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HMV = the worst f**king retailer in Britain


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Here I ago again defending my employers.


You will get your Wii based on a first come first served basis. When processing preorders the computer automatically prints out track stickers (the barcode stickers with the price on them) in the order they were ordered with your name and phone number on them. there is however no way to go into the system and check what number order you are as they simple get allocated an order number like CD would, so it could be 4567 that means you've placed the 4567 customer order in that store. It's just the way the system works, incidentally also the same system Virgin use.


I know it sucks but at the end of the day the fault isnt HMV or Virgin it's whoever designed the database for not thinking about it...

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These bastards continue to infurate me.







1) An HMV employee at the Oxford St store telephone line said that their computers have no record of the ORDER of pre orders, its not first come first served. There have been 279 pre orders at this store (and they continue to accept pre orders!) they do NOT know what they have been allocated and as there is no record of the order of pre-orders, they will require pre-order customers to queue for their console on launch day. i.e, if you pre ordered first, yet show up late on 8th december, you may not get a Wii.


2) A HMV customer services staff member told a diffent story.

HMV refuse to reveal allocations at this stage

HMV continue to accept pre orders

HMV know the order of pre-order customers (1st come 1st served) but REFUSE to disclose infomation to the customer about where they are in the queue, because they consider it "irrelevant"





Maybe you should have stopped moaning for a second and gone out a few weeks ago and made a back-up pre-order somewhere else... honestly, shouting about it on here isn't gonna help you is it! I have 2 consoles pretty much guaranteed because I used my head.... bearing that in mind I reckon there will be loads of unclaimed pre-orders come the 8th as people get refunds on their 2nd/3rd/4th back-up pre-orders. All this fuss is a bit previous really...

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Nobody cares, HMV are only out to make a quick buck.. notice how they sell iPods but their online music store unit's only support WMA?


Unless you live in a town where the only local store that sells Wii is HMV then you get what you got and deserved.


HMV aren't a specialist, you can't expect them to cater for a launch as well as other retailers who are gamer centric. The do media not mediums.


Talking generally, large cities may have the ability to support gamers better for the press oppurtunity, eg Oxford St.

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Nobody cares, HMV are only out to make a quick buck.. notice how they sell iPods but their online music store unit's only support WMA?


Unless you live in a town where the only local store that sells Wii is HMV then you get what you got and deserved.


HMV aren't a specialist, you can't expect them to cater for a launch as well as other retailers who are gamer centric. The do media not mediums.


for maybe one of the very first times im gonna agree with you LOL!


yeah at the end of the day whilst gaming is a lucartive market and is in a state of growth whilst the CD market is on the down it still makes nothing compared to same amount of money for us. It's like asda sell them but make more on selling chickens.

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Here I ago again defending my employers.


You will get your Wii based on a first come first served basis. When processing preorders the computer automatically prints out track stickers (the barcode stickers with the price on them) in the order they were ordered with your name and phone number on them. there is however no way to go into the system and check what number order you are as they simple get allocated an order number like CD would, so it could be 4567 that means you've placed the 4567 customer order in that store. It's just the way the system works, incidentally also the same system Virgin use.


I know it sucks but at the end of the day the fault isnt HMV or Virgin it's whoever designed the database for not thinking about it...

I wasn't criticising on any of those points you "defended" though. I was just saying, blindly taking preorders when they knew nothing about the circumstance surrounding the release of the console seems bizarre and irreponsible. Particularly at £30. For all practical purposes, there could be a situation where HMV customers would get wii nearer to christmas (or even after) while others pick one up from a smaller outlet on highstreet. HMV's approach further exacerbates what is already a messy pre-launch.


But, HMV isn't alone in it, as I said. Actually, that brings me to the next question - does HMV refund the deposit when you cancel the preorder? If so, this may not be as big an issue.

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Nobody cares, HMV are only out to make a quick buck.. notice how they sell iPods but their online music store unit's only support WMA?


Unless you live in a town where the only local store that sells Wii is HMV then you get what you got and deserved.


HMV aren't a specialist, you can't expect them to cater for a launch as well as other retailers who are gamer centric. The do media not mediums.


