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Posts posted by Glen-i

  1. Y0ECaTp.png

    It's the Mario Kart League 2019!

    What is the Mario Kart League?

    Simply put, it's a weekly meet-up of N-Europe members to play some Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and then shout at each other afterwards. I suppose we could also find out who the best racer is as well.
    The League is split up into two halves throughout the year.

    How do I sign up?

    • Post a comment declaring yourself IN! for each week that you'll be able to play.
    • League Nights generally take place every Thursday at 8pm (GMT). Please try to enter the room 15 minutes before that time if possible.
    • If you have declared yourself IN! but then can't make a night, please inform me on this thread before the league night starts. People who frequently pull a no-show with no notice may be penalised.
    • There is an "Always IN!" List for people who don't want to bother declaring themselves IN! every week. Please mention me (@Glen-i) in this thread if you want to be in this list.

    What do I need to know about League Nights?

    • There are generally two types of League Nights.
    • Player's Choice nights allow players to freely choose what vehicle they use and what tracks are played on.
    • Even though you can choose the track on these nights, please try your best to not choose a track that has already been raced on that night. No-one wants to do Rainbow Road 12 times.
    • Theme Nights dictate a specific vehicle setup and track order that must be followed.
    • Each night consists of 3 GP's, making for a total of 12 races. Please allow 45 to 60 minutes of your time to take part.
    • It is advisable that you add mine and @BowserBasher's friend code before taking part. (Glen-i - 3034-9087-7910 BowserBasher - 8313-9234-5620)

    How are the points calculated?

    • After each GP, the points you earned will be recalculated by me using this formula. (Total points divided by Number of Players multiplied by 12)
    • Your grand total is divided by the number of GP's you've taken part in, giving you an average score that will determine your placing in the league. This means that even if you miss a night, your score will not be affected, but your placing may change depending on changes in other people's scores.
    • In GP's that utilise Battle Mode, the points you earn are determined by your place, not the amount of points you got.
    • If your total attendance is below 50% at the end of the year, your score will be discounted from the final results.

    What are Team Nights?

    • Once a month (Except January), there will be one night where the players will be split into two teams.
    • On these nights, the current top two players will be designated the Team Leaders.
    • Everyone else should send me a Private Message saying what team they want to be in. Your choice must remain secret.
    • If one team has way more members than the other, I will ask the leaders to choose who gets moved to the other side.
    • Your points are still mainly determined by your placing, so you still want to come in 1st.
    • The team that has the highest total score on each GP will get an extra 10 points.

    What is the Champion's Bonus?

    • In an attempt to level the playing field, I am introducing the Champion's Bonus.
    • In each GP, beating either of the two previous Mario Kart League Champions (Glen-i and RedShell) will earn you 5 points.
    • Beating both of them will get you 10 points.
    • This bonus doesn't apply on Team Nights.

    Any other Rules I should know about?

    • Theme Nights must be followed. However, if you don't have the right vehicle part, let me know as soon as possible. I will try to find an alternative part that has the same stats.
    • During Player's Choice nights, please do not choose a track that has already been raced on that night, it's only polite.
    • Do not rage quit, if I start to notice people "disconnecting" regularly, you may be penalised.
    • If you do disconnect, rejoin the room as soon as possible. You will earn one point for that race. But I'd be willing to discount that GP's score if it would result in lowering your average score. But don't take the mick. Be aware that discounting a GP will affect your total attendance.
    • Remember to let me or the host know if you can't make the night as soon as you can.
    • Have fun! And feel free to show off your hilarious (Or skillful) moments with the Switch video capture!

    Theme Night Suggestions

    • If you have a suggestion for a Theme Night, please send me a PM with the details and I'll try to implement it.

    Thanks to @RedShell for the new logo!

    • Thanks 4

  2. 14 hours ago, nekunando said:

    I think we could well be in line for HD remasters of a few Gamecube games such as F-Zero GX, Wave Race: Blue Storm and Super Mario Sunshine. In fact, I feel confident that we'll get at least one of those games within the next 18-24 months :hehe:

    Spoiler alert: It'll be Mario Sunshine.

  3. On 16/01/2019 at 3:41 PM, Rob3008 said:

    Thanks! I actually did it with Kirby last night purely to get the "5 recovery items" achievement and got a 9.8 by accident so this may be the easiest route!

    I was about to suggest Kirby, but do keep in mind, his route ends with Marx, who's a genuinely difficult fight on a 9.9 run.

