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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. OK, Ubisoft, try to keep the mic trickery down to a minimum this time, OK?
  2. It's weird, isn't it? I mean, if it runs on Vita, why not just put it out everywhere?
  3. Oh my god, that Switch console animation was too much. Proper cracked up there.
  4. Yeah, I was hoping the low quality thing would just be a intro kind of thing. Still there's some nice physical announcements so far.
  5. Well then, I think I might be a bit high. EDIT: Creepy, I just started playing Golf Story.
  6. Limited Run Games are doing their first conference in just over 5 minutes. It's probably the only chance you've got of seeing a PS Vita game this year.
  7. Well yeah. Thankfully, most of us here are less prone to reacting harshly too early. Shut up. I don't care what you're thinking about me.
  8. Yes, but you think the internet will contain itself for that long?
  9. And Final Fantasy VII is nowhere to be seen! Hilarious. People are going to be very unhappy.
  10. I can't help but be a little upset that there's no 3DS version for us. But God, it does look gorgeous.
  11. Looking forward to this one. Let's see what Squeenix have up their sleeves.
  12. Are Sony going for a Nintendo Direct style conference this year, or did I understand that wrong?
  13. Thoroughly enjoyable video there, @RedShell Still doesn't make me any happier with your uncanny knack of totally owning me with that insanely slow roller.
  14. Wow, I didn't realise there was an Items mode. Looks mental! I definitely want to try that some time. Probably not tonight though. E3 to watch and all that. Anyway, here's one more highlight from my session with @Nicktendo and @RedShell. I would have posted it earlier, but inspiration struck @Dcubed and then, well...
  15. This was a pleasant surprise. I only watched Devolver's conference for the hilarity. But this game has sparked my interest. Bullet Ballet looks like fun.
  16. Uhhh... Did you visit the page? It literally claims you'd have to be insane to actually buy it. It's also a physical item. It's pretty upfront that it's a joke.
  17. My god, You can actually buy Lootboxcoin. And it's price is constantly changing every minute or so.
  18. I quite like the look of My Friend Pedro. Might have to #Checkalook. Only for Switch & PC. Strange. Sudden Cameo from the Dreamcast to rip on Nintendo and their Mini line. Yeah, that was pretty great. Now there's lore for Devolver at E3 and that's wonderful.
  19. Wow, a new IP from Bethesda. That's genuinely surprising. Right, you fuddy duddy's might not have liked it last year, but I'm looking forward to seeing if Devolver's can keep the title of Secret Best Conference of E3.
  20. I want to play Skyrim on my Etch-A-Sketch.
  21. That... That's Prop Hunt. They made Prop Hunt a mode. That's pretty great.
  22. Hugo Martin looks far too smug.
  23. Did you see Devolver's conference last year? Rock Bands are pretty tame compared to that.
  24. Right, I'm gonna watch the Bethesda conference. Not gonna expect too much to excite me. Most of their games don't interest me. But I gotta watch all the conferences. Except EA's. EDIT: Nice little dig at Wal-Mart there for leaking Rage 2. And now there's a rock band.
  25. Considering Microsoft tends to be my least favourite E3 show. It wasn't bad. Nothing amazing for me. But it was neat.
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