Talking generally, large cities may have the ability to support gamers better for the press oppurtunity, eg Oxford St.



I got what I deserved?

I put my pre order down at one of the largest HMVs in the country, the

flagship store in Oxford St London. I put the pre order down at the end of September after they heavily advertsed their pre order scheme throughout the store. I put my pre order there expecting that 1) they would be able to confirm a large allocation, 2) they would do a midnight launch.

Now this store cannot even confirm my place in the queue let alone whether I will be getting my Wii in two weeks time. They are incompetent. What makes it worse is that they admit that they have taken 279 pre orders as of yesterday, and CONTINUE to take these pre orders on a daily basis - without knowing how many Wii they will be getting and without being in a position to let their customers know where they are in the queue. Most retailers have stopped pre orders now knowing they would never be able to fulifll them all, yet HMV have this cloak and dagger policy to refuse to let preorder customers know where they stand - and they are happy to continue taking £30 deposits.

Now HMV spin the line that Nintendo have not confirmed Wii allocations to them - I CALL BULLSHIT.

How is it then that little retailers such as play3k.com, and non specialists such as PC bloody World know their allocation and have informed their customers accordingly? Heck even HMVs biggest rival, Virgin megastore have informed their customers of allocations and know their numbers. Yet im supposed to believe that 2 weeks before launch, HMV, one of the UKs biggest retailers and its Oxford St store, who have handled a many official console launches in the past, have NO IDEA how may Wii they are getting???!!


And guys, im not only moaning on this thread (which I have every right to do) I am WARNING others who have pre ordered at HMV to BEWARE. I have taken appropriate action and have a backup pre-order at Toys R Us.

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I have to agree with this guy. If HMV really dont know their allocation numbers then they shouldnt continue taking such huge amounts of pre-orders, letting those people assume they're set for launch day. If they do know their allocation numbers then they should be more open about it.

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I agree with that, but it's not for sure that they do know. If they do, they should probably tell people, but it's not as bad as he makes it out to be really.




Not as bad?


What are you suggesting im lieing?


Anyone with a HMV pre-order at a store, call them up (if you dont believe me) and they will


1) Refuse to tell you how many Wii have been allocated for launch

2) Refuse to tell you your place in the queue

3) Continue to blindly accept pre-orders while keeping existing pre order customers in the dark.



For my £30 deposit, I DESERVE a little transparancy from this retailer at the very least.

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PC World is a specialist IMO.

What you are saying is to HMV is: turn away this money.


Never gonna happen.

Maybe you should give up, Oxford St is the biggest retail centre in the UK, and on Christmas it is the biggest event of the year.. when BBC News do their coverage of what's hot for kids this year it will be done there. (or at Hamleys)


Maybe Nintendo is planning to do what Nintendo of America did in Time's Square (NY equivalent) give the damned store several thousand units for launch day.


Quit your freaking whinging, you know you'll get one.. and you know because it's such a big location that they'll probably just hire the security for the midnight launch.

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I'm not saying you're lying. Everything you say might be true. However, let me counter your points there.

1) You don't know whether or not they know their allocation. As I said, no store in Norway does to my knowledge. They probably know, but as you can't be sure you shouldn't be this upset. Worried, ok, but you're overreacting.

2) As someone stated earlier, they don't know your place in the queue. The queue numbers are mixed in with everything else. They'll know who'se first and last in line once they scan your sticker thingers from what I understood. Seems pretty obvious. Stupid system though.

3) Continuing taking preorders when they have that many is stupid, I agree. At least for £30. But still, you are overreacting.

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Quit your freaking whinging, you know you'll get one.. and you know because it's such a big location that they'll probably just hire the security for the midnight launch.


No I DONT KNOW i'll get one, everytime I talk to HMV I lose more any more confidence. Its a shambles, and they deny any plan to launch at midnight.



I think im entitled to whinge, dont you agree? - considering I put £30 down months ago, I am fully entitled to know where I stand. I deserve SOMETHING for the £30 deposit, which is basicly cash with interest for the retailer.

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Not as bad?


What are you suggesting im lieing?


