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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. Who is a yellow pokémon who folds his wings? How many are there who fit the description? (I'm really asking, I wouldn't know)
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's_razor
  3. He already told he was a reverse tracker. And his info is now backed up by me as well as Brian Mcoy.
  4. At any rate there is nothing in the write-up suggesting a yellow Pokémon roleblocked anyone.
  5. Ok, lets clear this up. Diageo, what colour do you think you'd be? Do you seen yourself in the write-up?
  6. Also, I'd like to point out (because people seem to have missed it), Gmac's info seems accurate. I did target Tales. For this reason, I believe Gmac over Cube, so I hope others will consider that when voting.
  7. They're seperate.
  8. He may have targeted you, and just wants a hint to how that event relates to the write-up.
  9. I think it is me.
  10. No. I honestly don't know what they are and what they do, only that I think they shouldn't be there in the first place.
  11. That sounds reasonable indeed.
  12. I'd like to know from gmac what he did / attempted to do to Tales. And if he knows he succeeded.
  13. Hence the confusement. There doesn't seem to be a grass Pokémon (or whatever) mentioned in the write-up for this event.
  14. Ok, I was wrong, but I have reason to believe your not right either. I'd like your question to Gmac to be anwsered too. Those spores are confusing.
  15. Tales, if you are the orange Pokémon, can you clear this up for The Peeps and me? Do you leave spores on your target (the yellow Pokémon in this case)?
  16. "I'm sorry John, we can't marry. I have terminal cancer, and only 2 weeks to live."
  17. In any case, it looks to be an interesting day..
  18. You said you stopped an attack.. Could've been a roleblock or other ability as well.
  19. That's where our interpretations differ.. To me it looks like the yellow Pokémon is covered in the spores the orange pokémon is leaving behind. Whose interpretation is right, only time will tell. Not to mention a roleblock isn't the only way to stop a kill.
  20. If I recall correctly, there was a surfing Pikachu, and a shiny Pikachu (and a Pichu). But Zapdos is legendary.. Would be weird to have 2 of those in a game..
  21. Cube, to be honest, the write-up clearly states the orange Pokémon succeded in affecting the yellow Pokémon, whatever it does. If you roleblocked Diageo, he can't be the orange Pokémon. How do you think your ability would be described? (your "role" directly after your Pokémon name is usually a clue as far as I know).
  22. I'm intrigued and worried.
  23. First thing that came to mind. Second was <googles> dugtrio. No hint of what they're doing though. Also, general speculation: The epilogue seemed to indicate (in my opinion) that we would see the return of old mafia Pokémon. Apart from that there is the dragon theme. Perhaps ReZ has (finally) done away with the "mafia members have theme" element, and perhaps this is a mix of dragons and old Pokémon.
  24. Hmm, some sort of investigator or tracker perhaps, getting nothing because the target was untargetable or simply did nothing. Hmm, seems someone was attempting a roleblock or redirect, howevert, it's not clear if it has worked.. If it was a roleblock, it clearly didn't work, but if it was a redirect, it's not clear, but the write-up seems to suggest the green / cyan / pink Pokémon was unaffected and got to its intended target. And its ability seems to be beneficial, unlike the other one. Looks like a roleblock. Hmm, the yellow Pokémon was about to do something, but seems to be roleblocked as well. I wonder what the crowd and storm exactly mean, but it looks to me this was a very popular Pokémon indeed, having been targeted by possibly 4 players (the brown / orange Pokémon, the one that created the storm, and the crowd, so that's at least 2 Pokémon) ? This worries me. ? Seems like a succesful night for someone (..). Some people got lucky.
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