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AOL are scum


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Wank bags, free speech and writings for all! Censorship is wrong no matter the context. When a company gets as big as AOl you know its time for something to bring them down, at least that what should happen. Get me another drink.

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Wank bags, free speech and writings for all! Censorship is wrong no matter the context. When a company gets as big as AOl you know its time for something to bring them down, at least that what should happen. Get me another drink.


Yes! And this is why i hope this news spreads like wildfire and people pay ATTENTION. If not then things will just get worse and worse for the internet until it is too late.

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OK, that's the last straw, first they can't keep my internet running for more than 15 mins at a time (fucking basteds!) and now they are sensoring emails, and trying to charge "email tax".


And they support the "two-tier internet"...

Actually,talking of that, I have inside infomation that Tim Burners-Lee, the guy who invented the internet and came up with HTML code, and still personally owns the rights to it, will , if the US goes ahead with it's plans, say "right, no one else can use it other than me unless you leave it how it is."


Isn't it cool when someone most people have never heard of can get one over the US government?

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