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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. It's not a drawing... But I made these cookie... things! They taste pretty good! Make them taste better by adding ice cream and sauce! I... I must have you! Within this cookie? It's a chocolate centre! Gooey... and hot! Ahhh! I'm a bad cook so this totally counts. =P One more week to goooo!
  2. Folding and lighting creates a taaaaall looking cliff! Ugh... I dropped my keys...
  3. H-hey! Occupied! ... I can't go when you're looking. Close the door, will ya?! Double post, oh yeahhhh.
  4. Time for some co-op! You can handle the movement. I'll use the touch screen!
  5. Looking at this game… It really appeals to me! Hm… I wonder why… Also yay, glad to see another one from you, M_Rock!
  6. You can't win this fight! I've got the advantage, see? Paper beats rock! Ha! Having limbs is also probably an advantage.
  7. Oh, my last comment was speaking generally, not specifically regarding the Draw-a-Day. I should have been more clear about that, heh. I know I'm not gonna improve significantly in the space of a month. I'm mostly doing it so I'm doing something productive with my days which, yeah, is a plus! Oh, and I'm also doing it to make sure Ine isn't the only one taking part. =P It's really hard coming up with something everyday though! Not sure if I can last the whole month... When I was a child... I played in cardboard boxes. I'm the best racer!
  8. I appreciate your thoughts @Dannyboy\-the\-Dane, heh. It's nice to hear what you think. I do like at least some of the stuff I've made, but I know that there's still a lot of room for me to improve. I'm not really thinking, "My stuff isn't good enough!", but rather, "How can I make my stuff better/stand out?" Hopefully if I can find ways to answer that question, I'll be able to create stuff that you will like more than the stuff you've seen so far, heh. It might even lead to the return of the Advent comics. Who knows! It's the halfway point! Hey! You can't take a break, now! There's still two more weeks! This one is kind of a call back to an image I did last year. I prefer last year's image. =P
  9. I know that's a popular thing for artists to do, but I genuinely am a novice, especially when compared to other artists on n-e. There's a lot of things that I struggle with, and I could never do stuff like the images in this post with my skills for example. It probably takes me longer to draw my stuff than it takes for Ine to do these quick images of hers, haha. It doesn't really bother me that much though, I can accept that there are people much more skilled than I am. They've put much more time into becoming better artists after all! If you enjoy my stuff too though, thanks. =P Playing with Portals! Man, this sure makes me hungry... Hope I get some cake!
  10. I want to see more stuff from people, too! It doesn't matter if you've missed a few days. Just try your best! Even if all you have to show at the day's end is a work in progress, it's still probably better than the junk I'm posting. =P Impressive Hiding! A different page, not bad! But I still found you~.
  11. I, er, don't post much... But I really like this place. Thanks for the good times! What? There are people with over 10,000 posts?! There's no way I'll reach that many!
  12. Out of ideas? Lies! You just suck at drawing them! I'm outta here, pal! That brain is way too big...
  13. Yup! Did the same last year, too. Just a little extra I throw in for fun, heh. Holes in my paper... Bah! What can I make with this?! ...Ah! A bigger hole!
  14. Sprout

    Ahhh I forgot to reply to you and now I feel very bad about ittttt! Belated thanks for the Birthday wishes, pal! Sorry that I didn't reply to you sooner...


    Hope life is going well for you and whatnot. And as always, I'm always up for some Brawls if you're ever in the mood. =P

  15. I am a guy who is cool with that (especially after spending my procrastination time viewing your archive). When I was a child... I made (quite bad) paper planes. R... Ready to fly...? Also known as the day where Maidens wasn't very productive at all, whoops.
  16. Hehe, I'm hiding! Hiding between stuff's easy when you're flat like me!
  17. It's Ine's Birthdaaay! Hope you have- Ah! Hey, let go! Get off Ine's gift!
  18. HEY! I'm no bookmark! You'll regret this! I'll escape! And you'll lose your page!
  19. I'm finding it fun coming up with different things, but I certainly don't have the hands for all this fiddling I have to do, heh. Getting these doodles in the position I want them to be in has been a nightmare at times! Also you better make some stuff this month, Fused King, 'cause that Makar is awesome and I wanna see more out of you. =P I found some cookies! Om nom nom. These are tasty! Nope! I'm not sharing!
  20. Man, you got talent, M-rock! And the Cabin furniture is my favourite in those games. =P When I was a child... I made shadow hand puppets. Look! I made a dog!
  21. I have a few ideas. I don't think I have a month's worth of them, though. =P Hey! Get up, Tammy! This is no time for sleeping! Adventure awaits!
  22. Whoo! Glad you got it done, Ine! Only 27 more to go. =P And now for something much worse: The challenge begins! ...Ah! Hey! What are you doing?! Get me out of heeere!
  23. So, a few observations about Link in these screenshots. Sorry if I'm a bit of a bore or if this stuff has already been brought up! With an orange shirt, black belt and lack of colour in his eyes, this is clearly . Due to the lighting/shading/whatever, we can fully see Link’s nose, which I think looks a bit unsightly at the moment. In the Gamecube version of Wind Waker, Link’s nose probably wouldn’t be visible in that shade. Link’s most important features of his character design are his large eyes and handsome eyebrows. These allow him to really show off his emotions. In both the Gamecube and DS games, these were drawn above the hair at all times, but this isn’t the case in these screenshots, probably because the character models were just dumped into the scene to see how they looked. Also important in regards to Link’s eyes is that they were largely unaffected by lighting. Even in the dark, the whites of his eyes would always remain white. The screenshots are a work in progress of course. Given how important Link's eyes are to his design though, I'd imagine they're gonna get tweaked to match how they originally looked. Though I guess I'm playing a dangerous game, assuming things like that, heh. Still, I think he would look much better! Anyway, I look forward to seeing just how this remake will look in motion! Ah, I... I need to go play it again!
  24. Ah, thanks for the Birthday messages, everyone! It’s always nice to be remembered, heh. I’ll, um, be sure to try to get the courage to post more, too! Finally reach that aficionado status this year and all that. How hard can it be? =P (I fear I'm becoming a broken record at this point when I say things like this.)
  25. Maybe someday. I'm fine with playing with a group of people (I always prefer playing with four players in Brawl for example), I just don't like keeping score. To tell the truth, the Super Smash Bros. games are probably the only games I'm actually decent at, so if we were going to play other games online, I don't think I'd be a very good opponent! =P

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