Anyone with a HMV pre-order at a store, call them up (if you dont believe me) and they will


1) Refuse to tell you how many Wii have been allocated for launch

2) Refuse to tell you your place in the queue

3) Continue to blindly accept pre-orders while keeping existing pre order customers in the dark.



For my £30 deposit, I DESERVE a little transparancy from this retailer at the very least.


this isn't the fault of the stores staff, they have no way of finding out where you are in the queue until the stock is processed, if you've got a problem ring the customer service number I have posted previously, stop harassing the staff who cannot tell you as the information simply hasn't been given to us. As much it kills me to say it we are just following what head office is telling us to do.


We are not blindly taking preorders, all preorders from the start should have been informed it does not gurantee a launch machine, I've always emphasized this to customers, even that it may be after xmas, most are more than willingly handing over the £30.


Darthbane lets be honest aswell, you preordered so early you live in/near london you had the pick of the stores/companies, why didn't you just go for a specialist?!!


I'm abit sick of this, I've tried to stick up for my employers but still said I understand how it can be annoying for you, I agree we shouldn't really still be taking £30 off customers perhaps, but then like I said you don't have to pay it, you could have preordered plenty of other places.


I at the end of the day am still a customer aswell, I even PM'd you to tell you I'd found out some info, ok not much but it was something, If you did it first thing you will get one, every store is getting around 40/50 roughly but your continued irate stance has just pissed me off now.

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this isn't the fault of the stores staff, they have no way of finding out where you are in the queue until the stock is processed, if you've got a problem ring the customer service number I have posted previously, stop harassing the staff who cannot tell you as the information simply hasn't been given to us.

I DID call the customer service number - it was them who refused to disclose any information about my place in the queue.





Darthbane lets be honest aswell, you preordered so early you live in/near london you had the pick of the stores/companies, why didn't you just go for a specialist?!!

I was somewhat attracted to the prospect of a midnight launch. Yes I admit thats my fault, however word of mouth at the time of my pre order suggested that HMV Oxford St would handle the offiical midnight launch, but now they deny they are going to hold such an event - and thats from customer services as well as the store staff.


I'm abit sick of this, I've tried to stick up for my employers but still said I understand how it can be annoying for you, I agree we shouldn't really still be taking £30 off customers perhaps, but then like I said you don't have to pay it, you could have preordered plenty of other places.


I at the end of the day am still a customer aswell, I even PM'd you to tell you I'd found out some info, ok not much but it was something, If you did it first thing you will get one, every store is getting around 40/50 roughly but your continued irate stance has just pissed me off now.

Why are you pissed off? I didnt make you the official HMV representative of this forum nor did I call you out for a response, you should feel under NO OBLIGATION to defend HMV.


Its funny how everyone is pissed off with me and say im in the wrong when I AM THE PAYING CUSTOMER AND ITS MY £30 THAT WENT DOWN

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Stop broadcasting your problems over the internet if you have to whinge, nearly everyone else is in the same boat as you.




1)This forum is about the Wii, many threads are concerned with its launch and pre-launch. If this isnt a place to put my concerns and warnings about pre-orders, I dont know where is..



2) Everyone in the same boat? Hardly, especially as everyone seems to know what place they are in the pre-order queue and have recieved letters and emails and phone calls from other retailers confirming that they WILL or WILL NOT get a Wii at launch.

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I have 3 preorders with huge Norwegian video game specialists. NEITHER of these know how many they're getting. Now will you SHUT UP. Quit whining about something this god damned insignifigant.

If there was this much reason for concern, you should've gotten a backup preorder. Which I now believe you have. So what's your problem?

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I have 3 preorders with huge Norwegian video game specialists. NEITHER of these know how many they're getting. Now will you SHUT UP. Quit whining about something this god damned insignifigant.

If there was this much reason for concern, you should've gotten a backup preorder. Which I now believe you have. So what's your problem?


Yes whinging about pre ordering a video games console is 'God damned insignificant' in the grand scheme of life - but heck, isnt this the N-EUROPE forum?


I cannot speak about norwegian retailers. However when it comes to UK retailers many HAVE confirmed allocations - yet HMV (one of the biggest) have not. Thats my problem. Furthermore this thread was to warn others who have preordered at HMV - to provide them with the option to pre order elsewhere.

