Wasn't sure where to ask this, did a search to see if it had already been discussed but didn't find anything (although I would imagine with enough rooting I'd've found something)
I just bought a Wii U yesterday, set up the day 1 update overnight, all sorted. Anyways, the issue is Wii mode, I have audio and visual on the gamepad, but only audio on the TV, TV isn't going into standby mode, so it is getting something, but only a black screen showing (and I'm not in gamepad only mode :wink: )
Is there a welcome thread/topic? Nintendo fan since the original Gameboy days, first console was a mega drive, sorry followed by an N64, Gamecube, Wii, and now Wii U, and DS, DSi & 3DS (3ds got traded in against the Wii U in prep for the "New"3DS coming out, although, I've a buddy visiting from Australia at xmas... )
Thanks for any help anyway, expecting it to be a call to customer support though