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Everything posted by Aussie

  1. 2 brand new Movies of Perfect Dark Zero Movie 1 , Movie 2 Too Human - Part 1 (video) Source : Advancedmn.com X05 Press Conference Audio Source : Advancedmn.com More XBox 360 Movies like -> Condemned Criminal Origins , Crackdown , GEARS of War , Kameo , Mass Effect , MotoGP Ultimate , Peter Jackson' S King Kong , Project Gotham Racing 3 , Tom Clancy' S Splinter Cell 4. from X05 : GO HERE - > JeuxFrance PRESS RELEASE Joanna Dark returns in the Xbox 360-exclusive "Perfect Dark Zero," the prequel to the international award-winning and multimillion-selling first-person shooter "Perfect Dark" from famed game developer Rare Ltd. A secret war has begun between shadowy corporations bent on world domination. Joanna Dark and her father, Jack, are caught up in the fight for the planet's future. A routine bounty hunting mission rips open a global conspiracy that will change Joanna's destiny — forever. Players must guide Joanna Dark on her journey to become the Perfect Agent. Featuring a compelling and captivating story, "Perfect Dark Zero" plunges players into a world of corporate espionage and conspiracy. "Perfect Dark Zero" merges the excitement and intrigue of its predecessor with revolutionary game design, online play and amazing graphics to deliver an experience that defines next-generation gaming and entertainment. Features : Engrossing single-player action. Brought to life in startling high- definition, "Perfect Dark Zero" challenges players to guide Joanna Dark on her journey to become the Perfect Agent. A fully interactive world, beautiful graphics and breathtaking special effects combine with Xbox Live functionality to provide players with a one-of-a-kind, single-player experience. Gripping, action-packed story line. Players assume the role of Perfect Agent Joanna Dark in a gripping story set years before the original "Perfect Dark," where the action in this sci-fi thriller centers on espionage, conspiracy and a mysterious global conflict. Unparalleled online play via Xbox Live. "Perfect Dark Zero" delivers unprecedented online action and flexibility, supporting upward of 32 players online. "Perfect Dark Zero" includes fully scalable environments and complete Xbox Live support with tournaments, rankings and more. Extraordinary variety of gameplay options. Players can choose between a story-driven single-player campaign and various multiplayer options including four-player split screen and cooperative action for infinite replayability. Massive arsenal of weapons, gadgets and vehicles. "Perfect Dark Zero" will feature many of the classic weapons and gadgets from the original game, as well as countless additions. Combat-enabled vehicles including jetpacks and hovercrafts will also be available to players in "Perfect Dark Zero.
  2. new images of Perfect Dark Zero from X05
  3. Nintendo Consoles 1 . Nintendo Entertainment System 2 . Super Nintendo Entertainment System 3 . Nintendo 64 4 . GameCube As for the next gen Nintendo console name i think it needs to be Called Nintendo Virtual Entertainment System What do you all think ?
  4. Financial report reveals UK publisher planning three new Xbox 360 games The huge-selling Conflict series of strategy shooters is aiming for a release on Xbox 360 in the next two years, according to a financial report from UK-based publisher SCi. And that’s not all. Amidst all the figures and corporate back-slapping SCi also names Xbox 360 versions of Highlander and Total Overdose 2 as “in developmentâ€. These three new titles join the previously announced Tomb Raider Legend on SCi’s Xbox 360 roster. ccfx.net
  5. Perfect Dark Zero : Movies First Single-Player Campaign Movies : MOVIE 1 : 6.05 MB - MOVIE 2 : 12.7 MB Multiplayer Movies MOVIE 1 : 7.17 MB - MOVIE 2 : 9.20 MB - MOVIE 3 : 1.14 MB Teamxbox
  6. EDGE magazine
  7. Nintendo does it again nice one & can't wait to use this little cool controller :P COME ON 2006 :)
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