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Everything posted by Nintenchris

  1. Only played about an hour of this so far but its freekin awesome. The lighting and sound are top notch! Cant wait to play more.. oh and even an hour in playing on normal it seems pretty easy compared to Dead Space 1, but im sure that will change.
  2. What is a "PSP" ?
  3. got kinect sports for my birthday yesterday.. im sooooo sore from playing and yet again EVERYONE wants to play!its great to be able to share gaming with people that wouldnt even touch a wii mote
  4. Its my birthday Saturday and ive dropped enuff hints that i want this game... chances of someone getting it for me.. 90% !? fingers crossed *edit* scratch that.. the other half took the hints.. and gave it to me a day early! *edit*
  5. That happens to be my father in law!!!
  6. We got Dance Central which was the wife's idea... i wanted Kinect Sports but i had no say in it ... tho she was paying so
  7. so i have kinect... was never gonna buy one but i have one... its awesome and its so easy to get others to play! EVERYONE wants to play
  8. Its not even 10pm here... was gonna go out to a midnight launch but decided to stay home and not freeze my balls off
  9. Only played an hour so far and its just like playing Fallout 3.. and thats not a bad thing!
  10. Nintenchris thinks this thread is made of win
  11. must buy.. for EVERYONE!!
  12. Interview with the guy who made the game... Sir Notch
  13. ill take one of everything
  14. credit to Mcoy
  15. ! too late for me !! brb im off to gouge my eyes out
  16. If you dont want to be mentally scared do not watch this YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED and with that... post some other stuff that cant be unseen... pics/vids
  17. Whats your gamertag? PM me it if your up for some co-op/online multiplayer
  18. I have no self control ordered a copy from shopto
  19. The time limit is what puts me off buying this... running arround against a clock is just stressfull
  20. 1 misplaced grenade is ALL it takes for your team mate to boot you from a game WHY Bungie WHY happens waaaaay to often oh and..... Check out the gamerscore you can get in that pic http://www.bungie.net/News/content.aspx?type=topnews&cid=28836 http://kotaku.com/5647933/halo-reach-dlc-tipped new maps PLEASE be new maps
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