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Everything posted by nintendofan16

  1. When does the contest end? Well I wish you luck! Hope you win! *playing Windwaker HD because I won a Wii U* *thanks moustache*
  2. I have this game on the GC. But I really want the experience again on the Wii U, so I'll buy it. the Original game is easy, but I hoped the hero mode changed only the difficulty of the enemies..
  3. The Competition is till August 29. And I have now 1785 votes
  4. I loved Tomb Raider, so this is good news!
  5. wow wow wow, do I really have to prove myself every week? I was on vacation to Crete for a week.. .. And well if I am looking on the website without posting anything.. then it doesn't count?.. weird. I have asked it on a lot forums yes:D. But well I have 1543 votes right now and I am on the first place so its worth !
  6. Love this game, but I am missing the old style too.
  7. by the way thanks for all the votes, I am on the first place right now but still a long way to go.. august 29.
  8. Thank you! =D No problem, I like this forum!
  9. Hello guys, I am really disappointed they announced a Mario 3d world for the Wii U. I really hoped they were busy with a new Mario Galaxy or Mario Sunshine(something like that). I think Galaxy & Sunshine has a better feeling and an 'open' world. Mario 3d world consist of levels and not really a world were you travel in. I like Super Mario 3d land for my 3ds but we already have a game like that on the Wii U: New Super Mario Bros U. (Well it is a little bit different but ok). Well the point is: What do you prefer? A Mario galaxy/Sunshine title for the Wii U or a Super mario 3d World? and why? I want a Mario Galaxy or Sunshine definitely!
  10. The balloon/clown guy.. no hahahaha, I am just more thinking about Skullkid, midna, ghirahim. Also I hope they just use Ganondorf instead of Demise. But again, I don't think they will use them in the new super smash. =( oh and yeah Olimar is in the new Super Smash!
  11. I agree with you, I had a great feeling when I climbed up the radio tower.. the feeling to survive and the hope to escape from the Island, the game has a great setting and feeling. Uncharted is more like a hollywood movie just action, explosions etc.
  12. Why don't you like Uncharted 3 may I ask :P ? But I agree with you I prefer Tomb Raider
  13. What do you prefer? Tombraider or Uncharted? And why? I am so curious about it!
  14. I just like every second of it.
  15. the graphics are just amazing! I am looking forward to it!
  16. Midna and ghirahim =)! But I don't think they will be there in the new Super Smash.. And Olimar? I think he is gone because he is not in pikmin 3 right now anymore, pitty. =(
  17. Nice! I am thinking about a youtube channel too!
  18. Thank you! I would like to show you more of my drawings:grin:
  19. Lost Woods (Zelda OOT).. It is just.. awesome.
  20. I really love the realistic style of Twilight Princess but that's my opinion(its my favorite Zelda), I like the Windwaker HD remake, but I was happier if they remake The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask like they did with OOT for the 3ds. And co-op? No I just want to play it by myself.
  21. Thank you! Thank you! I have a great time already , nice people here !
  22. I think Luigi's Mansion has a better feeling because you are not in several mansions but only 1 mansion. But the game was to short. I think the multiplayer mode/online mode is really nice! And you can spend more time in Luigi's Mansion 2, it is a must have! Gadd is phoning you up all the time, its pretty irritating.
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