    Any character who ends with a Master Hand fight is probably not a good idea to go with. On 9.9 runs, they always have to fight Master and Crazy. Them two are easily the hardest boss in this game.

    Master Core 9.0 on WiiU was still harder, mind. Now that was hard! I'm surprised it didn't show up in Ultimate.

  4. 7 hours ago, drahkon said:

    The final stage's song is awesome.


    I've completed the game just now. :) 

      Ending Spoilers (Reveal hidden contents)


    Mario is such an asshole...


    ...just look at his smug face...


    ...and off he goes. What a cunt :p 

    And now for the final two screenshots. 

      And they say money can't buy happiness (Reveal hidden contents)


    Wario sure seems happy :D 


    And there he his. Literally on top of the world.



    Hah, you loser! You don't even have a place to live in.

    And that rock is barely 3 times the size of Wario! What a dump!

    Why does a Genie offer you a wish and then demand money for it? What a crap genie!

    I'm done now. Behold the majesty of my castle!



    Isn't it a beaut?

    So yeah, as you can probably tell. I decided to "Shoot the Moon" and go for the lowest score possible.

    I gave myself a couple of rules before hand.

    - No using Up + B to throw money away. (Except for the 10 coins needed for end goals)

    - No using checkpoints to waste money.

    - No using Bonus games to spend money.

    It's an interesting challenge. You have to do some pretty silly manuevers to get around coins. You would not believe the amount of times I had to crawl under coins.

    And my grand total was...


    You automatically get 300 coins for beating the final boss.

    I actually found a completely new (to me) Wario sprite for when you finish a level with no money at all.

    This game still holds up. It's a weird in-between of Super Mario Land 2 and the later Wario Land series and it works. Power ups are great, (Even if the Jet hat is beyond broken) and the enemies are weird looking in a good way. And I can't get enough of the farty sounding music. Always puts a smile on my face.

    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1

  5. 18 hours ago, MindFreak said:

    In my experience, speed was the main factor. Taking no damage would work as well but that was bloody hard sp that's only a bonus. Also, don't use tickets. If you die, you start over.

    Normally, this would be the case, but if you actually get the intensity to 9.9 before your first death, then use as many tickets as you need to finish the run.

    • Like 2

  6. On 12/01/2019 at 6:08 PM, Jonnas said:

     (Portuguese news aired a snippet of a debate between Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn, and it sounded like they spent more time attacking each other's character than discussing policy).

    You must have been watching something from Prime Minister's Questions. It's a weekly thing where various politicians get to ask the Prime Minister, well, questions.

    On paper, it's an opportunity for the PM to demonstrate their plans for the future and all that.

    In reality, it's pretty much a childish argument.

    There's this humourous little YouTube series known as Politics Unboringed that does it's best to explain what the bloody hell goes on in the world of politics.

    This episode from 2017 goes into detail about why PMQ's is the complete farce it is.

    I recommend giving it a watch so you can get an idea why the UK is the utter omnishambles it is.

    • Like 2

  7. 39 minutes ago, drahkon said:


      SPOILERY SPOILERINOS (Hide contents)

    It's blue Toad. :blank: 



    Yeah, I wasn't allowed to mention that in the review.

    That said, I never figured out how to unlock him before I wrote that. I 100% NSMBU and saw the credits in NSLU and that didn't do it.

    It's so strange. Why do that when only 3 characters have a normal difficulty?

    EDIT: Just looked up how, now I'm annoyed. Wish I was told that somewhere.

    DOUBLE EDIT: Two people still can't play as Toad though, even if you choose different colours. Now I'm even more confused.


  8. 4 hours ago, Mokong said:

    Noticed there is now a New Game+ option....is there any benefit of doing that? Do I get to start with all fighters or will I have to awaken all over again?

    You keep all your fighters, spirits and skills unlocked on the skill tree.

    There are two things you'll need to do New Game + for.

    - Chances are, you don't have every skill yet. One of the challenges is to get every single one of those. New Game + lets you get the chests again, which should get you the skill spheres needed to get there.

    - This is more of an OCD thing, but the Dracula Primary Spirit is one of those enhanceable ones. So if you're like me and want one of every spirit on you, you'll have to play up until that Boss Fight again anyway.

    Be warned though, if you start a New Game +, your previous save is overwritten. There are a number of challenges revolving around the final battle, so it might be best to do those first.

