Hmm, some sort of investigator or tracker perhaps, getting nothing because the target was untargetable or simply did nothing.
Hmm, seems someone was attempting a roleblock or redirect, howevert, it's not clear if it has worked.. If it was a roleblock, it clearly didn't work, but if it was a redirect, it's not clear, but the write-up seems to suggest the green / cyan / pink Pokémon was unaffected and got to its intended target. And its ability seems to be beneficial, unlike the other one.
Looks like a roleblock.
Hmm, the yellow Pokémon was about to do something, but seems to be roleblocked as well. I wonder what the crowd and storm exactly mean, but it looks to me this was a very popular Pokémon indeed, having been targeted by possibly 4 players (the brown / orange Pokémon, the one that created the storm, and the crowd, so that's at least 2 Pokémon)
This worries me.
? Seems like a succesful night for someone (..).
Some people got lucky.