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Posts posted by BlueStar

  1. This "No glories at all" and chants of "You've never won fuck all" shows an astounding ignorance of the history of footy...


    Anyway, hope this police investigation involved the Boumsong transfer and that one of the houses raided was Souness'.


    How do you calculate the 'most successful team" by the way? A league table with 10 points for a Champions League win, 9 points for a Champions league runners up medal, 1 point per Premiership Title?

  2. That's what I was talking about.


    Statement on SSN by the club says they're not the subject of the police investigation, and that if it's shown we're the victims of corruption then we'll take appropriate action. Other club being looked at by police is Pompey.

  3. Maybe it's to do with the claim Newcastle are big club, despite not winning anything for a good 40 years now.


    Haha, a Liverpool fan daring to have a pop about a club living on past glories.


    Honestly, you win a mickey mouse cup a few times and think you're Man U.


    EDIT: One of the other clubs is Rangers. Hmm, wonder what the connection could be there. Wonder if the other club will also be one Souness managed.

  4. So the standard argument is "It might upset my family." You're dead, how much more upset are they going to get?


    At the moment a doctor has to ask your family for permission and interrupt their grieving. With this method, they don't have to. If you're into the whole 'respect for the dead, screw the living' thing you'll have opted out. If you don't feel strongly about that, you won't have. No need to hassle the family.


    As for "you can't force people to give X", that already happens. You have no choice over if you pay taxes or if those taxes go to treat a cancer sufferer, overthrow a dictator, give someone disability benefits or fix a street light. With this not only is it taking something useless to you, if it really bothers you then you do have a choice, you can opt out.


    EDIT: Decided to stop being a hypocrite and signed up as an organ donor myself



    Took less than a minute, just name, address and email basically.

  5. So the classic "I don't want to" won't work?


    Surely in that case you should be in favour of the opt out? The donor card at the moment overrules family wishes (although that wasn't always the case), I presume an 'opt out card' would be the same. If you die tomorrow your family could still say to a doctor "Oh, he didn't really talk about donating his organs, but I'm sure he would have wanted to." If you're on the opt out list then they don't have to ask and your family can't offer your organs for donation against your wishes.

  6. They can have my organs once they accept my blood, I'm just making a stand in something I believe is morally wrong.


    But the person you're punishing, ie some kid on dialysis or some lass on the heart transplant list is not the person who made the decision you couldn't donate blood.


    Fuck it, I'm going make organ donation compulsory when I get into power. Remember to vote in November : peace:

  7. Had a dream last week Liverpool beat Derby 6-0 on the first day of the season if anyone wants to place a bet based on my vision.


    However last night I dreamt that Bolton and Celtic went through a merger and became Bolton Celtic rather than wanderers. Even remember having a look at their new kit, white with a panel of green hoops on the front.

  8. My experience of Leeds fans isn't particularly positive I'm afraid, the last ones I met would have quite happily kicked me to death simply for sitting having a pint if legions of BTP weren't standing breathing down their neck. So I do allow myself a smile at how those lot must be feeling...

  9. Summary on Football 365:


    "Leeds United have been sold to Ken Bates (that's for a third time, if anyone's keeping count). Administrators KPMG have decided that Bates' offer is better for the club than the two rival bids. Which presumably means that the Inland Revenue will be taking Leeds to court to try to get the money they are owed, Leeds are in deeper trouble than ever, and the F365 team are going to have a right laugh in the pub later on... "

  10. I have a mental picture of you hunched over your keyboard, cackling to yourself and drooling at the mouth. ;)


    Back on topic, the downsides are obviously coastal floods and more cases of heatstroke (but this would probably be balanced out by reduced numbers of frostbite cases!). Upsides are harder to come up with. Certainly this recent weather (warm and wet) has been great for crops.


    Apart from the ones that all rotted in flooded fields!





    Edit 2: Moar - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/6249508.stm


    And http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/June_2007_United_Kingdom_floods

    The floods caused widespread damage to several crops especially Broccoli, Carrots, Peas and Potatoes. In parts of Lincolnshire it was estimated that 40% of the pea crop may be damaged with several other crops suffering major losses to their yield. Prices of vegetables were expected to rise in the following months. [22]
  11. Anyone play their Wii through a VGA cable? Gonna get a Samsung Syncmaster monitor for my PC and 360 and was wondering if it'd be worth putting my Wii through it as well so I can play on it when herself is watching sex in the city or whatever.


    EDIT: Actually, do Wii VGA cables even exist?


