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Cold Fire

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Everything posted by Cold Fire

  1. Hell would freeze over and all life on earth would be long dead before Nintendo (a traditional Japanese company which almost constantly makes a profit) sold itself out to an evil American corporation. There are so many safe guards in place at Nintendo to stop hostile takeovers etc that it is completely ridiculous to talk about it.
  2. Not sure if its the same one, but i have found that if you are recieiving a server and you lightly flick the controller at the right time it will send the ball into the far corner of the court and it is impossible for the the other payer to hit it. Works every time.
  3. This game came out today in the states, do we have any idea of a euro release?
  4. Both the sets of batteries that came with my two Wiimotes have died already. One set on Tuesday, the other set tonight. I had no warning from the Wii, both times i just turned the console and they had died. New batteries brought the controller straight back to life. Dunno my total playtime on the system but 5 days battery life aint good.
  5. "To keep you is no benefit, to destroy you is no loss" - Broadcast over the Cambodian airwaves to radio's across the country by Pol Pot.
  6. Play Tekken 5 on the PS2, the difference when pulling off juggles is night and day! As for the 50hz thing, i am a die hard Nintendo fan but one thing really does piss me off, if this was Sony or Microsoft the game would be out at 60hz global. Its this "got you over the barrel" attitude that i thought the big N was finally losing, thusly i hope it isn't true.
  7. Man i am so excited now, haven't been this excited since i had to jump out of my ex girlfriends bedroom window (then run into town to EB games) when her mum came home early on the launch day of the N64, oh the memories of childhood eh? Just like a few of you, i have also got Friday, Monday, and Tuesday off work, unfortunately one of those days will spent Xmas shopping and the stupid office Xmas party is on Friday the 8th!! Game is across the road from me so i'll be there at 8:00am sharp and home by 8:05am sharp to set up. Wii Launch! More exciting than (boring old) Xmas. Your looking a little ill there Cube, you may even have to book it off sick
  8. I've just mentioned this on another thread but when Game rang me today to confirm my pre order for Friday he claimed that Component Cables are available on Launch day. Whether that is the case or not i have no idea.
  9. Well i am pretty sure that since it was Rare "the company" which created the game then any code etc belongs to them as a company, not the people who left to form Free Radical. Which in turn leads me to the same answer to your second question, once the employees etc (and i think it was only a handful) agreed to have their faces in the game then it wouldnt matter on which format it was released, they simple signed their rights away to the game. Who really knows though huh?
  10. Yes it is complicated, no sony dont "own" bond. Sony have the distribution rights of Casino Royale, the Bond License for the games is completely different. Basically you have a game developed by Rare, published by Nintendo with Activision currently holding the rights to bond games, its only Rare (read: Micro$oft) that will have a problem with the VC game. I am sure activision wont care all that much about it. Edited to add: The reason why i dont think Activision would have a problem is because the game is not in direct competition to any of their bond games. I doubt many people would not buy the game for 40 bucks just because they can get an 8 year older version for 10. Goldeneye was such an awesome game though, so awesome.
  11. Well my Game receipt says 22 in the top left corner, and i'll be damed, i'm number 22 in the queue!
  12. Yo NintendoDork, Super Paper Mario was confirmed for Wii ages ago, can't be assed to find any links (heavy night last night) but i do remember reading it. Got my Opera info yet?
  13. I'm just taking it step by step, one day at a time. Its the only way!
  14. A little off topic, but whats the deal with Sony and Tekken? Has it been stated that they have an agreement in place to have Tekken only on Sony home consoles? If so, how long for? On the above note, i cant see Tekken working with the Wiimote, i'm no massive fan of the Dual Shock but playing Tekken on anything else (other than arcade) just wont do.
  15. Exactly, couldnt of said it better myself. Now if soon we start seeing games come out which are RE4 quality and above then i will be happy, but this is far off. Just to reitterate my thoughts on the water, its all nice and shiny but it looks like someone has poured thickening agent into it create come sort of clear jelly.
  16. Water looks terrible (See Zelda TP on how to do that), the human animations look clunky, the vehicle textures are absolutely shocking, e.g Goldeneye Dam level like, i dont really know what else to say. Maybe it is this particular video, but it does look bad. And too all the people saying its not a next gen console, i know this, but Zelda Tp looks stunning at that is a pure GC game with Wii controls tacked on. I am not expecting PS3 or X360 graphics but there needs to be some improvement over the current GC games, i am concerned that the Wii will have an awesome launch but its lifespan will be limited when we start seeing real jaw dropping stuff ala Gears of War etc. All in all it has probably been rushed out, but as many other have said, i will wait for the reviews before i even think about getting this.
  17. Yeah i think they did somewhat, your question about how many games by the end of the year, Worldwide or just europe?
  18. The Nunchuck was made for
  19. lol - well to be honest, i think Tellyn888 was joking about because the 111one!11!!'s etc is really a piss take from the days of when newbie's to forums would get all excited, type to quick and post about old news like.... teh Nintendos new controller werks like a mouse!!!!111o!! So a lot of people use it when messing about, e.g at work we call The Internet, Teh Interwebs, just cuz its silly. That concludes Teens for begginers (man that sounds like a porno if ever i heard one) for today, please join us tomorrow where we will be discussing getting drunk on the park and teenage pregnancy. Thank you
  20. Internet user to queen's speech convertor - patent pending. Input -> ZOMFG PS3 IZ TEH PWN3D!1!!!!!11100 LOL N00bz0Rs!1 Mid convert -> S-zo My fucking god, PS3 is gonna get owned. i am excited, laugh out loud, Noobs! Output -> Oh golly gosh, the playstation 3 brand seems to have hit a snag here. Look at all these new cretins.
  21. Unfortunately you are about right with the numbers, however W3C set the standard for coding XHTML and i do not want to lower my skill set and only work to a lower standard. Its just unfortunate that M$ bundle IE with Windows. I design and develop for standards compliant browsers and fix for IE, but if more people switch then maybe (one day) we will see that number reversed. The revolution must start now
  22. My local Game has had stuff in for ages, they seem to be really pushing the Wii but they are situated inside Debenhams, the one in town just has a video running on the screen. Haven't really seen much online however, and Nintendo definately need to advertise on sites such as myspace, faceparty etc, along with news outlets and the like. offtopic: I see people here using IE, please go download a standards compliant browser such as Opera or FireFox you will wonder how you ever used IE, and it makes my job that little bit easier every time someone switches away from IE. Thanking you
  23. Yeah i saw this too, some good press and the whole team seemed to really enjoy it. They even said they are giving one away in the big prizes at the end, i wonder if you have to wait til Dec 8th to get it if you won? It wasnt on for very long and i am supprised they actually got one, still its good press, we need tons more of this Nintendo!
  24. Unless your Interwebs connection is over 54Mbps then i dont see any reason to use Ethernet (unless of course u dont have a WiFi router?)!
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