day. But my little cousins guinea pig which Im looking after and is very old looks like it might die or something! It isnt drinking as much water as it should. If it does I dont know if my cousin will forgive me shes only 10! Cmon old fella hang around for two more weeks!
  20. What Oddy does have as a big advantage is that his games against you and 64s are home games for him. So you two are gonna have to pull off something awesome to take his defence out.
  21. The Legends annoying Oddy since time began. Think this is my new club phrase!
  22. lol evil I swear to god you quote every one of Ashleys posts to try and wind him up in like every thread haha.
  23. Ah fuck awful news so sad that your off dyson its just gonna be me oddy happenstance and gaggle left soon! Or is happenstance leaving to? I dont get it people xpert is so amazing!!
  24. Im english as far back to both sides of grandparents. Unfortunatly my great grandad parent was scottish which means I have links with Moria... Hangs head in shame
  25. BISH ME UP BABY! As I actually have a camera now Im in. As long as I beat bluey thats all that matters!
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