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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. I was unaware that protecting myself would lead to the death to those that came into my home. I promised I'd reveal my role however, so it's your own fault for not putting your trust in me. And why would you want the serial killer avenged .
  2. Ah... such a shame that you were to kill your greatest asset, when the fact there was a Mafia member was written right there...
  3. Very well, I promised that I would tell people my role, and I shall stick to that promise. My role is the mercenary. Do not fear, however, for it just so happens that I am on the side of the town. I am the one responsible for the death of jayseven, and unfortunately, the death of martinist as well. I apologise for the latter’s death, it has caused me much grief that I killed an innocent due to my carelessness. I’m assuming that you wish for me to explain why I killed these people, and I shall comply in doing so. One night, Strider, the private investigator, contacted me. I didn’t know who he actually was at the time, I only knew his role. He had investigated me previously and discovered my role. He had a job for me, and feared that there was a serial killer amongst us, and requested my services to be rid of this person. I agreed, and a contract was made. Unfortunately, he had been killed before he could inform me of who this killer actually was. Bound by a contract, I had to try and find out who this killer was by myself. On my first attempt, I took a guess out of those that were silent, and picked martinist. Sadly, I guessed wrong. The next day was most helpful to me however. jayseven has admitted to being a killer. “Vigilante? Yeah right!†I thought to myself. I made him my next target, which proved successful. My contract is now complete, and I am no longer required to kill anyone. I was afraid after the telepath killed someone, that he would then use me, the last person with an unknown role, to kill more townsfolk. I couldn't allow this. Whilst I can still kill, I was not going to abuse this power and randomly kill someone to find that they’re innocent. I have other powers, such as the ability to protect myself, as well as the ability to protect others. Tonight, I feared I would be dead, so I decided to defend myself, incase a Mafia member came into my quarters. Unfortunately it appears that quite the opposite happened, and another innocent towny has been killed by my hand. My win condition is the same as the townsfolk, to have a town containing no evil players. As you notice, there is a mafia on the loose, I suggest we find out who that person is.
  4. I, err, believe the majority is actually 5 chairdriver, as you mentioned at the beginning of this day: And just incase my suspicions are incorrect and the telepath isn't Mcoy, if the prostitute could block me tonight, that'd be dandy (sounds dirty, I know ). I think it vital that the telepath does not get to use my powers this late in the game.
  5. It is an impossibility. At time of writing, only 3 players are online. Unless more players come online in the next half hour, a majority will never be reached. That's why I suggest that we are given some more time. EDIT: Whoops, got extended time, man I'm slow at posting .
  6. Woah there, can we get a bit more time there. Hardly any of the people playing this game are online right now (at time of writing). Can we have that extended to tonight maybe?
  7. The telepath has abused his power too much, and has now killed an innocent player. It is clear he now has death on his mind. Whilst he may have initially been a good person, he now appears to have a mind that purely desires to kill. If you like, I could reveal my role. Might end up being a long read however. Anywho, I think I have a good idea as to who this telepath might be... Brian Mcoy claims that he can watch someone for the night. On the day following ReZourceman's murder, he immediately accused jayseven of being a member of the Mafia, after claiming that he can watch people at night. But perhaps he can do a bit more than watching, and can go as far as... controlling them. According to darksnowman, Mcoy has numerous gadgets in his house; perhaps one of them includes the invention that lets him control minds. Mcoy got lucky when first using the device, and took control of a serial killer. He had hit the jackpot, and could use him to kill many more times. Unfortunately for him, the device strained under a second usage. Feeling jayseven had served his purpose; Mcoy could accuse jayseven, knowing he was a killer, and could get away with making an alias as a "Watcher" so nobody would think he was the one controlling minds. The next night, he was determined to get jayseven found out as a Mafia member, so took control of a police officer. Whilst the mercenary beat him to punch, it didn't matter to Mcoy, jayseven had been killed regardless. Learning of the mercenary, he attempted to acquire his mind by taking control of someone who we did not yet know of their powers. Apparently this had it's drawback, as he killed Shorty in the process, gaining an evil mind due to abusing his powers. Whilst he may have started off with good intentions, now he has the mind of a killer, and won't stop until everyone has died. I think it is Brian Mcoy that should hang today. Vote: Brian Mcoy.
