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Everything posted by Chuck

  1. My local (which mainly retails in the North East but can be found in Aberdeen and Berwick) has been selling Dualshock 3s.
  2. LIQUID! Brother! Its not over, not yet! THIS IS THE LIBERTY WE'VE WON FOR OURSELVES! Outer Haven.... This Will Be Epic
  3. Something comes to mind when reading this post... oh yes... FIFA 08
  4. Roadkill and M.Fento HAPPY BIRTHDAY NO KILL FOR YOU
  5. The Elite becons
  6. Rainbow six vegas 1 and 2 candc chat
  7. Thanks guys:)
  8. Its on record but i might not watch it. bloody scousers. no score shall be revealed
  9. bully 10char10char10char
  10. I was wondering y u hadnt played it yet. youve been ranting enough:)
  11. Chuck


    i believe so yes
  12. me thats a 1o ch4r rite there bitch
  13. I like it. Im not sure if it is a generalization that I can see myself as
  14. Check it - 9 hours of work with ArchiCAD, 3D Studio Max and Photoshop
  15. I got it today. I was hoping for the box today. Oh well there is still 3 minutes of hope.
  16. Should hopefully get the box tomorrow stef. defos getting he game
  17. FIFA 08: peace:
  18. Aimless I think your helmet base is back to front as the issue number should be forward:)
  19. Chuck


    I got a better one for £18 at play. Sony aswell. V.Nice
  20. check the warhawk thread for the impending game that has started
  21. Thats only RROD, everything else is 1 year
  22. Chuck


    Just set up a game. N-europe . password 234 Bit silly to put transporters on as it comes with the map pack. ill remake it inb an hour. Warhawk 8:30 Skype for Chat? I host regular = Cycle maps Name: N-Europe Password: 234
  23. Ah i see. That would be good. And he would get a rollicking off Sayid
  24. Its plausible that its Mikael but how would you get far enough away from that grenade before it went off after dropping it in Season 3
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