    EDIT 2: Apparently not :(

  12. "It's a theory" is thrown around outside scientific circles as if it means "guess". Gravity is a theory, evolution is a theory, the idea everything is made up of atoms is a theory. Just as easily bandied about are non-entity arguments like "There's not enough evidence" and "there's not enough data" when there's absolutely hundreds of terrabytes of data available to scientists and the public. There's more data and analysis of that data in regards to climate change than there are for hundreds if not thousands of other (less politically contentious) scientific theories (Bearing in mind again that everything in science is a theory) which people have no trouble accepting the findings of.


    The global warming conspiracy nuts who think they're all pulling in the same direction are actually saying completely different things while nodding sagely in agreement with each other, you see it everywhere. One person's saying "There's not enough data about climates from a thousand years ago to draw any conclusions you know" and the other guy chips in with "Yeah, and look, this data here from a thousand years ago proves that it's a natural occurrence." So what you get from that camp is


    "Global warming isn't happening and it's only happening because of the sun, I mean because of coming out of an ice age, erm, I mean it's not happening and it's made up by the government to tax us, I mean it's made up by hippies that want the government to collapse, I mean it's not made up but it's not because of man because carbon dioxide doesn't cause global warming, I mean, carbon dioxide does cause global warming but it comes from volcanoes so it's not our fault, and even if it is our fault if we did anything about it all industry would fail and we'd end up back in the stone age, just as was rightly predicted by big business owners when people wanted to get rid of slavery. Plus it's all exaggerated - No, hold on, it's so far gone that it's inevitable and we can't do anything about it so it's pointless to try, one or the other, I forget."


    In spite of what the media tells you, the outcome of the biggest, peer reviewed reports on climate change by hundreds of respected climatologists isn't summed up by a shrug of the shoulders and a "Who knows?"

  13. One thing I´ve been wondering about denying the global warming... Does it really matter if the threat is real or not?


    Should we just decide not to act in any way and then in couple decades regret the fact that we didn´t do anything when we still had a change? Of course there is always a (very slight) possibility that climate change is just natural and we have no control over it but can we really risk everything because of that little possibility?


    Just thinking...



    Saving energy and finding alternatives for the consumption of oil which A) Is going to run out and B) We have to buy from countries who have questionable leadership and who can hold us to ransom with their reserves is a good thing anyway, even if you think the idea of global warming was created by a big conspiracy in an underground volcano lair.

  14. No, I mentioned a time when crap was pumped into the atmosphere naturally, as in volcanoes in the middle of the oceans spewing ash into the skies - and my point was that even when all that has happened, even before recorded history, life has still gone on.


    CFCs don't come from volcanoes. CO2 doesn't put a hole in the ozone layer. Putting extra CO2 into the atmosphere creates positive feedback and causes additional problems. it isn't just a case of "Oh, there's CO2 already so more wont hurt.". I don't think you've actually looked at what scientists are saying the problem is.


    When there was the black death life "still went on". We're still here. Doesn't mean it wasn't a bad thing. And even if you're saying the warming is a natural occurance, then it's still going to make stuff happen, stuff which will probably make life a lot more difficult in many aspects.


    You're showing a graph that proves CO2 levels are releated to warming. Adding to those CO2 levels is definitely a bad thing, especially because of the positive feedback I mentioned. A 1% increase in greenhouse gasses, such as CO2, does not equal only a 1% increase in temperature because that one percent increase in temperature leads in turn leads to more evaporation and more water vapour (which in itself is a gas which traps heat), that extra water vapour causes more warming, which causes more water vapour, which causes more warming...

  15. I know ozone problems arent the same as the greenhouse effect, but I was responding to some line like "all that crap we pump into the atmosphere", which I didn't think was just a reference to GHG.


    Right. So to back up your argument you mention a time when we pumped loads of crap into the atmosphere, it did loads of damage, we sucessfully changed our behaviour and as a result the problem began to reverse. You didn't really think that one through, did you.

  16. But there's always been crap pumped into the air, naturally - by the Earth itself. And the hole in the o-zone layer is actually better now than it was 20-30 years ago.


    That's because humans have taken large scale action to reduce the use of CFCs, practically erradicating their release into the atmosphere. You know that's a different issue to greenhouse gasses such as CO2?

  17. I really can't see how it is after even just glancing at the picture I posted on the last page. This has happened before, when there were no humans to pollute the atmosphere.


    There is more to it than that one graph, as you well know. Or maybe you should send that graph to the hundreds of scientists who've published peer reviewed reports outlining what the problem is, maybe they've never seen it :indeed:

  18. Again we see a rather confused argument from the global warming denial camp - does global warming not exist, or is is happening but is due to natural reasons rather than humans? because these are two different arguments.


    Some kids watch nonsense like The Great Global Warming Swindle and a few student blogs about how global warming is all a hoax and suddenly they know more about it than the IPCC.

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