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  1. This game is really good! If you hold the wii-mote like you would when you play tennis, ie in front of you (before you take a shot), there seems to be far less glitches.
  2. Does anyone know whe this is released in europe? (or uk) I cant find release date anywhere!
  3. Isnt this game out on friday?? Wheres all the reviews?
  4. Demos of Ds games downloaded from the Wii shopping channel.... Huge support of WiiWare... (i wanna see the next geometry wars!) More emphasis on online games... Wii channels/main menu customization, skins etc bought from shopping channel A skiing game done on the Balance board, maybe using a remote in each hand representing the sticks! Pikmin 3 No game droughts.... i havent bought a game in ages....
  5. If they have some calibration for the pointer, i cant see how they can go wrong with this one!
  6. Has anyone thought, rockstar might have intended for the game to be banned by countries, thereby raising the games profile, then releasing a toned down version which they had all along and was the intended one to begin with! could be a marketing ploy...
  7. whoops!! my mistake
  8. Well, the PS3 is becoming more affordable by the day on ebay.... see here http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SONY-PLAYSTATION-3-20GB-BRANDNEW-BOXED-1-GAME_W0QQitemZ170094218247QQcategoryZ149492QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  9. Wow, there was more people at the Wii midnight launch of my local tescos than the official Australian launch of PS3!
  10. You might as well get one off ebay, ive seen loads go for round 400 quid, im so gald i didnt pre order one to sell on ebay!
  11. I think Table tennis is soooo addictive! Takes time to get used to the controls, but once you do, its so intuitive!
  12. Looks like it'll be an axtra remote for Wii play, Monkey ball for all those multiplayer mini games, and Zelda because its Zelda.
  13. Few questions... 1. Can the gamecube controller be used for virtual console downloads? 2. Can te nintendo wifi usb connector be used with the wii?
  14. The controllers are so expensive because basically no-one is likely to copy it, there is unlikely to be any third party controllers. So nintendo can charge what they want, no competition.
  15. Doesnt the US presentation start at 2pm, GMT?
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