It is outragoues. Just yesterday there has been an amok run here in Germany. I know it is horrible but luckily nobody but the shooter got killed.
Now, only a single day after that incident German politicians have found the apparently only reason this stupid moron decided to kill everyone in his school. It must be those computer- and videogames.
I just don't understand them. What is their problem with the gaming community? This guy was talking about guns and killing nonstop. He ordered weapons via the internet and bragged about running amok for years. Now that he finally done it, it is only to "killinggames" he did that?
It seems like nobody asks about his social environment which clearly has to be the best in the world, ever!
We poor gamers in Germany have to face more restrictions soon. After the last time a schoolboy ran amok in Erfurt (which was the first kind of this incident in Germany, ever) everything was blamed to the videogames (oh yeah, movies too, but Harry Potter released and then they just made some extra rules for movies allowing 6 years olds to see movies rated 12+). Ever since then videogames are overrated in every point of view. For instance Resident Evil Deadly Silence was rated 18+ and therefore taken from many internetshops, like for instance Ebay and Amazon. Ever since then imported games, and even if it is the Barbie Creator, are for grown-ups only.
What will it be next? Gears of War is completely forbidden in Germany already, so I guess we Germans will miss on even more games and will have to face severe cuts to others, won't we. It just strikes me that just gamers in Germany must feel the need to kill real people after enjoying an evening of, say Resident Evil. Maybe this time they notice those magic mushrooms in Super Mario!
It is not fair to blame everything on games, again!