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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. Agreed, last night was fun (though it was a shame K.K. Slider didn't turn up for whatever reason)! There were a number of funny moments, but I think my favourite last night was Pit vs. Diddy Kong on Palutena's Temple. I finally managed to use that Palutena's Guidance taunt whilst in sudden death, and then you managed to kill me right as Palutena was saying "Don't underestimate him just because he's a monkey." =P We need some 4 player free-for-alls, N-E! I'll probably be up for opening a room again today, maybe 8pm UK time again, so if anyone is up for it, come on in this thread and typey typey! It's okay, don't be shy.
  2. @Mr\-Paul: Friend Request accepted and room open! Hooray for friendship! Oh, and if anyone else wants to join, feel free!
  3. I'll update the first post of the thread a little later, but I'll say it here too. Whilst it was nice for the developers to include it in the game, I wouldn't recommend using the in-game messaging service. All it does is send a message to you via Miiverse, which you can't read whilst online in Smash. It's much better to use this thread to arrange games with other members (preferably in advance). Also, apologies to @Alak for not responding to your Miiverse messages, which is why I'm writing this in the first place. Now I'm gonna ignore what I just said about arranging things in advance and open a room now in the hope that someone enters by, say, 9pm UK time. If you're on my Friend List, join me maybe! Remember, it's Saturday night, so something is probably going on on those Animal Crossing stages right now... EDIT: Well that went as expected. =I I'll be sticking around though playing and whatnot, so if anyone wants to play, let me know! Here. In the thread. Yes. *insert forever alone picture of your choosing here*
  4. I've gone ahead and added a bunch of unlock conditions for characters, stages and Poké Ball Pokémon to the first post incase anyone is having trouble there (kinda doubtful but hey, I'm a helper). Remember to download the online patch when it's available! EDIT 1: I've also added some instructions on how to add each other as friends to the Nintendo Network ID section, just in case. EDIT 2: The online patch is now available to download. Go get it on your Wii U!
  5. Got my copy! Let the good times roll! Plus the nightmare of collecting all of the custom stuff again. I've hastily created an online meet up thread, so you can all get started on sharing them NNIDS and such. Yay for sharing!
  6. Audio NOTICE: The most recent patch version for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is version 1.0.8. This patch is required to continue using the online features to the game, so you will be unable to go online without it. Make sure you have enough space on your Wii U to download it! It's been a long wait, but Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is finally here! If you have a copy of the game, why not arrange some matches with some of our other lovely members and also RedShell if you feel like humouring him. It is probably recommended to arrange your matches in this thread instead of using this games messaging service, as all messaging someone does is send a message to their Miiverse. Miiverse can't even be checked whilst playing online in Smash, which can make this pretty unreliable, particularly if certain users don't check Miiverse very often. Also, try to arrange a time for matches in advance if you can, as you are more likely to get a match this way than if you were to just open a room spontaneously! Nintendo Network IDs (NNID) When providing your NNID, please also provide the account (Mii) name. This will make it easier for people to identify you when playing the game. If you would like to be added to the list, make a post in this thread with your details and add in an @Sprout to your message so I notice it. I'll, um, try to keep the list updated when I can. That secretly means whenever I feel like updating the list. To add somebody to your Friend List, you can either: Go to your Friend List and select Register Friend. Enter their NNID and wait for them to do the same. Go to Miiverse and select Activity Feed. In the top right of the GamePad screen there is a Search Users button. Tap that and search the NNID of the person you want to add. Once at their profile, tap the Register Friend button to send them a friend request. You can include a message, too! Of the two, Miiverse is probably the better way to add friends. It's also a good idea to let people know when you've added them here, just in case they don't check their Wii U too often. List of NNIDs The format of this list is n-europe Username - Nintendo Network ID - Mii/Account Name Alak - HellCookie - Andreas Cube - DJcube - Cube dazzybee - DarrenBolton - Darren -Dem0- - Dem0.U - -Dem0- DuD - MaBex11 - Matt EEVILMURRAY - EEVILDerek - ??? f00had - BrockJames - Foo Foxfear - DocChaos007 - ??? Jimbob - Jimbob-NE - Jimbob Gizmo - Gizmo54 - Mike Glen-i - Glen-i - Glen-i martinist - Martinist - Martinist Mokong - MokongX3M - Mokong Mr-Paul - paulmuchmore - Paul / nando / - nekunando - Greg Nintendo Fan - Retrolover - Ninty K Phube - Phubey - ??? RedShell - RedShell - RedShell Rummy - Rumdumcious - Rummy Sprout - Maidens - Maidens The Peeps - The_Peeps - The Peeps Unlockables Whilst you do start off with a large number of fighters and stages, there are some that have been hidden away, and must be unlocked in order to be used. If you want to have access to everything for your online battles, you can find the unlock criteria for such things below. Note that this unlock criteria is specifically for Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, and Super Smash Bros. for 3DS may have different unlock criteria for certain fighters.
