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mario image T

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  1. When you say de-sticky, does that mean we can talk about any zelda stuff here or have i gone way too far off topic? ?
  2. I heard that many of the people that returned WW did so with the OoT bonus disc missing - not many people have the old consoles and i think animal crossing has a thing going with all the nes games you can play. i'd give any game a go with the funky revo controller.
  3. they never came up with it - just had to wait a while b4 stealing the idea without making them look cheap.
  4. from the first guy. "What is going to be next. every pack of cards must be burnt because there are black suits? they will be replaced with cards that have green clubs and spades?" green clubs look a lot like three leaf clovers....Is it too unPC to say that the Irish are too stupid to play cards?
  5. pretty sure the secret is that The revolution will actually be good. surprize trisha!
  6. thx +1 recycling post, you know, for giving your stuff away or at least planning to.
  7. I think that bundling the game with the revo is a cool idea but it's going to confuse the people that consider knowing all the names of the playstation consoles by heart a great gaming achievement. i recently read in the paper that DS wasn't backwards compatible and then they went on to put a picture of the gameboy micro and referred to it as a GBA SP. Backwards compatiblity is going to be cool but as someone mentioned before with the comment that half the world was against WW, then it's going to be those same people that rite off the revo. The bundling i mentioned would probably push me over the edge to sell my cube in exchange for revo. \ Can i ask if this is what cube to revo owners will do? Does the revo have any slots for the cube memory cards or should i sell them too? and if i'm not jumping the gun, does the revo have any limitations for backwards compat like how the DS won't play multiplayer GBA games. Looking forward to new Zelda...was playing MM and there are faint pictures of the N64 controllers under the water inside the clock tower.
  8. what is worse than being able to tell crap jokes -being oliherst
  9. not sure if this joke can be any funnier than cancer, but i'll try. there was this guy at an african game park/ zoo type of thing. he looks around the park and all he can see is this dog. anyway, the guy complains to the zookeeper/game park manager guy and says 'the zoo hasn't got any animals except for this one dog'. the manager replies 'yes, it's a shitsu'
  10. is your sig thing changed, i don't like it as much.
  11. thanks. i will try to use it more in everyday conversation. does woot mean anything? i've heard that one a few times.
  12. most games look good on the ads. how is it like OOT? can someone explain. ? speaking of naff (not sure what that is, guys), the night vision on nightfire never worked for me. and what is the blue vision thing (or was that night vision?) don't get me wrong (always liked the bond movies) but this game was not so much fun.
  13. i'm guessing that the reason it was a spoiler for you was because you didn't play OOT. (i never get sick of it, or metroid...perfect dark however....it frustrates me) to get into the temples (sorry i don't know how to use that invisible text thing) you need to go to the volcano and ice island things. you'll see them if you sail around. i think the volcano island is south-ish from dragonroost island. the items you get in them let you into the marked temples. and to get into the ice/volcano things you need a particular warp song... there should have been more temples and less sailing. still, i don't get sick of ww either. probablycause i'm a zelda fan (or a link fan )
  14. someone lee. i like how the name makes a christmas tree. except it's blue. 1 point off for ruining christmas. (9/10) christmas happy everyone.
  15. did you say that you had 16 wavebird controllers? why do you need that many? i wasn't listening so maybe you had a good reason. seems to me the burgler(s) had an interest in games, i suspect it is someone on this site. #1cubeplayer can you account for your whereabouts on the night in question? if you had all the games back new, it wouldn't be the same - what with all the missing saved sates and all.
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