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  • Nintendo Systems Owned
    Too many.....
  • Other Systems Owned
    Pretty much all of them
  • Favourite Game?
    Orcina of time baby!Hell yeah!
  • Favourite Video Game Character?
    Gotta be Moogle from Final Fantasy :D
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Newbie (1/14)

  1. Hey guys, don't post here much but come here frequently for news and such, great site Just wondering if someone can give me some advice? Have had an X-box 360 since it came out and when I first tried to connect to the internet when I received the console I was unable to for around a month.......the problem wasn't that I couldn't connect to the internet, but that whenever I tried to download an update for the console it just says "Can't download the update. Please test your connection......" I tried again every few days, and after a month the problem just seemed to go away and I was fine. Now, for apparently no reason when a new update came recently the problem came up again and I'm not sure what to do!! Have rang Microsoft support before, and after around 3 hours on the phone they told me they weren't sure what the problem is, and that hopefully it should resolve it self after a while..... If anyone could help me would be greatly appreciated, specially with Halo 3 coming soon
  2. Just after watching 'Hot Fuzz', its quite funny in the first half but I thought that the shoot-out at the end wasn't really that great, shoulda just stuck with the humour. 7/10, a good laugh but not a patch on 'Shaun of the Dead' to be honest
  3. Geography and Maths tomorow for Junior Cert I know I should be up there studying, but I've just really reached the point where I've studied so much over the last month I couldn't care less about it anymore, anyone in a similar situation?
  4. Currently listening to the new Arctic Monkey album 'Favourite Worst Nightmare', anyone else got it? Its really good, just beats out the first album in terms of quality : peace:
  5. BLACK is quite a decent shooting game if I remember correctly.
  6. No way, Morrowind was so much better then Oblivion : peace: The story was much more engaging, and instead of the 5 types of dungeons in Oblivion all the dungeons in Morrowind are different. Then again, having said that, I played the pc Morrowind with muchos mods and nogalastia 'might' be affecting my judgement a tad
  7. Forget all those games mate, buy around 10,000 Wii points and just buy loads of Nintendo classics
  8. Just bought the game earlier today, its not bad but I got owned when I tried one or two games online! Of course, it was only because of the lag Seriously though, does anyone else get bad lag when playing? Even though I have really fast broadband there was noticable lag, felt like I was back on dial-up again .
  9. Heres mine, http://live.xbox.com/member/dannyboyg. My Gamercard also,. Play mostly Halo 2, starting to get into Chromehounds though so if anyone wants a game,PM me
  10. Old: Tomb Raider 2 New:Oblivion Online:Halo
  11. Think it was wave race on the Gameboy Pocket
  12. These comics are great, is Sprout making any more?
  13. The Godfather custom-made? That seems a little weird, anyone know if ths game is good anyway?
  14. Lol, I must be the only guy who's scared of tingle. Theres just somthing about him......
  15. Anyone up for a R-E team game later or somthing?
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