  7. Today I managed to find a bunch of old Brawl snapshots that I took! May as well share some of them whilst we get ready to Smash in the coming days. Maybe tell me your favourites and/or share some of your own if you have any. EDIT: Forgot to add that most of these are from matches with folks of n-europe, but there's no way I can remember who is who after this long. Chances are that quite are few shots have members who have long since left the forums.
  8. My cat has found a new way to get my attention... She might look cute, but what I see here is a hostage situation. "Nice Wii U you got here. Be a shame if something happened to it..." *extends claws* "...What are your demands?" "Feed me." "Tammy I fed you an hour ago you fatty." "These wires look tasty." "Ok, I give in! I'll feed you!" I didn't know where else to put this. Meowth, that's right.
  9. Aaand I'm done. Aaand this is also done due to that previous thing I was done with. I don't think my poor circle pad will ever be the same again, but as far as I'm concerned that's the game 100% complete! I'm sure there's probably some milestone messages that I haven't seen, but if Melee and Brawl are any indication, I'm not gonna play up to one million matches just to get a little message. =P I'm not done with the game of course, for as long as there are people to fight against there's always fun to be had (though admittedly when the Wii U version comes out I expect it will be the version that gets more time spent on it), but here are some of my stats up to this point! “FINAL” RESULTS (as of 15th November 2014) Audio High Scores (actual scores, not Global Smash Power): Smash Run: 193630 as Mario Classic: 885540 as Toon Link (9.0 Intensity) All-Star: 2560800 as Ike (Hard) Group All-Star: 2665800 as Mario and Bowser (Hard) 10-Man Smash: 00:16:66 as Ness 100-Man Smash: 02:28:25 as Rosalina & Luma Cruel Smash: 5 as Little Mac Target Blast: 267890 as Link Home-Run Contest: 1113.4m as Ganondorf (big surprise) Trophy Rush: 577200 as Mario Most Used Characters (1 is most used overall): 1: Mario 2: Villager 3: Robin 4: Little Mac 5: Kirby 6: Wario 7: Mega Man 8: Pit 9: Toon Link 10: Pikachu 11: Captain Falcon Least Used Characters (1 is least used overall): 1: Mii Brawler 2: Mii Swordfighter 3: Falco 4: Mii Gunner 5: Olimar 6: Greninja 7: Diddy Kong 8: Lucario 9: Sheik 10: Zero Suit Samus I try to play with as many characters as possible, but I guess with a cast this big, some are going to inevitably get less matches. I keep forgetting about those Miis!
