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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. I never voted based on any claims that you are neutral, that'd be seriously hypocritical of me. I voted on you based on the fact that your words seem to contradict the fact that not_so_tiny targetted you last night according to Jonnas. The only person who said you might have been neutral is Dyson, who also said he got confused for a moment. I'm willing to withdraw my vote on you based on the fact you're Porygon 2 (it makes sense afterall to have all three porygons, plus your colours), and have the opportunity to investigate 2 people tonight, which could be of some use. And it is possible not_so_tiny was roleblocked. It may have been even possible that I roleblocked him after being misdirected, since my original target was Tellyn. Change Vote: Tellyn Automerge: This Thread moves way too fast for me. =P
  2. Quite a few investigators we have apparently, heh. =P I'm inclined to run with Jonnas on this. Whilst I'm not sure to say that Tellyn is completely off the hook (heck, I'm the one who's roleblocked him 3 nights in a row based on suspicions of him, it's probably me who should be voting for him more than anyone else =P), I'd find someone who is "gaining power", and has just apparently lied to the town about who actually targetted him, to be of a larger threat than Tellyn. Vote: Zell (Kinda offtopic, but everytime I'm in this thread I'm playing Phoenix Wright music. Seems fitting, and I really just wanna scream out things like "OBJECTION!" and "HOLD IT!" sometimes. Oh, the drama... =P)
  3. Actually, Zell is stating that you and Tellyn are targetting Zell, not that you and somebody else are targetting Tellyn...
  4. A good point. Seems a bit pointless to have analysed the obvious there, heh. My apologies. =P Though that said... Well, nobody was frozen last night, and there are flying Ice type Pokémon. Still, probably not enough reason to reveal who it is..
  5. It's possible, but I can't really make sense of it all... I mean, they could have redirected me so Tellyn could use his powers, but wouldn't they have tried redirecting me to roleblock somebody else? I mean, it doesn't say anywhere in the write-up about me roleblocking someone. It could be that I'm the green Pokémon that was tricked, but I find it a little doubtful.. Anyway, im not gonna vote for Tellyn. Not at the moment at least. I'd rather get some more information out of the day first. Let's try analysing the write up a bit: Someone who was silenced during Day 6 is concealing information from Night 5 right now on someone who is good. Skimming through the previous day, people who didn't talk yesterday are: not_so_tiny, Ellmeister, mr-paul, Coolness_Bears, Strider Also, if it was Coolness who was silenced, then we could possibly assert that whoever the icy silencer is may not have as good intentions as we previously thought... Not really got anything on this, except that "Uber" tier in competitive battling is full of legendary Pokémon. I don't think there are any legendary bug Pokémon, if we were to follow Cube's theory... Plusle and Minun? Uber green and red... Deoxys? Judging by the colours of the other Pokémon, and the discussion today, this could have been Nintendohnut targetting Jonnas? R_A has been up to something, targetting.. someone. =P As stated previously, if Zell is telling the truth, we have a pink and turquoise Zell (potentially the third Porygon), Tellyn, the blue Pokémon, and Dyson, the stealthy Pokémon. One of these Pokémon has gained power of some sort from these events, which I find to be a point of concern... Potentially me, but if so, what reason would they have to target me? I got nothing here... I mean, it's possible this is the same tiny Pokémon that was watched by the uber Pokémon, but tiny could be used to describe quite a few Pokémon... Phew! Not exactly an in-depth analysis though, and people can feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Might be some points up for discussion here.
  6. I just got a lot more confused, heh. I'll just try and clear my mind a little on a couple of things... I'll believe that much, but it appears you've avoided part of my question C Bears. =P On which night did you gain this information? That... that can't be possible! I targetted Tellyn again last night! (Sorry Tellyn, I love you really =P). Could it be possible that I've been redirected?! Also, if what you're saying is the truth: That'd make you pink and turquoise (likely another Porygon I guess), Tellyn the blue Pokémon, and Dyson the stealthy Pokémon? "The Pokémon seemed to gain power" sentence worries me...
  7. Did you investigate him last night, or the night before? You've had two nights to investigate afterall, so you must have investigated two people, right? And for Tellyn: what are these "questionable" methods of investigation you state? And did you find out about Zell last night?
