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Everything posted by Aussie

  1. Sonic the Hedgehog , Miles Tails Prower , Knuckles the Echidna , Amy Rose Shadow the Hedgehog , Cream the Rabbit , Silver the Hedgehog , Blaze the Cat New Bad Guy
  2. Sega Virtual Console Now you can play classic SEGA Mega Drive® titles on your Wii! When you start up your Wii, visit the Wii Shop Channel to download your favourite SEGA Virtual Console™ game for 800 Wii Points. You can purchase your Wii Points card either online or at retail. We will be adding loads of new games to the channel, so be sure to check back.
  3. New gameplay video
  4. gamespot : Sony CEO Howard Stringer has "failed to fend off Nintendo," the report continues, with the Wii outselling the PS3 two-to-one worldwide. The company is likely to lose a record 191.9 billion yen ($1.57 billion) from games this fiscal year, compared with a profit of 8.7 billion yen ($71 million) last year, according to the survey.
  5. when u start the game make sure you have your gamecube pad in slot one but if you are going to be playing 2 plays put you gamecube pad into slot 2 and it all works for me
  6. Brand new trailer - Sonic dinosaur
  7. Mario Kart 64 is now outttttttt :P xD
  8. Mario Kart, News Channel and LAN hit Oz Nintendo provides information on Mario Kart 64, the Wii LAN Adapter and News Channel availability. Aussie-Nintendo.com
  9. Next it will be Dec 07 :P
  10. According to remarks' of Howard Stringer, chairman of Sony, held in an interview granted to News.com, the European launching of PlayStation 3 would be delayed until next April! The person in charge also indicates his objective to distribute 6 million PlayStation 3 in the world before the tax end of the year in progress which encloses at the end of March 2007. LMFAO jeux-france
  11. This year brought us a lot of gaming disappointment across all genres, so we sorted through the mess to bring you the biggest ones of all. 2006 GameTrailers Awards Sonic the Hedgehog
  12. ncroal.talk : During the course of our Playstation 3 reporting last October, we asked Playstation worldwide studios boss Phil Harrison for his thoughts on Rare. Here's our previously unpublished exchange:
  13. any new Wii boxarts released yet ?
  14. WarioWare Smooth Moves (Dates) Jan 12 - Europe Jan 15 - Usa Jan 25 - Australia
  15. Feb, March 2007 now
  16. Sonic the Hedgehog Game Review 4.6 A title that should've never sped its way into the next generation of gaming.
  17. One time only Playstation 3 games are now on their way to XBOX 360 xD 2005/06 Playstation 3 only Assassin's Creed Bladestorm The Hundred Year's War Fatal Inertia GTA 4 2006/07 Playstation 3 and XBOX 360 xD Assassin's Creed Bladestorm The Hundred Year's War Fatal Inertia GTA 4
  18. One time only Playstation 3 games are now on their way to XBOX 360 xD 2005/06 Playstation 3 only Assassin's Creed Bladestorm The Hundred Year's War Fatal Inertia GTA 4 2006/07 Playstation 3 and XBOX 360 xD Assassin's Creed Bladestorm The Hundred Year's War Fatal Inertia GTA 4
  19. The Real PS3 Grill LMFAO
  20. SONIC IS DEAD -> VIDEO Lets all hope that Sonic and the Secret of the Rings takes us back to the good old days of SONIC :p
  21. Ridge Racer 7 Graphical Errors On Playstation 3 PS3 Can't Upscale A 720p Signal? Urgh!
  22. Gamespot.com Harrison discussed the PS3's killer app, Sony's decision to abandon rumble feedback in controllers, and the company's European launch plans. Is this guy nuts. they did'nt abandon rumble feedback they have no right to use it anymore and this guy is really up himself.
  23. Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 Published by: Atari Developed by: Spike how is this Bandai-Namco :P
  24. kotaku.com : Foreigners And Fights, PS3 JPN Launch's Dark Side
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