  10. Were it something more than a trophy (albeit the last two trophies I need (one for completing the challenge and one for completing all challenges)), I'd probably be more compelled to cheat it a little bit. I think I'll just go at my own pace with online battles for this one. Waaaay back in the Gamecube generation when Melee was released, as kids with little pocket money, my brothers and I couldn't afford to spend a lot on accessories like additional controllers. We could only afford memory cards that could hold tiiiny amounts of save data. As a result, we often had to delete save data of older games whenever we bought a new one. That wasn't such a big deal for the most part, as we enjoyed replaying games from the beginning... unlocking Mewtwo repeatedly was not one of those things we enjoyed though. =P I still remember the first time though, which was fun! On the final stretch, I played a 99 stock match as Pikachu against a CPU Jigglypuff on Poké Floats (with Poké Balls). I defeated the 'puff, then I (only just) defeated the legend. My older brother and I immediately had a match afterwards on Final Destination (again, with Poké Balls). My brother threw a Poké Ball at me and I just stood my ground and caught the thing. We both said, "Whaaaat?! Mewtwo can catch items?! This character is so cool!" Obviously this sort of thing wasn't limited to Mewtwo, but this was the first time we saw it, and it was awesome. ... I have no idea why I typed all of that. Does remind me that I wanted to do a Smash Bros. write up akin to my Mario Kart 8 one at some point. The games are just so huge though, I'd have to break such a thing down into parts if I were to do such a thing... Anyway! On an unrelated(ish) note, been watching all this lovely Wii U footage that's been coming out over the past few days, and I'm hearing a lot of music that I like. Including , which plays on the Mario Galaxy stage! Warning, contains Fox's voice. "LAAAHND MAHSTUUUH!" The likely chance of no Wonderful 101 stage is a shame (diplomacy fails again), but at least it's something. Hopefully we'll get more music from that gem of a game somewhere. Audio Naturally, this one is a must. Unite up!
  11. I lied. Cleared Classic 9.0 several times (at least once with every character... it's easier when you use equipment) and spent most the money earned from that (and what was left of my sanity) in Trophy Rush. One weekend, over 120,000 coins and 59 hats later (including three more WAAAAAAHluigi Caps) and I got the three hats I needed. All that remains is that "Play 50 collective hours of Smash" challenge, which is giving me Melee Mewtwo horror flashbacks. At least it's just for a trophy this time... Anywho, if you're the type of person who doesn't mind using Golden Hammers to smash those challenges and isn't too bothered about collecting all the custom stuff in this game, when it comes to the challenge "Obtain all custom outfits, headgear, and special moves", just ask yourself, what would Yzma do? It's brilliant, brilliant, BRILLIANT, I tell you! GENIUS, I say!
  12. This is probably going to be the only occasion where I pipe in on such matters (I'm not very good, nor interested, in talking "seriously"), but whenever I see... discussions about Nintendo and online here, this always comes to mind (because I like Frasier): About a year ago, Super Mario 3D World was getting flack for not having online multiplayer. So that's at least one year people have been having these arguments about Nintendo and their online features (or lack thereof) over and over and over, and I'm pretty confident it's lasted longer than that. Yes, these problems still exist, so yes, seeing dissatisfaction in this regard is to be expected. But do we really need arguments about it that span several pages every time? It's so easy to be negative, particularly on the internet. And don't get me wrong, I'm going to have my criticisms too (nothing can fill the Pokémon Trainer, Squirtle and Ivysaur shaped holes in this game). But at least on this specific occasion, instead of wasting time on these silly arguments, why not talk about some of the good stuff? I mean, it's not like there isn't an abundance of it! Event Matches! Tourneys! Special Smash! Kid Icarus characters (and Chrom) talking about the fighters! Kongo Jungle 64 returns, meaning not only stages that were in Brawl could be returning! There's a Yoshi's Woolly World stage in there, too! And there's over 40 stages (and there's potential for even more, since there's some stages like Pac-Land and Smashville that weren't in the video)! We'll be able to share replays and custom stages with eachother! Mewtwo is going to return! Just... so much stuff. How do they do it? With every game released I think to myself "Look at how much they've managed to cram in! There's no way they could ever top this!" And yet Sakurai and the rest just respond with a [laughs] and prove me wrong. But we ignore all of that and decide to argue about the few things that they didn't put in the game. It's just so disheartening to see time and time again. Right, I think that's enough "serious" talk from myself. I'll be on my merry little way. ...This isn't relevant at all. Again, I just like Frasier.
  13. Oh my goodness. (If Ridley turns up during Samus' Palutena's Guidance I might actually die of laughter.)
  14. I only need three more pieces of Mii headgear and I've got the lot, but I'm not going to bother focusing on hunting for them. Trophies, custom moves ad equipment all have effective means to collect them, but the same is not so for headgear and outfits. And in the pretty rare event that I do get a hat, assuming that all hats have an equal chance of being collected, I have about 5% chance of getting a new one. And sometimes, the game reeeaaally wants to rub this in. That's Barbara the Bat Wig number 24, by the way. That is six pieces of Mii headgear in a single run of Classic Mode, a miracle in itself, and not a single one of them is new. But... but you wanna know the best part? Three of those hats are Waluigi Caps. WAH! WAH! Just... just wait for this week's Nintendo Direct and hope there's news that you can transfer hats and outfits between versions, and pray you get the hats you don't have early in the Wii U game. These things really should have acted like Brawl's CDs (you could never collect the same song twice). Wah.