    • Thanks 3

  9. 26 minutes ago, Ashley said:

    Wouldn't it be great if they announced a port of this right now:


    Probably one of the most overlooked games of the Wii. It's a proper flawed gem!

    The main character, Raymond Bryce, managed to get in Smash as a Spirit and no-one noticed/cared.

    • Like 1
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  10. Honestly, the worst thing about all this is how this has been an incentive for some people to behave absolutely appallingly to others.

    Human decency just flies out the window whenever the subject arises.

    Did anyone here watch that Brexit drama on Channel 4 a few days ago? It was pretty good. I can't say I'm informed enough to know what parts were exaggerated or not, but it's safe to say that it's closer than it really should have been.

    The last scene with that focus group was a little upsetting for me. Hit a bit too close to reality to not feel bad about the state of things.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 2

  11. 20 minutes ago, bob said:
    2 hours ago, sumo73 said:
    As a rule, I don't normally watch any kind of award show. Full of people giving themselves slaps/pats on the back.
    Had this award show had the worst game of 2018, most wokest developer of 2018, worst triple A developer.... or been a bit shorter in length, I might have watched it.

    Go on then, who do you think was the most wokest developer?

    Showing my out-of-touchness here, but to hell with it.

    What the Dickens does wokest even mean?

  12. 11 minutes ago, bob said:

     I don't even know what you spend the gold coins on. Continues?

    There's a shop in the Vault section. Spend gold there.

    I can understand that everything can feel overwhelming though. There's a lot going on outside of fighting.

  13. 2 hours ago, Mokong said:

    Just finished World of Light....with a 99.67% completion....WTF?

    I'm fairly OCD with these type of things, I made sure every area I was in I got all Spirits before I left.

    Other than this little annoyance that I will try figure out tomorrow I LOVED World of Light.

    Last few fights we're fantastic lovely but of fan service with that 2nd last fight ;)


    And the final showdown...EPIC


    There's three endings, chances are you're missing the other two.


  14. 1 hour ago, FalcoLombardi said:

    For some reason I recently became interested in Nier Automata. Anyone think that those main characters have a chance of making it in as a DLC character? There's the Platinum and Square Enix connection. And I'm hoping that a port of that game is coming to the Switch soon.

    Just a gut feeling this, but I don't think a second Square Enix rep would be coming from Nier of all things.

    I mean, at least with Joker, you could argue that Persona is one of Atlus' more well-known series. But Square has much bigger series to draw from.

    I'd be all over a Nier Automata port though.

    • Like 1

  15. 1 hour ago, killthenet said:

    Both OlliOlli games are coming to Switch as OlliOlli: Switch Stance according to the US eShop. Out on Valentine's Day over there, hopefully same day or soon after over here. I really enjoyed the first one on Wii U so I'm happy to see them finally come to Switch

    That title's great!

    • Thanks 1

  16. 1 hour ago, MindFreak said:

    Isn't it weird how New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe is out next week and there have been about zero promotion for it? No trailers, site just opened yesterday, only a few Twitter posts etc. 

    I expect some supermarket retailers to advertise it a bit soon. It's New Super Mario Bros. That stuff sells itself.

  17. 10 hours ago, GenericAperson said:
      DLC Rumour (Hide contents)


    Strong rumours going round that there's going to be a Dragon Quest character in Smash Bros. Multiple leakers and hackers are claiming as such. If this turns out to be true I can understand and it makes a lot of sense.


    If there is going to be Dragon Quest in Smash though will we have a similar situation music wise to Final Fantasy given that the Dragon Quest composer is very protective of his music?




    I'd honestly be amazed if we got anything more than Final Fantasy levels of music. You'd probably have an easier time getting Disney songs in there.

    But then again, the main selling points of each of these DLC character packs is that you get a character, a stage and a selection of music. It'd be pretty lame to buy a theoretical Dragon Quest pack and realise there's only 2 ripped MIDI's.

    My solution would be instead of Dragon Quest's impossible to license soundtrack, fill up the music with songs from the likes of Bravely Default/Second and Octopath Traveller.

    Holy crap, I'd be well hyped for Octopath music in Smash!


  18. Just a note to anyone who goes online: If you're the kind of person whose reportoire involves using one attack over and over again, 90% of the time. You're the worst kind of Smash player and you're an utterly boring to fight.

    @Ugh first aid and I team up whenever I decide to play online and we inevitably end up just using themed teams. Including Roy and Roy (Not the same character), Team Swimsuit and Bayo 1 meets Bayo 2.

    • Thanks 1