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Everything posted by Zero

  1. I agree with that. There should be guide lines but, it shouldn't be banned. If it does turn nasty does that not count actual bodily harm and becomes illegal. Even if, it does become banned I doubt it will stop parents from giving the occasional clip.
  2. If you are going to take the most literal sense of the word then I still say there is nothing wrong it. Getting hit as a kid worked for me and not getting hit as a kid worked for you. The point is, they both worked. So, why should it be banned?
  3. Last time I checked assualting your child was illegal.
  4. I was slapped on the wrist as a kid if I done something wrong and I would say it worked. If you think a slap on the wrist or a clip behind the ear is violent then let's hope you don't get mugged and beaten anytime soon.
  5. Thanks everyone. I do realise that many people won't know me. It's not often I venture out of the Wii boards and when I do I usually read more than post but, cheers anyway
  6. Pandamoniam was awesome. I don't remember much of it now but, it was always fun playing it. If you like Kirby, you should like this.
  7. Sold! It really does look like a good old school title. Can't wait for it now.
  8. I think most diet stuff lacks in comparison to the original. Coke is way better.
  9. This looks brilliant. I can't wait untill these RPGs actually get here.
  10. I loved this series back on the Playstation. I'll be watching this one.
  11. : peace: Happy Birthday! : peace:
  12. Well, I tried it today and I assure it's not very random at all. Got Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong twice in a row and out of the three stages I made, it chose all three of them then the first one again before it chose a normal stage. I'm just gonna delete they stages
  13. It already happens in space so, I doubt it. Plus the univerese is expanding is supposed to be because of dark energy or something which they have yet to prove. Maybe when they get the LHC up and going we'll find out why.
  14. That's what I love about this thread. No matter how many times people repeat that the chances of us being sucked up by black hole is next to nothing, the majority still believe it's going to happen. Thta' the power of the media, I guess.
  15. While that is true, no matter how good a game is, you will be disapointed with it if, you expect to much. I think I would have enjoyed it more if, I hadn't looked up so much stuff on it.
  16. Maybe because something else will fuck up? I couldn't honestly tell you.
  17. I'm sure it is. I remember reading something about it but it was late and I probably didn't process half of it. I even heard he would get a Nobel Prize if, it turns out to be true.
  18. First of all how big does everyone think this black hole is going to be? I was under the impression that it would be so small that nothing would happen unless you tried to grab one. Only then would you kiss your arse goodbye. I really wish I knew why people would consider the world to have ended today. I'm not talking about people here, mainly the media. It's probably just for the sales though. In fact I have The Sun here. Let me quote it. Now if they knew this then we was all over the papers and the radio that the world was ending today? Simple. They are more or less printing money. The point of my post? Don't believe everything the media tell you. If it concerns you enough then do a bit of research. Hell, wiki is probably a more reliable source than the media.
  19. While I more than likely ruined TP for myself by over hype, I still believe it could have been better. It was in no means a horrible game but, I agree with Rummy. The first couple of trailers of it don't even seem to be present in the game but, I won't go into that now as this is not the thread for it. I have complete faith in Nintendo this time. Even if I over hype it again, simply because they have said they will build it from the ground up.
  20. It is to observe what happened microseconds after the big bang. They believe they will find anti-matter/dark matter and prove theories like the Higgs boson. The reason they can't observe it is because it was meant to only exist at the begining of the big bang and somehow doesn't now. I would assume he meant nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  21. I imagine you would as it isn't happening tomorrow. The actual experiment will happen in October (I think). The whole 'the world is gonna end tomorrow' is just the media fabricationg the truth.
  22. The way I see it is, if the schools are likely to get sued by something consider it banned. Where I grew up we would have done anyway and i'm sure that kids these days will do it regardless if it's banned.
  23. Remember to post in the online thread for match arrangements.
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