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Roronoa Zoro Wii

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Everything posted by Roronoa Zoro Wii

  1. Damn, when I first read the title, I thought I`m the next MOD >.< Anyway, congratulations.
  2. Oh, sorry for misunderstooding?
  3. Agreed, but you forgot about Advanture & All-Star modes ( Plus alot things like the " 100-Man Melee" thingie, Home-Run & there are alot more.
  4. http://www.codenamerevolution.com/?p=852 lol :bouncy: :bouncy:
  5. I guess it`s a typo... Anyway, I say chances are very good seeing how they developed him & used him in SSBB, we`ll wait & see....
  6. I`d like it if it`s Stadium/Normal Pokemon ( Like the one`s of the GB, not the shadow pokemon thingie). Is it only me who likes Stadium so much? ( The mini-games would be great with the Wiimote) The graphics are as AWSOME as HELL, BTW.
  7. Yeah, I was shocked too:cry: , the other characters are good though::shrug: Plz don`t go Mr.Game & Watch.
  8. lol Funny shit full of lies. No need for PCs is the funniest thing ^^
  9. Maybe Samus remove her suit when she use her super attack??!!! ( If the one in the video isn`t just for show ), That`d be fair. Why? Because if you had the chance to perform the super attack while you aren`t hurt very bad Zero Suit Samus will have good health.
  10. Miamoto said that you`ll be able to put your face in Wii Sports as he did on E3... Do you think there`s a built-in camera or something ?
  11. YIPIEEEEE I enjoyed Assault very much ( The multiplayer not the story )
  12. You should remove the " In my opinion ", BTW.
  13. No, Mario`s big fireball was from gameplay. You must take the Super Smash logo thingie to be able to perform a super attack ( They might change it, though::shrug: )
  14. I forgot to say, there should be a stage of the foreset with Bowyer in the background launching arrows to freeze players. No, there are alot of good choices ( thanx to the classic games, there are even more )
  15. I`m very happy Enjoy this, Sony fans. Muahahahahaha : peace:
  16. :yay: YAAAAAAAAAAY :yay: Geno might be playable ( Plz don`t remove him from the list ). Mallow should be playble, too.
  17. Maybe he opened the wrong window::shrug: Anyways, was it confirmed that Luigi will be playable ( Sorry, for wandering around asking noobish Questions )
  18. Having more 3rd parties chars. might mean having less orginal Nintendo ones.
  19. Same here, I was very angry when they added Snake cause I knew he`ll be a gate for more 3rd parties to join, DAMN IT!!!!
  20. Thanx for explaining
  21. I`m confused:confused: :confused: How did a GC use Wiimote?
  22. I`m a HARDCORE fan of One Piece & I`m very interested in this game. I`d like to play as Zoro, holding two Wiimotes in may hands & one in my mouth ( Like the hell that would happen ) If Zoro is playable, then all the Mugiwaras are, or atleast I guess.
  23. No, it`s just a fake list made by a fan.
  24. Somebody made this fake from Melee`s list: img360.imageshack.us/img360/9343/4475062l5ex.jpg <<< add www Imagine that we have all these characters on Melee :P
  25. I`m waiting for Nintendo`s word. & Yeah, I see that chances are really high, as you said " Its basically what the WiiConnect24 is designed to do afterall "
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