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Saddam sentenced to death!


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maybe they would give a damn if israel stopped occupying palestine's land or dropping bombs on palestines but that's another story.





the end result? thousands and thousands dead thanks to those 2, just like saddam.


many say Iraq is in a worse situation now that it was in Saddam's time. Last time I checked, when Saddam was in charge, there wasn't all this chaos in baghdad, no suicide bombs ... two dozen people didn't die every week.


not saying saddam was a good guy, he wasn't, but neither are blair or bush.


Israel when it was brought into existence got attacked by how many arab states? I agree a palestinian state needs to be made. But thats no excuse for hating Israel. The Muslims nicked the land of the Byzantine Empire so they are hardly legitmate owners of it.


But Blair and Bush arent ordering these people to be killed are they. The difference is now in Iraq the deaths are illegitamtae killings rather than legitmate apart from ironically in saddams case! Im not saying that makes it better in the sense that loads of people are being killed. But stabitliy doesnt always = the morally right position.

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