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Status Updates posted by Ashley


  2. Its a deal.


    I'll speak to Amos. She's always up for wrapping herself around drinks I believe.

  3. Cheers. Nice to know I'm not just being blind/stupid :)


    And thanks for all your help throughout. I owe you a drink. Wrapped in Tori Amos...or something. Really appreciate it.

  4. http://courses.csm.arts.ac.uk/pdf/course71.pdf That's the course info (page 5 for portfolio). I can't see anything there, nor on the site so...open book I'd guess? I did email them two weeks ago asking if there is a preference and no response. And tried ringing them several times but always end up getting forwarded to the wrong department >_<
  5. Kinda like how you want money and I want sex but I can't give you money so you punch me instead?



    Read just over half of the main one. Good so far. Only a few little grammar errors but nothing worrying. Although I don't really understand land law :p



    Out of my way MJ!

  9. Did you have to say hairspray so many times? Now I have Good Morning Baltimore in my head :p


    Thanks though :D

  10. Hah thankfully its a pretty full can. Maybe I should just buy some hairspray anyway, in case I ever feel like big hair again :p


    Yeah I know what you mean. Picked up some charcoal (24 sticks of varying sizes) from The Works yesterday for £2. Next cheapest was £4 for 6 I think in another shop. Nice to have a cheap place ^_^

  11. Cheers dudette :)


    May look at picking up some fixative spray from The Works (cheap art/book store over here) tomorrow but for now tried using some of my mom's hairspray. Given them a quick 'layer' as it were.


    Cheers for the advice :)

  12. Paj Meen Aaaaaaaaah!

    (imagine that sung, in a musical opening number type of way)


    I have finally tackled the beast known as charcoal and was going to scan some in before I realised, that'll probably fuck up the glass on my scanner. Is there some (household) way of fixing charcoal? I know you can use hairspray for pencil, does it work for charcoal too? Or can I just leave it for a few hours?


    Ta :D

  13. Hey.


    I've done a few charcoal drawings but just wondering do they 'fix' after a while? Or is there some way you can fix them? (with something I may have in the house...does hairspray work on graphite too?) I want to scan them in but obviously don't want to get the class on my scanner all smudgey and black.


    Thanks :)

  14. Yeah but then we'd end up with people who would just cause trouble (... you know who :P)

  15. Damn it! Toy Story 3 is getting released in Belgium on June 23rd (its out in the USA on the 18th) but not over here til July 24th. You know that favour I mentioned...? :p

  16. William Shatner!?!?

  17. GOOD LUCK!


    See, I remembered. Although you may not see it before anyway. So if you are reading this afterwards; HOPE IT WENT WELL! :D

  18. I thought of mine myself. HOW RUDE OF YOU TO CHEAT!


    YOU'RE the Mudkipz.

  19. Did you know an anagram of your username is Nice Fliker?

  20. I don't recall it. Maybe it was during one of my drinking blackouts.


    Now I'm ashamed you've only seen a few and not watched them all. But also envious :p

  21. Least you now have permission to change them. That was weird...its all been a weird few days. But it'll pass.


    In the meantime, did you ever buy Arrested Development?

  22. I hope if/when I enter into romance I can describe them as "daring sashays".

  23. I'll change the thread title back later on FYI, but at this present moment the new title is more on the mark.

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