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Final Fantasy 7 remake. Yes or No?


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Thats right, this thread is FULL of noobs!


Final fantasy VII one of the best RPGs of all time?

Final Fantasy VII first game of its kind?

Final Fantasy VII first game to contain emotional music/memorable scenes??!!



WAKE UP PS-NOOBS, THE FINAL FANTASY SERIES DID NOT BEGIN WITH PART 7. you need to look at the older final fantasy games, such as FF4, FF5 and FF6. FF6 IS the greatest RPG of all time possibly, but certainly is the greatest FF game of all time. Those were the days before the FF games became nothing more than interactive movies.


Infact (having played and finished ALL final fntasys)_ id go so far to say that FF7 was the EASIEST FF of the series - the games have been simplified for the Playstation generation. Now its all fmv. Even random battles have been disposed of now!



Firstly, contrary to what you might think, none of what you stated is fact, all of it is opinion. Having played all Final Fantasies myself, It's pretty obvious to me that 7 is my favourite, closely followed by 6 and 4, but I don't consider the final fantasies to be the best RPG's of all time (the Chrono series takes that crown...im still holding out for a Chrono Trigger and Cross port to the DS). The reason im saying this is because this is a "Forum" ie. A public meeting place for open discussion of opinions, so theres no need to be that aggressive. Also, FF7 probably wasn't the easiest, I found 10, 9, 4, 5 and 3 to be easier, I don't know, maybe that was because 7 was my first, but it was definately the one that had the most things you could do in terms of side quests and minigames and it damnsure had the best music and storyline. I think it was the best Fantasy, and easily one of the best games I've ever played, and I say this after having played a great many more RPG's than most...final fantasy 6 doesn't appeal to me as much as certain other rpg's, such as:



Chrono Trigger and Cross (the obvious ones)

Lunar: The Silver Star

Thousand Arms

Vagrant Story

Wild Arms



Persona 2


but it is brilliant, and I can see where you're coming from...but I don't think you should brand people as noobs because they have different opinions to yours.

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Also, FF7 probably wasn't the easiest, I found 10, 9, 4, 5 and 3 to be easier, I don't know, maybe that was because 7 was my first.


Yes I concur, I agree with your general points but I found 9 also to be very easy in comparison to the other FF games. I think it was because of the battle system and the way that you gained abilities, seemed fairly simple to me in contrast to the materia system (another reason why I hold FF7 in high esteem.)

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Exactly, the materia system was the best way of managing abilities in any Final Fantasy, that's part of what made 7 so special, that you had full control of your characters abilities, they weren't just branded "a mage" or "a summoner" you could make them whatever you wanted, unfortunately, they can't bring it back, because the materia system was based on the story and world of FF7...

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I would quite like a remake as I have never played final fantasy vii and I won't unless they do remake it. I personally loved mgs:twin snakes as a remake and would love a final fantasty vii ps3 version.

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I would quite like a remake as I have never played final fantasy vii and I won't unless they do remake it. I personally loved mgs:twin snakes as a remake and would love a final fantasty vii ps3 version.


off topic: I bet your name is Imran right, at first i thought you was my friends brother.

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With rumours now circulating again about the PS3 getting a FF7 remake and a possibly showing of this at TGS my question is do you think it should be remade?

I can't even begin to imagine how well the remake will be made. If what they want to do is just to improve graphics, perhaps they should. At the end of the day, FF series have been about theatrics with multimedia, and so they should be able to do better with PS3 hardware.


On the other hand, if they mess around with it too much, it'll just lose the "magic" the original had, then I'd be against it.


Too early to tell for me.

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I know this is a bit off topic, but I wouldn't mind a Chronno Trigger remake for Wii, made in 3D of course!


I would take the original being released in this country so I could actually play it. Im hoping the VC of Wii will have it for download so I can experience this game and see what everyone is on about

*points at The Bard*

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I would take the original being released in this country so I could actually play it. Im hoping the VC of Wii will have it for download so I can experience this game and see what everyone is on about

*points at The Bard*


I didn't experience the game until recently. And it was only because I found out my psp could play Snes Roms.

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I would take the original being released in this country so I could actually play it. Im hoping the VC of Wii will have it for download so I can experience this game and see what everyone is on about

*points at The Bard*



I hope to God that they don't remake Chrono Trigger, or else I would be forced to play it, which'll ruin it for me because there's no chance it'll be as perfect as the Snes version...they would be forced to redo the music in something other than Midi, and that aswell as the sprites and beautifully colourful graphics was what made it so special...If they can get these aspects perfect, then yeah maybe a remake would be nice...although they should really start with releasing the original over here first. Still, I suppose you can play it on emulator, and It doesn't make it any less fun..., it's just a bit nicer to be able to play it on a big ass screen with a proper controller...aanywho, Hero, you should look on ebay, there's copies going for like 15 quid, which is a bargain, cause if you look in Gamestation, they sell it for 70.


If yaa smeeeelllll what The Bard...is cookin...:heh:

That is all.


I didn't experience the game until recently. And it was only because I found out my psp could play Snes Roms.


Your psp can play snes roms?? woah, how? Me needs to get one!

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Hehe, I got mine made region free, you get this thing which is basically a cart, but other carts fit on top of it (sort of like sonic and knuckles carts) and it allows you to play games from whatever region i think, also you can get 50-100 megabyte carts for it that fit roms, but I havent been able to find one, and im not sure how you connect it to your pc anyway... it's pretty cool, and It only costs about a fiver aswell...


Also, im not sure whether CT will be on the virtual console, cause of the region differences, but it had better be, because then I can sell my last remaining copy for extortionate prices

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Aye, I bought It chipped, and honestly, I don't think you should even consider getting it, Imagine Tales of symphonia with no side quests, worse graphics, and without the fighting system and you have Threads of fate...I only bought it because it was a squaresoft rpg, but its totally not worth it.

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