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Posts posted by BlueStar

  1. Just ordered a 360, finally buckled. Premium with GeOW, Crackdown and PES6 for £289 delivered.


    just got the lights of death on my xbox.

    ive had it for well over 12 months.

    anyone know how much ill have to pay to get it fixed?

    fucking hate microsoft.


    There's this place in scotland that does it for £50 and then gives you a 6 month warranty. Obviously not official but I've heard good things about them.



    Or, if you're willing to put some effort in, according to some you should be able to kick up enough of a fuss to get microsoft or the store to replace it for free under consumer laws because it's basically an inherent fault. Here's a thread on a footy board I go on explaining how to go about it:



    Although I dunno if this will still work if it's "well over 12 months old". Worth a try though. People power!

  2. Is Nintendo customer support still 0870 6060 247? Been trying to call them this morning and it just rings and rings. Unless they're not open at 9:45 on a weekday, although the 247 at the end of the number would at least suggest it's a 24 hour line.


    EDIT: Sod it, sent them an email instead.

  3. The great thing about the PS3 is unlike the PS2 which has a cack dvd player, The PS3 is actually a very good blu ray players, it's load times for example are far quicker than that of the Samsung stand alone one.


    Compared to other first gen players. Once Asda start stacking them up for next to nowt with the new stuff like picture-in-picture that the PS3 can't do and improved load times (Which are crap at the moment across the board) you'll still be left with the Blu-Ray equivilant of the PS2 DVD player - Outdated, big, clunky, not worth what you paid for it and outshone by newer budget players. That's early adoption for you.


    I scoff at certain people who belittle high definition. It's cute en all that you're going to stick with your Wii, but once your used to HD - there isn't any turning back.


    I've been used to HD for years and years and years. PC games have been kicking out high definition for ages and no-one gave a monkeys. It's only when console makers decided it was a buzz word everything became OMGHDD future of gaming all new mega wow you've never lived you'll never go back to SD ever again blah blah.


    I'll continue being cute for now, thanks.

  4. dont be put off if you suck at the tutorials, you get used to it after a while.


    I found the tutorials to be fine (although I thought my girlfriend was going to break the controller in half about about the 10th time she tried the power up one)


    Up until the airspin one anyway, couldn't get any kind of spinnage at all and the instructions are pretty vague. Might try again when I get in this afternoon.

  5. When did Sweden come into any of this?!


    Some Swedish priest was reprimanded for saying being gay was evil etc. Phelps took this guy as a martyr and bombarded everyone with leaflets about how Sweden was as evil as America and oppressing this priest etc. Then the priest came out and said he hated Phelps even more than teh gays and was horrified that Freddy was using him as propaganda. This proved to Phelps that they'd brainwashed the only sane Swede and that God punished them by killing a few of them in the boxing day tsunami along with the gays, dykes, fag enablers etc.

  6. I've jsut had a look throguh the GTA Board...not soemthign I want to look at again, What the hell is wrong with palying with a Russian Charcter? I thinkit's gonig to be awsoem Russian Mafia is gonigt o kick some ass. I saw 3 topics saying Maybe the Russian guy isn't the main charcter >> Idiots


    Plus "He's middle eastern!" and "I sawed the twin towers in the trailer and it maded me feel sick how can Tka e Too do dis?!"

  7. People who say no voip are (a) scared pf the unknown, or (b) scared of socialising


    Haha, yeah I'm terrified of socialising, that's why I don't want to sit on my own in my room with teenagers screaming at me through my ear. It's not unknown to me, I've used it in FPS games since I was in a Quake 2 CTF clan and I still think it's shit, especially public servers. It really adds to the authentic experience of a WW2 shooter to have someone shouting "Fucking camping fag noob" and singing "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard" falsetto while you play.

  8. Oh noes, it's not a gritty alien shooter set in a post-apocolyptic wasteland, if I play this people at school might bully me and call me a baby, why can't people make mature games for the 13 year old wanabee gangster market.

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