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Everything posted by Bowser57

  1. No snow in my part of Lincolnshire. It is very cold, not helped by the fact our heating is messing up at the moment.
  2. Unlucky buddy, but you're right to train for frisbee, it's an excellent pursuit and you'll need some work to get to the kind of level I'm at. To cheer you up here's a picture of a dog sitting in it's food bowl taken by me!
  3. Yep as far as I know the postman left them all for me. The King Kong demo I filled in some form on a website, the USB stuff I ordered from Amazon.co.uk (inc free super saver delivery!) and the dongle was from my old friends at Gameplay. Oh, and I subscribe to EDGE magazine.
  4. A dongle, an SD card reader, USB joypad for playing MK64 online (don't download ROMs people!!), a USB splitter thing, King Kong demo that I hadn't expected to get, latest issue of EDGE that arrived while I was in the US... and I think that is mostly it.
  5. I really should be in bed, having just got home from lots of flights and waiting in airports and a long drive home. But I've got a load of goodies that had come through the post for me, so I'm just having a quick look at those before I get some much needed sleep.
  6. Seven quid, get it ordered. http://shop.game.net/ViewProduct.aspx?cat=10212&mid=324115
  7. It raised a smile with me, keep it up and don't let the haters get to you. And welcome home Kopo.
  8. So should your 360 freeze every few mins, overheat or explode can we expect a post along the lines of "Well, I just guess that's the way it goes with a new console launch, I'll very happily wait for a replacement and not complain like the annoying people"? Come on Owen, you'll murder your family if you don't get it on launch day as it is.
  9. I haven't read all the thread, so this may well have been suggested, but I would just get in touch with the Uni's and ask what they'd be looking for in order to take the course.
  10. That bit was alright, but nothing on the Back To The Future scene. The new Simpsons was alright, and the new American Dad not all that good.
  11. Take another look at that trading card.
  12. Well she can't have my home number, but if I knew my mobile number off the top of my head she'd be welcome to it.
  13. Having played both machines for hours and hours I'd say no. It's more like three and a half times sexier, and four times... no, five times as capable.
  14. I'm sure the American print of the film is different to the UK one. Because in the version I saw she was lacking both. ... Oh wait, I was checking Ron out. (Not really, I stand by my first comment).
  15. Another trailer that irritated me a bit was for M. Night Shyamalan's new film, Lady In The Water. Not only is the guy obsessed with having twists and silly things in all his films, now he needs them in his trailers! He should drop the made up and pretentious "Night" from his name and maybe just call himself Twisty McGee or something.
  16. I don't know if you guys saw the new Superman trailer when you saw Potter, but it's looking like they should just rename the film "Jesusman". I'm not all that into the mythology of Superman, thinking him one of the most boring and unoriginal superheroes there are. Anyhow, the trailer has his dad saying "I'm sending my only son to save humanity!" while Superman is shown flying over the Earth looking all Superman-ish.
  17. Morning! They're a bunch of mentals over here! Yesterday when I went to watch Harry Potter, one of them stands up at the front of the cinema (before the film had started) and starts a trivia quiz with the audience!
  18. 360 review scores from Edge... PGR3 9 Kameo 7 Condemned: Criminal Origins 6 Call Of Duty 2 7
  19. I couldn't wait until the 10pm showing I'd got tickets for last night, so went to an 11am one as well before that. Feelings about the film are pretty mixed. If you've read the book, like me you'll probably be a bit dissapointed at some of the changes. Special effects are good once again, the acting is better, shame there's not more from Snape and Sirius. There's no Mrs Weasley at all. The Quidditch World Cup scene is a bit of a gip, it sets up a fantastic looking stadium, the teams make their entrances and then that's it, none of the match is shown. The film has to get an extra point or two for uses of the words "mental" and Ron telling Harry to piss off when he gets in a bit of a grump with him. In one of the previous films I recall finding Ron's twin brother's a bit annoying, in this one though they're quite amusing and put to better use. The first showing I went to was pretty strange, some kid (I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl) started a trivia quiz with the audience before the film started. He/she was getting people to answer questions and then ask each other them, I just sat thinking that I couldn't ever picture that happening at home. Anyhow, the film's good, but like POA feels rushed and a bit confused in places, it's funnier than other ones have been and Voldermort's return is done well. If you're a Potter fan I'm sure you'll enjoy it, if not then why the hell would you go and watch it anyhow?
  20. It would have told you at the time you made your bet what odds you were betting at. You can also log in and check your betting slip, which again will tell you what odds you made your bet at.
  21. Excuse the language but fucking hell. So did Ladbrokes have NFS up at those 8-1 odds? I'd have put no end on at that. Only just woken up to see it's at evens already. Demonmike, don't talk silly, just how many Xbox360's are you expecting to be sold that the top selling game on it will outsell something being sold on PS2, Xbox, Gamecube, PC, DS, and Gameboy? (It's out on 360 as well I reckon).
  22. My plan is to wait until they release the odds, that way I'm hoping it'll become apparent how they're going to judge it. If they're going to judge it seperately then they'll possibly be the two different options to choose from. Having said that I think their winner is the one that comes out the top of the ELSPA chart, so it'd depend on what they decide. I'll maybe e-mail ELSPA actually. The main problem I see arising is that the two different versions be counted seperately and the Black Edition will eat into the sales of the other one. Having said that of the two I'll put my money on the standard edition. (If anyone is reading all this you have too much time on your hands).
  23. Yep, having looked into it some more I'm next to certain that I'll be putting my money on it. It's on eight different formats from what I can gather. The only thing that makes me a little unsure is that there appears to be something called the "Black Edition", which seems to feature more cars and a DVD or something. It looks like it's only on PS2, but it concerns me that that's where I'd imagine any title to shift most units, plus I wonder if the 'Black Edition" sales will count towards the final sales of Need For Speed Most Wanted under some sort of umbrella heading that'll include both versions.
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