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I have had a thought about Wii


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I was just reading something and checked in it in greater length - and if you go to the US trademark office Wii hasn't been trademarketed. Which makes me wonder have we all been Punk'd out beyond belief, and it isn't the real name - and this was just to get hype train going for E3



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this has been said in other posts before, but seeing as there are so many new posts out there i dont blame you for making a topic.


I guess we will have to wait and see if the trademark goes throu in the next few days. I too am open to the theory of viral marketing by the big N. After all, they did say they would play a game/puzzle with us.

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Found this on the game informer website.


While the new name of Nintendo's console didn't sit too well with the world, the aftershock hasn't been too pretty. Gamers searching for trademarks noticed that the internet trademark database in both North America and Japan have no listing for an owner for Wii. Their speculation is that Nintendo is about to punk people at E3, is it true? Nope.


We go back to the source and get the details. Will Nintendo of America's Mr. Atwood please stand up and address the peoples?


"Nintendo has filed many trademark applications for Wii. Trademark websites often take time to update, and you can expect the Wii trademark to appear shortly."


So there you go. Wii! Wii! Say it with me! Wii! Deal with it. Remember, it's not about you or me....it’s about Wii.


Don't shoot the messenger.



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And it's really strange it isn't patented.


Trademarked, not patented. And seriously, they don't need to. USA trademark law says that you don't need to register trademark to claim it. You just need to put TM next to it. Of course registering does give some benefits like proof for having trademark first when there are multiple claims for same trademark.

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