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I got an award


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As some of you may remember i was getting a Student of the Year award for my class in college, well i got it today, got a certificate, a trophy (its about 10inches high) and a book"The Success Principles" by Jack Canfield. All the other winners (there was one in every class...actually 2 in mine, a girl in my class won the Student of Year for our class from the college teachers, mine was from the "internation academy of travel" who supply the course content and exams to the college) got a cert and a book, i'm the only one who got the little trophy, there was one girl in one of the business courses whose award was sponsored by a bank and she got a cheque...i should have taken that course hahaha.


Anyway here's a pic of the trophy (the "gold" part is actually only plastic, prolly only bought it in a pound shop or something, but hey i guess its something, i never got something like this before)



And heres a pic of the cert (sorry for the small size, i used my phone to take pictures



There were photographers from the local newspapers there, i'm gonna be in at least two that i know of, they'll be out next week, when i get them i'll scan em and post em here

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