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Everything posted by Emasher

  1. i liked the triforce hunt it encouraged me to complete my sea chart so i could find all the shards.
  2. please tell me i don't have to share a friend code with my sister i dont want all my online records to say i lost more than i won because of her i hope we can have seperate wifi accounts
  3. an n64 one day i will get one but until i do i'll be fine with vc when it comes out.
  4. divinci could use both hands and shingsy is left handed yes. i'm right handed for writing but i use my left hand for other things. interesting d pads are usualy on the left for game controllers but arrow keys on your keyy board are on the right. back to zelda. *insert topic that has to do with zelda here*
  5. knowing nintendo it could be either
  6. np scan of wii box sorry if already posted
  7. oh its after some people were saying it was before.
  8. no the ntsc lanch day for wii/both versions of tp is nov 19 not 18
  9. wait a sec a few pages back someone said something about the gcn version goming out nov 9 that is'nt true this will hurt the sales of the wii version (annd ultimately the wii) at e3 someone said the cube verrsion woukkd retail on the same day as the wii.
  10. not to mention if you don't have a close enough plug in you cant play at all though nintendo coud release a thingy to recharge alkaline double as through the expansion port. think: how does the nunchuk get power as ling as ninty dosent put a diode between the expansion port and the batteries a 3rd partty could even make one. and if they died in the middle of play time you could just change the batteries. affter playing the charger could even act as a stand thingy It would be the perfect gift for wii owners (just wanted to use another smilly)
  11. the new features anounced for channels make me love the wii so much and yes the idea expresed in kurts post is a good one.
  12. four swords adventures just got the last gem (the purple one). so fun.
  13. when i first got my game cube it fell a meter and landed on a concrete floor (stupid wired controlers and sisters) and works perfectly nintendo consoles need to be durable at one point most of there audience was little kids. now my tv has these funny red patches in the menue of smash bros and somtimes when i go to tournament mod the screen goes blank. but that makes sence because my tv is made by s**y.
  14. maybe the game takes place in the world of hyrule instead of the land of hyrule and i forgot about toru not being in hyrule lon lon is in the middle of hyrule.
  15. if its a midnight lanch lie awake in bed all night thinking about the console thats sitting in my living room. if it isint refer to my last post.
  16. it will and lon lon ranch could be on the edge of toru though looking at the pasture in one of the e3 demo movies (2005) the fence looks to simple lon lon ranch usualy has more tecnology (primitive tecnology that is) and the ranch owner dosent look like talon :horse:
  17. i think he should get five gold stars
  18. no she was born after most people forgot about the oot story after the flood.
  19. i'll set up the wifi then play zelda
  20. i'm going to change my sig soon maybe i'll make the picture have something to do with tp.
  21. all i care about grafics is they are close just under standard. for instance the more recent zelda games 2d and 3d the characers have moved alot smother thats probably why didn't care for the n64 games. don't get my wrong grafics arn't that importat.
  22. i'm getting this on wii an lanch to but since i live in canada i get wii sports free.
  23. what does it say 5/10 off topic: how did you get and animated avitar
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