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Big Tac???


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Advance: The other "insider" usually talked about BIA 3 being for the Wii console, and also claimed Assassin's Creed and the new Tom Clancy were Wii-bound. I think he was making his claims off of that "leaked" release list. Big Tac supported him, though, saying that Insider knew what he was talking about. Insider got frustrated a while back when everyone pretty much blew him off and he hasn't posted since.


That doesn't mean that I don't visit the forums every time as a guest. And I back whatever I said in the past.

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BigTac was a legend in his own right.

I believe he was, as he said, an insider journalist(sp?).


Why did he sometimes get things wrong? Companies change their minds sometimes (well, a lot of the time actually)


Some of the stuff he got right was too hard to have guessed, and some of the games could still happen. (ie BiA3/ Assasin's creed).

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Give it a rest, he isn't here because he got a load of things wrong at E3.


A lot of people here do believe anything, remember "The_Man", you all believed him about the video on April 20th or whenever it was, guess what, "The_Man" was me to see if people would believe anyone.

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a forty year old in his parent's basement roflmao!!!!1 classic!


and stabby, you also pointed out he said the controller shell was final. surprise, surprise, there was no shell controller, never any word from nintendo it WOULD be a shell controller, and the classic controller is beautiful (just to mention lol)


i never believed him and made my views on that clear earlier in the year, but i always accept that i can be proven wrong. however, don't think it's gonna happen this time...


(sorry for the use of "roflmao", it pisses me off, dunno why i typed it)

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