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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. The solicitor wants 25cents an hour and Mao only gets paid 10cents a day. There is a '0 days without an accident' sign though <3 Jordan's post
  2. lmbo. Mao Chinchang can no longer provide for his family through loss of fingers
  3. Taiwanese sweat-factory workers are shite
  4. Its all on the left stick. I think it was a) i was trying to use the right stick aswell and b) it was shit
  5. Isnt it like a 1 in 3,000,000 chance of getting it with a falcon? A official statistic is that 33% of all launch 360s have/will fail. I think thateveryone knows that is bollocks, itll be much much higher
  6. The only thing wrong so far is the god dambed fucking shitting megabollocks controls for the hovercraft. But at least Im past that bit now..... (ravenholm).....crap.... ROVENHOLM IS THE SHITTEST LEVEL OF ANY GAME EVER. After Cortana on halo 3 however. Why is it that good games have crappy bits
  7. Spank you young bren Got my recept! which ones to have....
  8. roflcopters m8, roflcopters
  9. Where the chuff is the thread for free hd dvds. Hope i can find my recept - its my warrenty. unless caris was pulling my leg DMC4 - February 2008
  10. You are insane for thinking the genre is is getting old with generic games like The Orange Box. Its anything but - they have actually tried something different. Funny, crazy cartoon mulitplayer - Inovative and clever puzzeler - and an amazing fps (when was the last time you had a gun which could pick up and throw objects). SPOILER - lolol chris and caris
  11. Yea thats right rooney just pull him back in the box. 1-1 EDIT BOLLOCKS 2-1
  12. shopto are selling hdmi white 360's
  13. My orange box has been dispatched. Didnt realise shopto was this good. but at least mine will come tommorow through gameplay
  14. For starters they are for display. Im not some kid im a 'guy'. (lolololol Caris). And Ive done more than you
  15. Lololololol funny funny I cant sign into Live - my internet is also being really slow
  16. Alan Shearer being promoted to pitchside was a mistake
  17. <3 Stefkov
  18. Saw the figure - thought they might bring out a limited edition so i didnt pre-order. will do
  19. Got this on pre-order with the best delivery:) More excited than any other game even Halo 3. Maybe I was more excited but it was a dissapointing game
  20. Chuck


    My postie is still working caus he needs the money lololololol
  21. thanks alot
  22. Once again the 'Americans always get things early' is about to open as more and more of them get The Orange Box 2 days earlier (9 days earlier than the EU) than it goes on the shelves accross the pond EDIT at least 6 people on the first page on threads on xbox.com has it
  23. It is... but im amazing:indeed: or it was luck. some of those challenges were bitches
  24. As in the title does anyone know of a free MPEG4-MP3 converter that is reliable on the net. Its just for putting songs off a cd on an mp3 player. Cheers
  25. Fifa world cup - although you might only get 500
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