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Everything posted by Shoryuken

  1. I remember not being able to copy F-Zero GX' main save file to another MC. So it depends on the save I guess. When I sent mine they replaced it with a new one (or maybe they just put a different number on it:heh:) and transferred everything (messages, Mii's, saves). I didn't even ask for it:smile: Only my Mii isn't seen as being created by me though...
  2. Lol! Just found out that some of my GBA games still had codes in them. Since everything GBA-related I have (except for the Zelda LE Pack) is pre-owned, I just assumed there wouldn't be any (I barely touched them actually:blush:). Thanks ShadowV7, you triggered me:heh:
  3. That FF:CC trailer you guys are talking about...was it the one with the style change? That wasn't too long ago, right?
  4. Maybe you already know, but your DS codes wont get you 250 stars anymore. Price < € 29 = 100 stars, price € 29-49 = 200 stars, prijs > € 49 = 250
  5. Anyone else noticed that their expiring stars are set to 0? 750 stars were about to expire ,but now it says 0... *turns off Encounter song from MGS*
  6. Not really sure if it was this one but I believe was one of the games which had a nasty glitch in it. That could be the reason...
  7. Wow... I remember I once played on a thing they called a Shintendo back in the day:o . It could only play those cartridges which were like half the size of a NES game. Most of the time they had like hundreds of games on them. I remember this 1050 in 1 one... it had like a dozen of different versions of the same game but you started in a different world (e.g. SMB). This must be from the same guys...funny stuff:heh:
  8. Pretty tough...but I think I have to go for Galaxy. For as long as I can remember there hasn't been a game that emits the essence of gaming so strongly just by looking at a screenshot. Plus, it just looks so fucking delicious! It really makes me wanna sink my teeth in it
  9. Yup...would be a bit useless otherwise no? (Okay, so maybe not...since it seems you've played it like a million times )
  10. Most of you probably already have it by now, but for those that have some kind of anti-torrent thing going on... TOS OVA 2
  11. Shoryuken


    Really interested in this one...there's also this character that resembles Yelumi from Hunter X Hunter quite a bit
  12. I've found another difference! That Fairy theme song that you hear when selecting your file is a bit different. It seems they've put a bit more love in the Wii version. (Yeah, I got them both too:heh:)
  13. Anyone here having them ticking noises when playing Cube games?
  14. Can you please tell me if it has an AV block?
  15. 4 blocks.....says it right there on the picture:heh:
  16. I think it's a great thread. If there's going to be another update which fucks your Wii up, this'll be a nice place to read about it. So, before you update be sure to look here first!
  17. Yeah, that's what I meant:p Just registered my Wii and got 500 points for it:smile:. Was afraid there was some kinda Benelux conspiracy going on, seeing as Ennuh only got 250. Still weird though...
  18. Tales of Symphonia and RE 4 were published by Nintendo I believe....I guess that's why there were points included.
  19. My connection is always on 2/3 with no problems connecting:hmm: Anyone tried playing a Cube game? And is it supposed to make more noise than a Wii game? The sound resembles that of a harddisk in action, but louder:hmm:
  20. That's what I thought too....but even though I forgot to change the speed, which was set to 2mbps (for DS), the Wii didn't have any problems connecting to it. Our PC is in the attic which is one floor above my room where my Wii is at, but I didn't think the downloading was slow though. I have a Sweex one btw.
  21. :shock: The WiFi PCI thingy actually worked again! (It didn't before my previous message for some strange reason) But now that I've reached the Club thing step.......it seems I forgot my password (it's been aeons since I went there:heh: ). So, is it possible to skip this and change it later? Normally, it should....but I don't want to risk it:heh: Edit: Oh and... Nintendo seems to take a long-ass time to sent me my password. Edit2: Nevermind, finally received it!!
  22. A while back someone here posted a way of getting your DS online with a Wifi PCI card. Is there a similar thing for Wii?
  23. Hmm....it seems that my Wii makes some kind of ticking sound whenever I insert a Cube disc. That isn't normal right?
  24. Don't care about the Nintendo cables really ...I want a third party one which can be connected to your surround system (Ninty's Cube RGB cable didn't have that A/V thingamabob). Anyone know if those are gonna get released at launch?
  25. If that's the case then they should really reconsider including classic controls. I understand it would be a weird thing to do in a Wii title ,but since this isn't a true from ground up Wii game, I think they should make an exception.
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