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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Thats a direct quote from an earlier post made by myself. I can't see how i can provide a more "definitive" answer without being investigated and someone else confirming my alleigence.
  2. I wholey agree, unless there are people chatting the multiplayer is boring. Oh, and unless you are a team (aka working together) then 9/10 you will fail the mission. Played some online last night, before doing some single-player. Played with a mate, and apart from us sticking together, the other 2 gamers were all over the place. They died first, we died after being ambushed by the Reapers. When the whole team stuck together, we actually won a match. 1 out of 5 matches played + won Now then, onto the single player
  3. I'm surprised i've not been lynched yet, considering some are convinced i'm lying (which i'm not btw) about what i'm saying. But as i said, the truth will be confirmed in the end. My vote stays as it is, unless i'm convinced to change it.
  4. Havn't seen many of his movies, only ones i've seen are Faster, Scorpion King and Welcome to the Jungle. Obviously, his appearance in "The Mummy Returns" counts as well, a good movie. All good movies, especially Faster. It's this genre that suits Dwayne well, ignoring the Disney movies and Doom.
  5. @The Peeps, i'll accept your apology now in advance for what is the inevitable. I've said everything i can say, there is no more i can say. People are making their minds up with who to vote for. Everything i've said will be confirmed, guaranteed.
  6. I know who i targetted, and without quoting the message, it was you who i targetted. Believe me, i know who i targetted and i wouldn't lie about that. Nor would i lie about anything else at all. And again, without quoting the message i have. My Pokemon is Azelf, i am town. I have not worked with other neutrals at all, i have had no contact from the other players who were these pokemon. My role in this game is a protector, i have to protect a target every night from being killed during the night phases. If you look back through the thread, you will notice that i've revealed all this previously And, you say to tell the truth to stop people from voting me. B******s, i've told the truth and i'm still being voted. Everyone (just about) is convinced i'm lying. You, and every other person playing has a choice. It's a straight forward choice as well. You can either believe me now and leave me alive, or proceed with my imminent lynching and await Rez to write everything what i've said here in the write-up at the night phase. Thats the choice you have to make right now. Rant over Edit: Oh, and when it's confirmed i was telling the truth. I'll leave my quick farewell message, including the words "I told you"
  7. Vote: SPAMBOT I believe he's lying.
  8. I'll take number 6 in the stylish plays category
  9. I'm not lying at all, i've said all i can say. I was not provided a win condition at all, i'm town and thus if not notified what my condition is, i aim to help the town win. That is my choice. Someone is lying, it isn't me.
  10. Yeah, i'll go with that Vote: No Lynch Lets get this day done, and see what becomes on a new day with new information.
  11. The way i'm seeing it, both Yvonne and SPAMBOT are either mafia or have a win objective to help either or both town and mafia. Like it's been said, there are other important targets to go after. I'm still in the process of deciding who to go for, but it's a decision which is getting easier. Eh, just read Spammy's post. I did target Nintendohnut last night, so that statement is false
  12. Music I've moved onto the downloading market for tunes, i find it's easier these days, since i don't actually own a CD player. Plus, it is cheaper to purchase by a couple of quid. Books Still purchasing the hard-copies, i like the fresh smell of printed copies of books. Havn't moved onto the Kindle or downloading books yet, and probably won't do for a while at least Movies/TV Shows I've only just started to focus on high-definition movies, and i like hard copies. Plus the smell of a freshly opened case is awesome. Video Games Unless it's an Arcade game on either the Virtual console or Xbox Live, i still like a hard copy.
  13. I was not informed of a win condition, personally i'm trying to assist the town to win. Why are you voting for me @Yvonne, i've come clean with my role, character and allegance. I'm telling the truth, and come to think about it i don't believe you've come clean to why you voted for me last time either. Something isn't adding up to be fair.
  14. Havn't got anything else to go on myself, can't see myself in the write-up. @Nintendohnut, a neutral townie indeed. My role doesn't state i'm good, so i gather it's neutral from your investigation. I gathered i'd be investigated after the events of the last day. And, like the previous day. Lynching me would only benefit mafia. I'll have a read through today, like @Yvonne and see who's who and possibly who to lynch/target.
  15. That is what i was told, i have nothing extra to add really. I'm not an alignment investigator though. Targetted Dannyboy last night, but ended up going for somebody else. Somebody is a target swapper out there, but no idea who yet.
  16. What!!!!! Shoulda celebrated i should have
  17. I tried going for my target, but ended up going for somebody else instead. No idea who this person/individual was, just that i found this person to be a goodie. Someone is a target-swapper i believe, but who.
  18. It will probably be the places with more than 1 store in town, like Cardiff. They got 2. One in the St Davids Centre, and one on the High street. If one closes, which one. The one in St Davids stays open til 8pm though.
  19. It does seem in a way that Bioware simply added the multiplayer feature in, and to make sure people played it by saying it is required for the better endings. Gears Horde, no comment. It's great, end of.
  20. I did protect Dohnut on day 3. As he is an investigator, it does seem a target for mafia to strike/lynch. Should have targetted him on both previous nights as well, but..... Eh, sorry dude. But i know nothing about orbs except what has been said on here. And again, i'm not mafia nor am i a redirector. I've already said what role i have, thats a protector. Because i'm targetting who i believe to be town, protecting them from being lynched. At the time, i believed you were town so i protected you twice. Please stop saying i'm mafia, i'm now inclined from your comments to believe that you are not what you seem to be.
  21. True, one of us is possibly mafia. I can 100% assure you all that i'm town, not mafia. So that leaves SPAMBOT. As it stands, i'm inclined to vote that way.
  22. Remove Vote: Nintendohnut I'm 100% town and i'm a protector, it will be a shame to get rid of me from this game. And it will be a mega loss to the town as well, which you don't want to be honest. it will be a mistake to get rid of me. I'll have a proper read through, see if anyone pops up as suspicious in my view. And as i'm a protector, i can protect at night anyone who may need it. At present, both Yvonne and Eddie voted without reasons as to why. A bit suspicous in my eyes, i'll come back though.
  23. Indeed, i'm looking forward to how this DIY mafia plays out. Peeps did a great mafia game with the Cloak and Dagger mafia, so i expect many surprises this time as well.
  24. Seriously, you are voting out a town protector, what a mistake indeed. Oh well, it will be the towns loss in the end. I can't say anything else to change your minds about voting me out, so may as well be done with it really. It was the same in the previous Pokemafia, you were all convinced i was mafia/suspicous from an investigation and i turned out to be town. And, i had targetted and voted a mafia target in that game as well. As i said, i can't really say much more to change your minds. Actually, there isn't anything else i can say really come to think about it. I'm prepared to remove my vote as well, as i said. The vote is only there because a vote is needed to be there from my reason.
  25. Fine, vote me out. You'll be helping the mafia because i'm town. That is right, you've got a town protector. And my Pokemon is Azelf. And you want to know my targets for each night, i targetted Spammy last night. Night before was also Spambot. Before that, i targetted dohnut. Before that was DuD and the first night i targetted Diageo. It will all be confirmed what i am, which is exactly the above and what i've said here once i've been lynched. Vote: Nintendohnut Because he found it suspicous of me for not commenting in this thread as soon as i commented in the DIY
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