  8. I doubt the telepath has lost his powers. It appears that someone who was once trying to help the town is now set out to kill everyone within it. That is how I read it. I think we should figure out who this mind reader is before it's too late... Oh, and apologies for my lack of posting in recent days.
  9. Hang on a second... jayseven, you claim today that you are a vigilante, someone who must use his power to kill every night. Yet earlier on in this game you claimed to have a different power. Care to explain this?
  10. Personally, I'm wondering about the spellcaster... Recently, I've been thinking some crazy theory. This spellcaster, he has to be quiet. But why? Perhaps because we think he's already dead. And so I wonder... ...Is Cube really dead? Or has he cast a spell to make him appear dead? Again, I'm probably just thinking crazy, but then again, this entire thread has been crazy so far. Plus, it'd be very odd to lynch a dead person .
  11. Tell me something Dyson, how can you guarantee that you will survive the night? If you have information beneficial to us townies, then surely they will see fit to kill you before we get this information from you. How will you survive the night? Because you seem so very confident that you will live to tomorrow if not lynched.
  12. Correct, it is only guesswork. If you'd been reading my initial post correctly, you'd notice I said it was a possiblility. All I have said is merely speculation. And as you have said, they can only choose who to use their power. But they also have the power to use whatever information they gain from using said power on. As you can see, Sanchez has been quite willing to spill all his information, and claim he is a good cop. Surely the Mafia would have dealt with him in Night 4? But they didn't, and this is very suspicious. A cop would be very useful to the town, and certainly not for the Mafia, so surely they'd want to do away with him asap? Considering we had a role known as Fat Bastard: a good person that could do nothing, yet appeared evil anyway, I don't see how we can't have more ridiculous roles. However, I don't see how a bad detective's role is ridiculous. Especially a bad detective that is believed to be good amongst the community. This would be a great benefit to the Mafia. If you're absolutely certain that you are correct, then I shall back down from this speculation for tonight. Whilst I find Sanchez and Haggis suspicious, I certainly have no proof of my own. You have my apologies.
  13. You may not know if he was a good guy per say, but you would know if he was not part of the Mafia. As part of the Mafia, you'd know all those who were evil. Thus everyone else is a target for you. Skunky was not part of the Mafia, so doing away with him would only help the Mafia. How people use their power is up to the people who use it. In Sanchez' case, he used his power to find a good person who appeared evil, and use that to weave his way into the Town's good books by appearing to be a good cop. The fact that Skunky was acting strangely only helped his task become easier. Now trusted as a good cop, everyone could believe whatever Sanchez said. He could say a towns person was evil, knowing they were not part of the Mafia and only appeared evil, and people's trust in him would increase because the death would say "he would appear evil when investigated". Likewise, he could also claim those in the Mafia to be innocent, and as he was so trustworthy, the townsfolk would believe him, also making more members of the Mafia trustworthy. Those Mafia members could then kill safely, thanks to their fellow Mafia member Sanchez.
  14. Perhaps not, but if you're part of the Mafia, you already know who the evil people are. Thus you could do away with Skunky during the day easily, knowing he was a good guy because he wasn't a part of the Mafia, despite his evil appearance. And people would gladly believe you to be the good cop. Sanchez has today claimed Haggis is innocent: See? True, but you are forgetting something. Maase only made us fast forward Night 3. There have been 4 Nights. Yes, he found Skunky appeared evil. If Sanchez is part of the Mafia, he will know everyone within the Mafia. As Skunky was good, he wasn't part of the Mafia. He appeared evil despite his goodness, and Sanchez could use this to his advantage to get a good guy lynched while at the same time make himself trustworthy towards the town.
