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Posts posted by BlueStar

  1. There are thousands of people on the internet who post the same in the know nonsense about new stadium plans and their club signing Henry mate, you have to be seriously on the money on a regular basis not to get laughed off.


    Every single Liverpool site took them down, isn't that saying something?


    Yes, that they were not much like the final design. I'd have taken them down too. When did you post these by the way? If you posted some other ones more recently that were closer, fair enough. But the ones I saw bore little resemblance to this one.

  2. Look at them again mate, tell me they aren't the same


    I looked at them at the time, the ones that looked like that big blob of bluetac building in Birmingham more than anything else. Hopefully the new stadium will be ready in time for Henry's debut. Honestly, if a toon fan posted the kind of stuff you do on here on a Newcastle board they'd get the piss ripped out of them - they're jokingly called ITKs (in the knows) and soopafans, people always posting "Berbatov having a medical, watch this space!" and the cringe-making "We EAT, BREATHE and LIVE football!!111" garbage you fill this thread with, along with the complete blinkered delusion about the club, it's fans, it's stadium and its pies that make them an embarrassment to their own club and a laughing stock to others. If you cut all the bickering, posturing, arrogant squawking, tedious "biggest club" debates and general bollocks from this thread it'd be about 3 pages long.

    And Abuse, Lovely? To have . and admit it you don't like me not all Liverpool Fans in general. I can live with that I don't need any praise off you.

    Sorry, the abuse wasn't my fault, it's the fault of the police, the media, the TV, the FA, UEFA...

  3. Just trying to get across how big it is

    Read my post above...Dickhead The pictures that were leaked from ynwa.tv last month are the spot on the real thing, Just a different render


    Hence the reason I was crapping myself...


    The ones you posted going OMGTHESEAREREALBETTERDELETETHEM looked fuck all like it you spotty little scouse ****.


    I used to like Liverpool fans before coming on this forum, I remember those days.


    The current design really reminds me of some of the Nintendo Revolution mock-ups.

  4. When it first started it was class - back when it was a completely different supernatural wotsit every episode. But after a few series every episode was just about the alien conspiracy and it got incredibly dull.

  5. ha ha.. found rainbow 6 vegas for only 150 dkr yesterday.. thats about 21 euro and 13 if we are talking pounds.. but i love this store.. the have no idea what they are doing with games and prices.. its a chain of stores and the prices differ as hell.. i can probably find Kameo for full price there as well


    Saw Rainbow Six Vegas pre-owned in GameStation the other day for £27, ten quid more than I paid for it new from play.com with free deivery. No point buying from Game or Gamestation nowadays, they just take the piss.

  6. More like Arsenal were never bidding in the first place and the news papers made a bogus story to make the old bogus story look legit. :-/


    Well last time we played Arsenal a Wenger was going bananas over Martins in the match day programme and about how much he rates him. He's also expressed his admiration for Oba in press conferences. Martins has a £13m buy out clause and Arsenal have just sold Henry - Why wouldn't he make an approach?


    To be honest, I'd consider selling him for £13m, but if he wants to stay and improve that's a good sign.

  7. Just seen stats on the news that 9 out of 10 people support organ donation but only 1 in 4 is a donor. Absolute no-brainer for me that it should be opt-out, if people can't be bothered to opt-out even though they don't want to donate, tough fucking shit, your fault or being lazy and bagsie your kidneys.


    Actually a better way of doing it would make it opt out, but if you do decide to opt out and not donate you organs and the time comes when you need an organ donation yourself then you go right to the bottom of the waiting list with people who haven't opted out leap frogging you in the queue.


    Human rights for those needing organ donation is no greater than the human rights of those who don't want to give them away.


    Dead people have considerably fewer human rights than living people. People in an opt-out system have the human right to opt out. If they can't be arsed, like I say, tough titties.

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