  8. Right. Let's try and clear this up. =P I am a neutral roleblocker. On Night 5, I had targetted Tellyn with my roleblock powers, just like I did on Night 4. On Night 4, he was silenced by somebody else, the icy silencer who's identity we do not know. On Night 5, he was not targetted by the icy silencer. This is proven by the fact he WAS talking during day 6. So this part of the writeup: Is me and Tellyn. He is the brutish dark blue Pokémon, and I am the damp Pokémon. That clear things up for you? That enough explanation for ya? Automerge: Crud, I said the same thing in the last two sentences twice. My mistake. =P
  9. No, I said I was a Politoed, a neutral roleblocker. I'm certainly not the icey silencer.
  10. Well he's certainly not the large blue Pokémon, as he was talking yesterday. =P He's the brutish dark blue Pokémon.
  11. No, but the write up says you were backing up your ally. =P
  12. That's a possibility I suppose, you could indeed be trying to help out Cube, and I'm merely jumping to conclusions due to you being described as brutish. Still, I'd feel safer with confirmation from Cube that the two of you are indeed allies.
  13. I'm willing to vote on this, as I was suspicious of him yesterday as well. And what with ganepark's information, I feel no need to hesitate on this. Vote: martinist Oh, and yes, I targetted you Tellyn, so it appears you're the brutish dark blue Pokémon. And the way I'm reading the write-up, you were going to help out martinist as back up. Feels to me we may have two baddies in one day. =P
  14. This is why I'm reluctant to vote for Tellyn myself, as I too aren't mentioned in the write up anywhere, so I'm not sure the fact that I roleblocked him and nobody died is reason enough to show he's evil. I donno, I just think some further investigation may be required. I'll give it a little more thought before deciding whether to cast my own vote or not..
  15. Heh, can you drop that vote for me then? It would make me feel a bit more comfortable, haha! =P As for Tellyn, I can't be too sure. I mean, sure, nobody died, but unlike last time, there's no mention of somebody attempting to attack someone, so I don't really think the fact I roleblocked him will be reason enough for a lynch this time. It may just be the slight pressure upon me speaking here... but I can't help but find this particular vote a tad suspect...
  16. I'd rather we tried getting more information out of the day to be honest. That said, it is me who's being voted against, haha! Though personally I find the "vote because he's neutral" excuse is still silly.. Like, today we found out Cube is good and can make loud noises. Whilst I've no idea what these loud noises can do, loud noises have appeared on previous write ups, we can perhaps use that to find out who other people are. For example... If this is Cube, we can find out who this large orange Pokémon could be who was so quick to act at nightfall.
  17. Page 3 of the first Pokémafia, Night 2 write up clearly shows that a Pokémon was brought upon the brink of death, and reawoken as evil. So yes, I believe it was mentioned in the write up last time. =P
  18. Well as said, if I am turned evil, it'd be pretty obvious in the write up, especially as I have revealed what Pokémon I am and how I am described in the write ups. It would be of no benefit to the mafia to turn me evil, certainly not now anyway.
  19. I have absolutely no clue, especially as Politoad seems like such a happy Pokémon! I have the same win condition as the town as well. That said, reading the first game, you had a neutral roleblocker there too (though granted, the mafia got to them and they were "killed" and turned evil..)
  20. I don't think I'll be turned into mafia. I mean, how would that be of any use to them now people know who I am? If they turned me into mafia it'd be pretty darn obvious, and they'd have wasted a night recruiting me, only to have their newly acquired mafia member lynched the very next day. I'm a Politoad, the pond dwelling Pokémon mentioned in the write ups. I was roleblocked on Night 1 (I had targetted gaggle that night), and I was frozen/silenced yesterday. Last night, I targetted Tellyn. I've had no reason for targetting these two, no suspicions, just thought I'd try and put my power to some use. As a side note, I think perhaps it would be handy to note that Tellyn appears to have been targetted by at least 3 people last night. Myself as a roleblocker, Cube, and the Icy silencer. Though maybe it's a pointless note to make...
  21. Ha! Voting me out because I'm a neutral is rather silly. Can't say I blame you guys for doing it though, what with lack of information on evil people. But I'm a good neutral with the same win condition as the town. I'm a roleblocker, but I've only used the power twice, failing on one occasion (the roleblocker was roleblocked! =P) Last night I targetted Tellyn with my roleblocking powers, and since I didn't get a PM back saying my power had failed, then I assume it worked, if that's of any interest.
  22. You're welcome and you're welcome (again). =P Oh, err, yes. What I purchased recently. Do The Robot! shirt (as stated by Iiiine), along with 4 of her other shirts. Wish I could have bought mooore! And just bought: On the PSN Store. Which is good fun so far! Phew. I'm not too experienced at this gen chit chat stuff. =P
  23. And I can confirm that, yes, I am indeed neutral. =P
  24. I was silenced on Day 4, but I have no excuse for my inactivity on other days. Old habit of reading and not posting I guess. =P I've never really had anything useful to contribute, though. And with the lack of info right now, I don't really have anything to contribute today either, sorry. I will try and put a bit more effort into posting though.
  25. Kill during the night, I'm guessing. I assume Gallade would perform similarly to how Gengar would in the last game.
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