  15. I wouldn't be so sure. There is someone else. Someone who, if he was who he claimed to be, should have been killed last night. Sanchez. Lets think about this. Sanchez has claimed previously that he is a cop. Wouldn't this alone make him an instant target for the Mafia? Yet, somehow, he's managed to survive the night. He claims Haggis is innocent. Yet Skunky, a good character, claimed Haggis to be evil. Skunky is now dead, and who influenced all of us to vote for Skunky? Sanchez. He has also influenced us into taking down Ashmat who may or may not have been evil, we don't know. One thing that is clear is that Sanchez can tell who appears to be good or evil. That doesn't mean, however, that Sanchez is good. Let's review a possibility. Sanchez is a member of the Mafia, and has the power to see which of the townsfolk appear good and which appear evil. Essentially, he is an evil cop. When investigating Skunky during Night 2, Sanchez found that he appeared evil, but was a good player capable of doing great good for the town. Sanchez could use this to his advantage. He could pretend to be a cop, and point the finger at the already suspicious Skunky. Sanchez would look very believable with cop status, combined with the fact that when Skunky was hanged, he appeared evil. So he could get rid of someone who could help our town greatly, as well as gain a good appearance to the town. As a result, Ashmat was also killed as Sanchez suspected him too. And now he claims Haggis, who Skunky, a good person, claimed to be evil, is innocent, in order to wipe all previous suspicion of Haggis under the rug. And of course, we all believe Sanchez, because he has made us think he's a cop, working for the good guys. He can continue to do this without being killed by the Mafia, telling us to hang those that appear evil when he finds them, and tell us one of the Mafia are innocent when he doesn't find an evil appearing townsperson at night. I say our vote is between Haggis and Sanchez. I'm not too sure who to go for personally, but I will point out one more thing people learnt from the last Mafia game: The Mafia Godfather/Godmother appears innocent when investigated by a cop. So even if Sanchez is a good cop, it doesn't mean that the person he investigated to appear innocent is good. And as Skunky claimed Haggis to be evil, well... lets draw our own conclusions, shall we?
  16. Yours is too tall y'know . Other than that, it's a very good effort, though I can't say I'm a fan of the font used. 7/10 For Haggis (I was initially replying to Emasher, you guys are quick!), I like it. Simple, stands out, and a nice touch with the blood. I also like Heroes too. But, err, it's also too tall (though not by much). Or is that 500x150 limit here out the window now? 8/10 nonetheless. If people are tired of rating my same ol' Deku Scrub sig, I recently made this, so you can rate this one instead if you want to. Of course, you're free to rate my Deku Scrub sig if you wish.
  17. Skunky has been rather suspicious since Day 1, so it would be fair play to suggest that Sanchez is telling the truth. However, the fact that our innocent Fat Bastard is dead and being evil when investigated begs the question: If Sanchez is telling the truth in what his results are, are these results telling the truth? Voting for nobody, however, is essentially allowing the Mafia to pick us off one by one without risk, and with them apparently recruiting more members, this certainly isn't a good thing. By voting, we at least have a fighting chance during the day. This seems to be the strongest evidence we have right now, so unless Skunky can convince me otherwise, I'm gonna have to side with Sanchez. Vote : Skunky
  18. I'll go ahead and join if it's not too late.
  19. Personally, I'd like this guy to represent Square Enix if they were to get a third party character in: (Crono from the SNES game Chrono Trigger for those who don't know him.) Ah, a guy can dream.
  20. That there is no ordinary snake. I believe it's a Rope Snake, used to cross pits. It's more likely to be Lucas' grab, or a special move that utilises tether recovery. If anything, I'd say this proves that Lucas is different to Ness, and that Ness is likely to return. Oh, and whoo to this week's updates.
  21. Gasp and surprise! Those people aren't wearing any wrist straps!
  22. Regarding that boxart previously mentioned, I wouldn't worry about the lack of the Wi-Fi symbol. To my knowledge, sometimes pre-release boxart doesn't include it for some reason. Case in point: Personally, I think is the real deal. Oh, and the new vid wins. EDIT: Holy..! I'm a frequent poster now?! That sure took me a while, didn't it .
  23. This update is super special awesome! As for final smashes, each Pokémon will probably have their own Final Smash methinks. Each starter has one of those elemental Hyper Beams. Frenzy Plant for Ivysaur, Blast Burn for Charizard and Hydro Cannon for Squirtle. Okay, so technically only the final evolutions learnt them, but still, I'd say that's the most likely option. And judging by the fact that one of those screenshots is in Rumble Falls, I wouldn't worry so much about him being unable to move. Maybe he summons a Pidgeot or something to help him fly upwards.
  24. For those who don't know, it also happens to be Sakurai's birthday today. Though it almost feels as if it's us who have got the present .
  25. Best. Update. Evar. Oh, and here's part of a Game Informer Interview with Eiji Aonuma concerning Zelda, which had a mention of Brawl. http://www.gameinformer.com/News/Story/200708/N07.0802.1741.54921.htm
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