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Donkey Kong 64


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Ahhhh, this title is like a reoccurring nightmare that won't leave me alone!


I got this the day it came out and completed it fully yet was still in disbelief that Banjo was better but I kept on playing, hoping that DK64 would pull through. It never did. The graphics were great (the lighting was what the expansion pak was used for) yet Banjo Tooie and CBFD pushed Rare to Demi-God status considering they looked better without the expansion pak. Sometimes I think Nintendo pushed Rare into making this as a title FOR the Expansion Pak but then I remember that Perfect Dark needed it so it could be me being cynical.


I share the same sentiments about DK64, namely that it was too much of a collectathon and it had WAY too much going on and the fact that it was TOO goofy. DKC was quite serious really.

Still, Nintendo even seem a little 'shy' about the title as it never seems to get a mention. The hideous created 'other' Kongs were in Barrel Blast which is another title swept under the rug.


Wierd. Do a Sonic and take it back to the 2D roots. I'd love to see a new 16-Bit 2D title with pre-rendered graphics. But we all know that.

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I loved Donkey Long 64, that said, I was a huge DK fan and I only completed it by defeating K rool, I didn't bother getting 101% :p

It might have been my youth, and the fact that Diddy Kong was in it, and the way I was just blown away by the sheer size of the game and the awesome graphics and the amazing music that drew me in and made my glasses so rose tinted I couldn't see the tedious collecting as a problem at all!


I was never a massive DK fan tbh, never had the games but played a few and did enjoy them, but I thought DK64 was an excellent game! Similar to what bstmte has said, I didn't find the 'collecting' a problem at all. BK was the same thing, it's just collecting, and SM64 is too(I felt BK and DK were later built to be similar but with new bits) so I liked what DK64 did with all the different characters, and abilities, the fact you could only do some stuff once you'd done some stuff later and that, I liked that in the game. I never really played it again since I played it first time(I did 101% it then), so I'm judging it on what I remember of it then.

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Guest Captain Falcon
Similar to what bstmte has said, I didn't find the 'collecting' a problem at all. BK was the same thing, it's just collecting, and SM64 is too...


The difference being that in Mario and BK, you only have to worry about being able to collect things with one character. Sometimes, it was clever how the would make you use two Kongs in different ways to reach the same particular area of the level but the general gathering of the five different coloured bananas and blueprints varies from being a bit annoying on the small levels, to very annoying on the big ones.


And also in BT, if either Banjo or Kazooie could reach something, provided it wasn't an item that Banjo had to have a empty backpack to carry, they could both pick it up.

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