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the subways...tonight!


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you may remember me expressing my love for the the subways (the band not the sandwich place haha very funny) at good ol' C-E...


well tonight i go and see them at the fantastic venue called the astoria, one of my favourite places to see a band! i cant wait, i have my subways t shirt all ironed nicely and am ready to go!


its kinda a late birthday present i got for myself hehe o dear im sad.....but no before you ask im not going on my own but with a friend who also has the same liking for them as moi.


as you may well know i have already seen them twice, once when they supported Oasis and once at the leeds music festival... but tonight is their very own gig, so i cannot wait should be very good indeed.


if you havent heard of them and are thinking eh ? i suggest you buy their fantastic album for only £8.99 or so from play.com. Every song is awesome and you will be wanting more. They are my favourite band around at the moment, young lively good indie music.


i love you charlotte.



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Haha I remember seeing them at a little gig in pub about 18 months ago now where they were in Battle of the Bands challenging my mates band, of course The Subways went on to win the competition! It was well weird then to see them on MTV as the most played video a year later!

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I saw the Subways about a year ago playing at the Vine in Leeds :P its the smallest pub you have ever seen in your life. About 20 people were there :P Since then ive seen them in York and at Leeds Fest and in Leeds Josephs Well :) i still think that their original material was better than whats on the album. Whoever produced it was thinking more pop music than grunge rock.

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