i do to which one do you have the blue one that has the big wii on it or the small black one
I have both i only use the black one ( its made by wii Chat)
*Edit* 38 days 16 hours and 43 minuts (in north america)
1) If anything was possible here i would have had a wii years ago and i would be curently playing nintendo's 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000th console
2) no it isn't (comment 5)
3) to steel a controll stick i guess you just pull it off but the controllers were pretty damaged
4) if you dont care about the wii and cube your a) a sony fanboy b) a microsoft fanboy or c) a non gamer and since your obviously a gamer you must be a s or m fanboy. (unless your just quoting some one) (or your a casual gamer who just dosent care about any console.
I'm sorry if i have ofended any one
has anyone else seen the wii entry on wikipedia. some sony fanboys vandalized it so it cannot be edited anymore
have you seen any other vandalisim directed at ninty
at my local eb games (GAME) the control stick on the gcn demo pod keeps getting stole so they always have to replace the controler
and i saw a nasty coment about wii ritten on a veichle in the dirt
what is the world coming to
well i ment out of like white brown grey black beige and piniata
just seeing if your listening
i hope summoning the horse is more like harvest moon awl than oot it was annoying waiting for epona at hyrule castle when she was coming from lake hyilia. i remember playing the song from multiple points around the feild because she was stuck on a fence or something.
does anyone know how much all of this will probably cost at eb (GAME)
wii-mote (does the wii-mote come with nunchuck, if so forget the next item)
clasic controller
*edit* if you can american dollars but euro or pound is fine
hmm, maybe it had somthing to do with graphic capabilities.
*edit* i'd rather theye'd tell the time line as shinsy has said they are trying to reveal the time line, maybe in the credits.
oh no i keep my cube and soon my wii in a very sunlit room
fortunatly my sister is trading rooms with that room in a few months, hopefully before nov. 19
when i saw this thread i thought it may be interesting but as soon as i clicked on it i saw a thread comparing graphical differences.
why are you comparing the grapics of the wii and and xbox if the thread is called wii *insert fancy "vs" icon here* cube.
if you dont own a cheating device or dont want to use it on ww, try cruising across the ocean (its about the same speed as swiming) or even better around the ocean.