  15. From my time with the game, yeah, just the two. That said, I didn't get A Rank on all of them, so not sure if there's an extra bonus for that (I doubt it, though). Haven't been playing this recently (because, y'know, Smash Bros.), but I'm sure I'll be trying out that DLC that comes out tomorrow.
  16. Fiiiinally. Now all that's left is... the Mii hats. Y... Yaaay... Know how many times I've collected that Barbara the Bat Wig? Nineteen times. And that's only since I started counting. Why do you hate me, Sakurai?
  17. Thought to myself that it was strange that we haven't had an online meet up thread for this game yet. So I made one. It'll totally be popular, just like all those other online meet up threads! Maybe use it? Please? I even did a little thing in Photoshop just for you lot... I was actually about to change my mind and not create the thread, but my finger slipped and pushed enter soooooo....
  18. I know how the move is performed, I just can't do it most of the time, haha. But that's fine by me. I don't want to be the best at games, I just want to have a good time with whoever I play with. That's why I don't invest any time in trying to get better, looking up combos or advanced techniques and whatnot. I still have no clue what you folks are talking about when someone mentions fire hopping in Mario Kart 8 for example. And in Brawl, @\-Dem0\- and many others would do this move with Snake where he did a dash attack and then an up smash that made him slide across the stage, which to me is like some form of witchcraft. But I'm not going to go search on the internet and look up what these things are and how to perform them myself if it means that it will give me an advantage over the people I play with. It's sort of a, "I want everybody to win," mentality. Call it part of my gentleman's code. When I'm on the right side of the screens in these sort of games, I get even worse, haha. I just get confused because everything has become mirrored. I can handle Smash Bros. a bit better, though, since the move inputs are a lot simpler and the game is more about reading your opponent. My stuff is so good you've even been using that avatar I gave y-oh wait. =P
  19. Well, -Dem0- and I played Brawl online together quite a bit over the years before the Wii's online services got shut down. There was a lot of good moments back then, and it's nice to see that it's continuing in this game! Also... Pffft, you guys give me too much credit. We were all usually on our last stock for the most part! And there's definitely games I'm terrible at. Like practically every other fighting game. For example, growing up, I've seen that Ryu bloke from Street Fighter II to Ultimate Marvel VS Capcom 3 and to this day I still can't consistently pull off that SHORYUKEN move he has. Back then when I was a kid, I was like, "I can't understand these fighting games! I guess I'm not old enough yet!" But now I'm an adult I think, "I can't understand these fighting games! I guess I'm also not as young as I used to be." =P Oh, and name a puzzle game with multiplayer, be it Tetris or Dr. Mario or Puzzle League, and I can tell you with certainty that Ine can destroy me at it. I've never beaten her at a puzzle game once, even when I have a handicap on! And as for the artist comment, I haven't drawn anything in about a year now. I'm not artist, heh. Anywho, last night was fun and stuff! Those 1-on-1's with -Dem0- felt a fair bit longer than those we had in Brawl, though. Perhaps next time we should stick with 2 stocks for those!
  20. Welp, beat Adventure Mode (I completely forgot that the original goal was to find and beat the Dark Lord). It's not 100% complete, I still need to get some Heart Containers and A rankings. But I did collect all of the Skulltulas, which eventually led me to getting...
  21. I've helped @RedShell twice in Adventure Mode since my last post in this thread (that guy is so useless). Still not received any bonus myself from other players. Ah well. I feel like showing off a couple of things I unlocked today!
  22. I'm afraid I don't recall getting anything...not even a notification. Maybe my internet decided it didn't want me to receive whatever your gift was, heh. I did just get my first Network Link though, which was @Mokong. Perhaps he'll be able to tell us if he gets a reward from me! Oh, right, my thoughts on the game! Uh, let's see... Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y. Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, Y, X. In other words, mindless fun.
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