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Why are you pissed off? I didnt make you the official HMV representative of this forum nor did I call you out for a response, you should feel under NO OBLIGATION to defend HMV.


Its funny how everyone is pissed off with me and say im in the wrong when I AM THE PAYING CUSTOMER AND ITS MY £30 THAT WENT DOWN


I'm not saying I am the official representative, but your slagging off the company I work for, I have to try and defend them, you harrassing the staff isn't gonna help anything. You think your the in the right at the end of the day you have placed a preorder for something that wasn't out for 3 months at the time, if you were so concerned were gonna kick off about this you should have more questions at the time, at the end of they day they don't have to tell you.I've said before the computer system/ business model doesn't allow for them to tell you anymore, think how many hundreds of preorders we get for CD's DVD's etc... they don't inform every customer months/weeks before that their CD is coming in, its just the way it works I'm afraid, your gonna have to deal with.




Ok, now you're just being an ass. Piss off. I move to have this thread locked.


I'm with you on this one.LOCK THIS THREAD!

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Gah will you please give it a rest.

The money you paid for a preorder is so it will guarantee you being one of the first to get a wii. Okay, so it's possible you won't get it on day one but there won't be any wii's on sale on the shop floor until you get one. Other retailers have told people that have preordered that they might not get a wii on day one as well.


Your £30 TOWARDS PAYMENT for the Wii is so you're one of the first. It's NOT so you can question them constantly about where you are in the queue, if you'll get one at launch, how much stock they have allocated. Your £30 is not going down at all, you will get a freaking wii.


I can understand your frustration (I've also preordered with HMV) but as many have pointed out, HMV is not a games specialist. The majority of people will probably goto Game and the like for their Wii preorders so it's likely that they'll have a better preordering system.


Just deal with it and stop being so damn impatient. You'll be one of the first to get your Wii even if it doesn't arrive on launch day. If you preordered early then it's likely you'll get it day one. HMV will telephone all preorders a few days before launch to confirm. As for a midnight launch, I asked my local branch (the main one in the center of manchester) and they say it's likely that they'll do one but can't say for sure yet. They've had around 150 wii preorders so far so it's likely that your store will definitely have a midnight launch even if it's not the 'official' one.

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Your arguement is flawed.

At the time of my pre-order, I was told that I would be informed well in advance of stock allocation and whether I would sucessfully recieve a wii on launch day or not. No other retailers at this point were even in a position to speculate allocations, but pretty much told their customers the same thing. So I put £30 at HMV because I thought, as a large retailer, I had nothing to lose.

To date, many, MANY UK high street retailers are in a position to confirm allocations and have INFORMED customers appropriately of where they stand. Yet HMV keep their customers in the dark.So that is my 'grave mistake', one which I cannot really be blamed for.


I had no idea of 'how their business works' nor should I be expected to know. I am a CONSUMER.

I am not expecting them to change anything for me, but a little communication would be nice. If they really dont know how many wii they will have for launch (Which I doubt) then at least tell me where I am in the queue. Any store system database should be able to work that out, but like I say, they have their own 'agenda' for refusing to let customers know where they stand in queue, while STILL CONTINUING to accept £30 pre orders.


I dont really want to go in circles talking about this anymore. I merely updated everyone on the latest I have heard from HMV. Its not my fault that any confidence in the company is diminnished with every update, because they bring it on themselves with their extremely disorgansied approach to the wii pre-launch.

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right i'm gonna bow out of this thread, it's obvious we disagree on a lot. My point of view is different as I'm the sales assistant who has to put up with people like you, who rightfully so want to know what is going on. But we simply can't tell you the computer system they use is quite industry wide for retailers (virgin use an identical version, as do Waterstones, WHSmith use a slightly different version of it), and head office is simply not telling us. Stores honestly do not yet know their allocations until the system updates and it say an "on order quantity", and last time I was in and checked it did not yet say that.


If I have one request darthbane it's that you stop harrassing the people at oxford street, they aren't that bad I'm sure and if they could have told you they would have.


and finally I hope you get a wii.

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