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Posts posted by BlueStar

  1. To be honest you can only give the girl's parents credit for attracting such publicity and raising awareness in the way that they have done, and if it all results in the safe return of their daughter, surely that can only be a good thing?

    Maybe not:


    Media 'may have scared Madeleine kidnapper'


    Police in Portugal believe that Madeleine McCann may be in the hands of a kidnapper who has not issued a ransom demand because of the intense media coverage of her disappearance.


    Detectives said the abductor may have "panicked" because of the worldwide response to the case of the missing child, who was taken from her bedroom in the resort of Praia da Luz a month ago.


    As far as I can tell, the media picks the odd missing person, probably ones they think the public will emotionally connect with, and blows up the case into a massive (inter)national event, when the disappearances of other people, who are perhaps less appealing to the public, are pretty much ignored. This strikes me as massively unfair.

    Known in the US as "Missing white woman syndrome"


  2. To be anti-immigration for a genuine economic reason (and I mean genuine, you have to know what the problems would be and have evidence that they would happen), then no, it's not racist.


    If people are upset that there's an association between an anti-immigration standpoint and racist views, then they want to point the finger of blame at groups like the NF and the BNP who've hijacked that stance as the spearhead of their campaign.

  3. But does, say, someone like Ian Wright count as a 'national minority' even though his nationality is british simply because his ethnic origin is different to the majority of other people from his nation?


    This idea that a minority is going to be a majority in Birmingham, does this mean people from one country, one race, or all races apart from white British lumped together? I know it's not your argument, but considering you're using it you don't seem to know much about it, that's all.

  4. Birmingham, and this universe- note my wording on national majority etc.


    So it's the first place in the world, Native Americans are still the majority in all towns in the USA? What do you count as not being 'native' or part of the national majority by the way? The children of immigrants as well? Non-white people? Would a white person with polish/south african/american grandparents who spoke with a cockney accent and played darts in the pub count? What about an asian guy whos grandparents came to England?


    I think the whole thing's blown out of proportion to be honest, people forget that Britain is still massively, massively white, around 92% if I remember correctly. If you listen to the chicken little types on forums and blogs you'd think it was a 50-50 split.

  5. I agree there should be more integration - the way such a divide occurs, however, is a two way thing. It requires both ethnic minorities to move into an area, and the indigenous population to also move OUT of that area also with the aim of being with more of their 'own kind'. That's the only was it can happen.

  6. More than we need surgeons we need people like the poles who come over and do the jobs that, sadly, British people are too lazy to do. Shame we can't ship the dole merchants back over there as well. If Brits were willing to do these type of jobs, there'd be no job market for eastern european migrants and they'd stop coming of their own accord. That would be the easiest way to stop immigration. A simple, but unpopular fact.

  7. I'm sorry, but I think people are more scared of being branded PC than being branded racist. Recently that accusation's thrown around more than the latter and it seems to have lost all meaning (If it ever had any meaning in the first place - the fact that some people find political correctness offensive means that being PC can actually be being Un-PC so it sort of self implodes.)


    Which city is this where a minority is going to be bigger than a majority for the first time in the world? (In fact, which universe is this where a minority can be bigger than a majority?)


    Are there no cities in America where there are more people of european/african origin than Native Americans?

  8. I have to day, I do always find it funny that the people who complain the loudest about people coming to the UK and not being able to speak the language properly or integrate tend to be the same ones that move to spain, make no effort to speak Spanish and live in English communities with english pubs with sky tv


    As long as people coming to the country work in jobs which either we have a skills shortage in or jobs which most brits would rather sit on the dole than do, it's a benefit to the county.


    I also don't think that people incorrectly blaming immigrants for something is any kind of argument against immigration either.

  9. What the fuck are west ham doing? They've bought Parker for the obscene sum of £7.5m and we quite rightly snapped their hands off, then apparently they're going to pay him £72k a week to do his non-stop pirouettes on the spot for them. Now they're supposedly offering £13m and £90,000 a week for Andy Johnson and and there's talk of them being willing to offer up to £18m for him, or trying to get him and Arteta for £30m. I might go along and ask for a place in the squad, I must be worth at least £5m and £40k a week.


    Also, prepare to see people swanning around in this monstrosity in your local shopping centre, no matter where in the country you live



  10. Depends what you mean by "anti-immigration" - You don't want anyone to be able to come to the country, even if they're contributing to the economy, paying taxes and doing jobs that natives won't/can't do? You want existing immigrants and their offspring deported?


    If the question is "If you have any concerns about immigration does it always mean you're racist" then the answer is no. A better question would be "Is immigration used by some as a smokescreen for racism", to which the answer would be yes.

  11. Someone's really not gonna like this ;)


    Liverpool fans "worst in Europe" say UEFA



    Also heard today that replica tops aren't going to be allowed to have alcohol advertised on them from next season, dunno what that's going to mean for Liverpool, Celtic etc, if they'll get new sponsers, have different sponsers for kids sized tops or just have no sponsers on them at all.

  12. I agree the press has a strong London bias. There was a Sun match report after we played Spurs which was utterly laughable the guy writing it sounded like he was in tears.


    Anyway, Man U going fucking mental in the transfer market, especially on the attacking front. Good bet for the Champions League next season if they end up with the team it looks like they're getting.

  13. From what I can gather the badge was partially decided by an online poll:

    The addition of a star is something fans have been requesting for a long time and 80 per cent, in an on-line survey, voted for its inclusion.


    The current fragmented lion has been replaced by the gold unified lion and 42 per cent of supporters voted to replace the striped background.

    But surely if only 42% said to replace the stripes then 58% wanted to keep them???

  14. Oh stop being so bloody polictically correct. I can totally understand and condone fans kicking off with the police.


    They should have been kicking off with their own fans, if anything. And "politically correct"? I know it's been overused to the point of being meaningless, but what exactly is "politically correct" in this thread? Surely promoting a softly-softly approach and 'understanding' to the law-breaking fans trying to cause a crush is the politically correct view if anything?

  15. Sadly, that's news for you. Last few times I've been to Anfeild for a match me and my dad have laid flowers at the Hillsborough memorial, along with many other fans. As far as I'm aware, it's not made the news. If I'd put some coach windows in or lobbed my phone at Robbie Fowler I think I'd have had much more chance of getting media coverage. And I think that's a problem (if it is a problem) with what consumers of news are interested in as much as what media organisations want to convey.

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