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Hi, I've just started using linux (ubuntu), after using windows for almost a decade. Anyway, After much playing around wth drivers and such ive almost got most of it working, and am very impressed with linux as an operating system. Its stable, easyish to use, and as secure as anything could be.


However, as great as the OS is, the software lets it down majorly, i can't seem to find a good music player, one with anywhere close to the functionallity of media player (and thats not brilliant). Same with Video playback.


Anyway, i'm pretty much on the edge between my windows and linux dual boot. As much as i want to use linux, if i can't get the functionallity of parts of windows software thats useful, i may as well use windows all the time (instead of just gaming)


The point being, is there anyone who uses linux that could point me in the direction of some good linux media software? or any other good software. Im on the edge, any other reasons that i should ditch windows would be great too. Cheers


Hey, cheers for the help guys, I got XMMS working, it seems to be doing a decent job. Mplayer seems to be the type of thing i'm looking for, the only problem is that it won't configure so i cant comple it. It wont due to some error with the fact linux seems not to like my hardware. Ill give it a better go when i have some time,i should be revising at the moment.


Cheers again, any other tips that might be useful when moving to linux?

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