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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Yeah? Thanks for the confirmation! Looks like I will be ordering that baby next week Thankyou guys!
  2. Ah I added Windows 7, changed the PSU to 600w, and added a wireless network card!
  3. Hey thanks for the replies guys! Just built this one at the site Nolan suggested...seem okay? Configuration CPU: AMD Athlon™ II X4 635 Quad-Core CPU w/ HyperTransport Technology ***Overclockable XXX*** [-71] HDD: Single Hard Drive (500GB SATA-II 3.0Gb/s 16MB Cache HDD) MOTHERBOARD: ASUS M4N68-T NF630A AM3 DDR3/1066 SATA PCI-Express MBoard w/GbLAN, USB2.0, &7.1Audio MEMORY: 4GB (2x2GB) PC10666 DDR3/1333mhz Dual Channel Memory (Corsair Value Select or Major Brand) SOUND: HIGH DEFINITION ON-BOARD 7.1 AUDIO VIDEO: ATI Radeon HD 5770 PCI-E 16X 1GB DDR5 Video Card [+70] Thats for £561 btw
  4. Wow thats a pretty great spec for the money, I just don't know how to build a PC or know anyone close who can :/ And looking at DELL the spec is dire compared too the one you put together...hmm. Any in between options?!
  5. Hey guys! I'm in need of a new PC after having this one for about 6 years and it starting to crash every 20 minutes and just being generally slowwwwwwwwwwwww. So! I knew I could come here and ask you techies on some advice! I have around £500 - £600 to spend, and only need a tower, no extras! I need something that thats obviously quite speedy, and can pull off decent graphics. Would be great if anyone could suggest some sites or find some PC's for me?! Thankyou!
  6. I agree with you on the ending. What was that? Eurghh.
  7. Alice In Wonderland This was one of my most anticipated movies of 2010. Not only because it's a "sort of" sequel to one of my favourite Disney Classics, but it was being directed by Tim Burton, one of my favourite directors. And boyyyy did it please me Lets start with the visuals. FUCK. It was like an orgasm to the eye. Every set, every costume, every colour, looked STUNNING. And 3D helped this a lot, it was just beautiful to look at, I could have watched it on mute
  8. I agree totally, no other girly film has come close to being as good as Mean Girls since it's release, I can seriously just watch it over and over and over.... :love::love::love:
  9. Exactly what I was looking for, thanks for that I think I'm gunna go for it, contract doesn't end until march 15th so I still have time to decide and stuff, but it looks like I'm gunna go for it, im a sucker for big screens and pretty visuals
  10. Yeah I know, it's just my contract ends 15th march, and don't really be wanting to wait around for ages. Gahhhh decisions....
  11. Urrrrm typo? XD Yeah ok my bad...maybe it's because I have been to Cuba? XD I should know that they don't talk like that though :/
  12. The Princess and the Frog I was so excited to see this. Disney going back to hand drawn animation? YES FUCKING PLEASE. Well it lived up to my expectation, it's everything you would expect from a "classic" Disney film. It's funny, has a great story, emotional, and has a lesson. The characters are top-notch, my favourite being Ray the cuban fire-fly So glad Disney are back to doing what they do best 9/10
  13. Thinking of getting the HTC HD2 on a £25 pm contract, but have to pay £90 for the phone on top. 18 months on virgin. 500mins, unlimited texts, unlimited internet. It's the best deal I can find for it. Anyone else got this phone? It's got great reviews, the only problem everyone seems to have with it is Winmo 6.5, but theres still speculation to whether it will be upgradable to winmo 7 in the future... Another thing, HTC are set to unveil some android phones tomorrow, and apparently one is near enough the same as the HD2, but on android. But surely these wont be available until later on in the year?
  14. £13 £3 Haven't watched it in years! £6 £10 £6 £3 Bodyshop Black Velvet Apricot Shower Gel
  15. Ahahaha oh yes, hmm ok i will let you go :P Just to add to this, I was also a little tipsy Superman let loose!
  16. Ah I see. Still.....pick on me don't ya :P
  17. What? Have you seen my recent pics? I look nothing like that? :/ I decided to put the superman pic up, for the lols. Also because I think it's a particularly good photo for a mugshot
  18. Yaaay can I know be known as a beautiful person? :P
  19. It's so hard though! I swear I would not know where to go half the time If I couldn't just look up on the net :P
  20. Mmm I'm loving it, unfortunately I don't have a PS2 to play FF9 (It is on PS2 right?) Looking forward to trying out FF8 though, I have that
  21. I haven't gamed/bought a game in years.... It's mostly because I don't have time, but I didn't really have the urge too...and when I tried too, I would just lose interest. But guess what sparked me up again? FF7 First time I have played it properly, I used to watch my neighbour play it all the time when I was little, and he let me like press a button :L I'm loving it, addicted I am XD
  22. Yeah? Good stuff, will have too pick it up
  23. Romeo + Juliet (1996) Hadn't watched it in years, not since when I was in English class in high school when we were doing Shakespeare. I saw it in HMV for a fiver, and as I love Baz Luhrmann I thought I would give it a try. The production is first class, the costumes, the setting, the colours, the camera-work is just GORGEOUS. It's much like Moulin Rouge in the way of visual orgasms. It totally drew me in, and was hooked till the end of the film. I just couldn't decide whether I liked the use of Shakespeare dialogue in there, it was far too confusing and I found myself working out what they were trying to say all the way through it. 8/10 Moulin Rouge As I was in the world of Baz Luhrmann, I thought I would watch my favourite movie of all time for the 10000 time GOD I just can't describe how much I love this movie. The art direction is just out of this world, it's everything I love, weirdly wonderful. I admit it's probably a love it or hate it king of thing. The use of "popular pop songs" is really well implemented, they don't seem tacked on, it's just melded in to the story, and half the time you don't realise they are singing an Elton John song, or a Madonna song. My favourite scene has got to be "El Tango De Roxanne", not only is the dancing phenomenal, but when Christian starts singing his bit, and it cuts between the dance and Christian, it gives me goosebumps, everytime. But yeah, if you haven't already watched, please please do. 10/10 PS has anyone seen Strictly Ballroom? Is it any good? Thanks
  24. When were you released from the mental hospital Chairdriver? :L Sorry, the vid kind of bewildered me, we need to cross paths, I would be fascinated by you
  25. Gahh, same, and then the look on the doctors face.....
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