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As soon as he started reversing, without seeing Bob I could see it coming. But don't blame Frazer because he's awesome. Blame Steph, who needs to figure what the fuck she wants.

As soon as he started reversing, without seeing Bob I could see it coming. But don't blame Frazer because he's awesome. Blame Steph, who needs to figure what the fuck she wants.


Bob ;_;


Steph needs to wind her neck in. Toady is full of awesome! : peace:


Frazer is also awesome, and that brat bridget needs to wise up.


I wish it was that slag Steph that he had run over.


Its time Oliver moved along. Just yesterday I was wondering, does he ever speak or does he actually whisper all the time?


I missed pretty much the entire Evil Paul saga. I caught some of the end of it when it came to light that he was imagining some boy, as it was in fact it was Paul himself that was causing all the mayhem. I prefer him when he's good cos I remember him being a decent bloke back at the start, before he left... sayin that, the Paul we have these days is far too timid. Maybe chopping off Kirsten's head while Mickey watches would help.


The fight at the end was the faggiest battle intro I've seen in some time. Instead of the turn and punch tactic, Marco went for the conventional turn and bear hug like a pansy.


On the mention of pansies. Fitzy, being knocked out by a harmless arse bang from Toadie, I know he's kinda chunky, but there's no way that would knock someone out.

  • 4 weeks later...
The ending to today's episode made me so happy I came.


What happened, I wasn't paying attention, I vaguely remember them debating about what to do with Ringo.

What happened was that Ringo's on his way to that big gym in the sky... via drowning at sea.


So I see from todays episode, bet you he ain't dead though.


If the TV guide is anything to go by, he does. Meaning we're going to be treated to his amazing limit of two acting faces. Angry, or shit-eating grin for everything else.

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