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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. No, reveal him now. If you say that, you're allowing anyone to come in, claim you're innocent, then you claiming that person is your friend. If you reveal the person, only they can make the claim that you're innocent. Yes, I'm assuming that's who the character is, but I have no idea who the member who plays him is.
  2. I have no reason to doubt Oxigen_Waste, yet I also have no reason to trust him... You claim to have the power of protection, but that does not prove your innocence. After all, if we look at the write up, we can see that someone protected an evil character from an Admin. So trying to persuade us with your supposed power of protection proves to be rather useless... Anywho, right now I'm inclined to ask who this friend of yours is. You can't give us the excuse of not wanting to reveal their identity to keep them safe, because you're saying that very friend can prove your innocence. As such, you'd want that friend to do just that. So, tell us who this friend of yours is.
  3. Stocka! You're temporarily back! Super! I like exclamation marks! Good to see your life is going so well and all that. Though when you leave this time, you better not leave me, smalldude and dan alone on msn too. We all, like, totally miss you there and stuff. Veggie pirates awaaaay...
  4. All I can think of right now is "What ARE those Blue and Red Pikmin doing to eachother?!" O_o Regardless, a good update, surprised me quite a bit. The music rocks too. Hmm, the 200th update is this Friday (or tomorrow if we get another double update). I wonder what it will be...
  5. I'm posting the final comics early! Apologies to Mokong X-C if I'm not early enough for him to add them to the site tonight. I tried my hardest! So, here's tonight's comic: And here's a bonus comic: And now, A Wario Christmas concludes. Thanks to everyone for reading, as well as your your kind words throughout this month, and thanks to the N-Europe staff for putting the comic on the main site. Oh, and an additional thanks for those who voted for me for stuff in the N-Europe Forum Awards 2007 (all 3 of you, ha ha ). So with that, have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!
  6. BAM! Once again! I need to stop making such close calls with these...
  7. BAM! EDIT: Phew! by my clock, that was mere seconds away from midnight! Darn Christmas Shopping!
  8. Today's comic is even later than the last one!
  9. Aye, Virgin Media, that's the one. They don't love me very much . Anywho, here's the next mag, late at night, yet just on time regardless.
  10. Sorry it's late, the internet decided to explode on me last night, as such I couldn't get online. So here's yesterday's comic, and today's comic will come, err, later today (providing my internet doesn't go down again...)
  11. I do believe I'm earlier than usual! Yay for me! Now where have I seen those two before...
  12. The next comic is right below this sentence!
  13. We've reached the half way point, it's comic number 12! Oh snap! A Wario Christmas has gained third party support!
  14. I know, I know, I was just making a point. I happen to like Goombas is all .
  15. Maybe so, but Goomba could have used his feet! My argument stands .
  16. How in the heck are you going to perform power slides on an animal? Then again, maybe that's something that differentiates animals from karts and bikes. Also, I demand that if Goomba isn't a playable character, he can be something you can ride on. Though a Goomba makes more sense as a driver than Boo does. How do you push the pedals Boo? You have no feet! Goomba could at least steer with his teeth to make up for his lack of arms, but you, you got nothing. It's Mario Strikers Charged Football all over again!
  17. I appreciate that people are so willing to want my babies . Anywho, the next comic is right here!
  18. Don't let Coolness Bears hear you say that . Behold, the next comic appears!
  19. I plan to answer that question in today's comic!
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