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Everything posted by Meroigo

  1. Wow, I really like it! ^_^ But it looks too ordinary and like a blog... ;o But that's just small things, it's really beautiful!
  2. Heh, I got Geist on the release, but I haven't played it more than like.. an hour. =P
  3. That's a really cool and nice looking signature, but it'd be better without the small LotR text thingy above "Shino", and I think "Shino" would've looked better with some more contrast with the background. 9/10
  4. Hmm... I haven't even ever been in love, and I'm 17. What does it feel like to be in love? =P
  5. God bless the scientists! What would we do without them? I'm so happy right now...!
  6. Ehm, try it. I played GameCube version of Zelda OoT (that came with Wind Waker) that only supports 60Hz, and I could play it on a 50Hz TV. I was lucky, the picture just was moved up a little bit so there was a more big black thing in the bottom, then there was some line there too. Nothing bathering gameplay though. I believe it may be different from TV to TV. Some TV may not display anything, some TV may display it totally wrong. Anyways, try it. It won't break your TV.
  7. My LG TFT 22" with 1600x1200 resolution has a refresh rate of 14ms. That's milliseconds, milli = thousand. 14ms means that it updates the screen's picture in as fast as 71 times per second (1000/14). If you're playing an FPS, your brain can't react in as fast as 14ms. 14ms is good. 4ms is just unnecessary. Ping time over internet games are measured in ms aswell (1000 in ping there is 1 second delay from you to server and back). 50 is OK ping, 10 is OK ping, 100 is OK ping. But it starts to get not OK when you come near 150 or over... Someone please tell me if I'm wrong with something, it's allways good to know that so you won't be as wrong in the future. =P
  8. I got 500 SEK (Swedish kronor).
  9. But since I haven't originally made the image rollover code and preload image code (they aren't any special and therefore doesn't have copyright, so everyone can use it), feel free to copy them. And thanks for asking first. ^_^
  10. Raining_Again: Just look in the code and you'll find it. Very simple code, you only add code in the image code. But to get the rollover images to load instantly, you need a image preload script, and somewhere in the beginning of the code, you'll find it, where the script is located in the source that is a .js file. :P Sorry, I'm to lazy to explain more about this. ^_^ If you're good with HTML/Javascript, you'll understand yourself when you look in the code. ;P
  11. Thanks everyone. :´D Grebe: About the background... I have tried different colours, but blue is best together with white and orange. But if someone comes up with a better colour, don't hesitate to tell me about it! ^_^ Raining_again: Well, if that's the case, I guess vBulletin is screwed up or something. :P I thought it was weird with no replies in five days. O.o
  12. Nice... No feedback at all... ;\
  13. Pretty cool, but something (I don't know what) is missing. =´O 7,5/10 He's using a PNG with transparency, and I guess you use sucky Microsoft Internet Explorer that doesn't have PNG transparency support. ;o...
  14. Hehe, I made an all-new portfolio site! The old one was ugly and made in five minutes, this one took hours... THERE! http://www.meroigo.com/mc What do you think? I hope you like it... ^_^ (If you have deviantART, please comment it in http://www.deviantart.com/view/22465868/ , thanks)
  15. Hehe... nice. I hope your avatar comes true! 4/5
  16. Bigger version of my avatar:
  17. "Signature removed (file size too large). Please check rules before submitting a new sig." ... EEEW! That's ugly!! 0/10 =P
  18. S02E01. OMG. WTF?! That's what I have to say about that (and I guess every other) Lost episode. No more, no less. :-)
  19. Bleh. Since collections changes with time, I'll just give you a link to my game collection at IGN: http://users.ign.com/collection/Meroigo
  20. When I first saw the Nintendo Revolution controller, I thought "WTF?!" and when I had read about it and seen the Revolution teaser video where Nintendo shows how the controller can be used, I though "FTW!!". (WTF = what the f*ck, FTW = For teh win)
  21. I'm over there!! -> http://meroigo.deviantart.com
  22. LOL! I love Ero-Sennin. And that avatar is funny! =D 9/10
  23. Cheap Photoshop/something else effects, but it looks pretty good. But it'd look better if the "DIEMETRIX" text was some pixels higher above the text "Swords will bleed and shields will shatter" according to me. 7/10
  24. I'm sorry, but I hate big ads. xD No offence, but: 1/10
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