Only played about an hour of this so far but its freekin awesome.
The lighting and sound are top notch!
Cant wait to play more.. oh and even an hour in playing on normal it seems pretty easy compared to Dead Space 1, but im sure that will change.
got kinect sports for my birthday yesterday.. im sooooo sore from playing
and yet again EVERYONE wants to play!its great to be able to share gaming with people that wouldnt even touch a wii mote
Its my birthday Saturday and ive dropped enuff hints that i want this game... chances of someone getting it for me.. 90% !? fingers crossed
*edit* scratch that.. the other half took the hints.. and gave it to me a day early! *edit*
1 misplaced grenade is ALL it takes for your team mate to boot you from a game
WHY Bungie WHY
happens waaaaay to often
oh and.....
Check out the gamerscore you can get in that pic
new maps PLEASE be new maps